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How to Manage Triple Yin or Triple Yang Energy: Lifestyle Coaching Call

Tips to enjoy more benefits and fewer challenges!

Are you any of these energy combos? (Or do you know someone who is?)

Type 1/2: Yang-Yin-Yin-Yin

Type 2/1: Yin-Yin-Yang-Yin

Type 3/4: Yang-Yang-Yin-Yang

Type 4/3: Yin-Yang-Yang-Yang

These are four of the Triple Yin & Triple Yang Energy Combos! In this call we cover the Type 1/2 and Type 2/1, and Type 3/4 and Type 4/3 Combos. (We covered the Type 2/4 and Type 4/2 combos in this post. Look forward to the Type 1/3 and Type 3/1 post in the near future.)

Maybe you live with these energies in yourself, or you’re in a partnership with someone, or you’re parenting them! Let’s take a look at the triple yin and triple yang energy.

In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, our DYT Experts triple yin- Type 1/2 Vickie, Type 2/1 Jenny, and triple yang- Type 4/3 Deborah joined me (I represent Type 3/4) live to answer your questions and give insight. I know that you’ll benefit from our stories and experiences.

(We’ve each shared our thoughts on what it’s like to live with triple yin or triple yang Energy Types in these videos.)

(3:44) But first, let’s hear a success story, and (6:20) two of our most recent #TruthBomb participants. I’ll show you what I see to help refine your Face Profiling skills. (To learn more watch this special coaching call)

Now, let’s see what our Experts had to share-

  • (24:07) Type 1/2 Vickie & Type 2/1 Jenny.
  • (52:01) Type 3/4 myself & Type 4/3 Deborah.

Some of the questions we answered are:

  • (16:45) I’m so bubbly in social settings, but at home, I like to be by myself a lot. I feel guilty about not connecting with my family more… I’d like “enough” meaningful connection with them and feel no guilt about doing my own thing.
  • (18:54) I’m a 1/4. My partner is a 3/1 triple yang and he doesn’t like talking about our relationship. When I say “can we talk?” his answer is “am I in trouble?” If we do talk he gets bored easily and soon asks “are we done?” How can I invite him to communicate comfortably and regularly without him feeling threatened or bored? He usually appreciates the results of our talks but he still doesn’t like the process.
  • (42:00) People often underestimate me. In fact, my PhD advisor told me so after years of working together that she never would have thought I could do the job so well. Could this be because I find it difficult to express my T1/S2 energy? I often feel exhausted and then I take a step back and consequently get noticed less. How can I honor my energy and still get credit for who I am?
  • (43:58) How do you handle divisive conversations having a triple yin?
  • (1:07:10) As a Type 4/3, how can I balance my need for stillness with the drive to achieve and go go go? Am I generally less “still” and more high movement than other Type 4’s? Sometimes I feel like I’m a 3 dressed in type 4 clothing.
  • (1:12:24) Do you (triple yang) enjoy spending time one on one with people socially? If so, What’s the best way to get some alone time to connect with you?

Do you have triple yin or triple yang Energy Types, or do you live with someone of these Energy combos? What’s that like? Share in a comment.

Quick links from the topics in the broadcast:

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