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When to “Bend” the Rules, and When Not to Compromise: Q&A with the DYT Experts

Support for your Energy Profiling & Dressing Your Truth questions

We’re excited to bring you another Q&A with the Experts!

We mixed it up today with our Expert line-up. We’ve got Jeny Type 1/3, Anne Type 2/3, Anna K Type 3/1, and Liz Type 4/2. You get the benefit of perspectives and support from each Energy Type (with a little more Type 3 for a high energy chat). We’re talking about hairstyles, makeup for mature women, how to feel grounded at large events, and how to have a balanced family/work life. Plus, (6:38) the experts share their favorite lip product and what jewelry they are loving. (The video gets a little glitchy between 26:19-27:40, but picks right back up after that)

The Q&A begins at 2:11

Some of the questions answered today are:

(13:00) How do you use your hairstyle in your overall 3×5 and yin/yang combo? I recently cut mine. I love it, however, I have found that the yang-ness of it needs to play a roll in my overall assessment. (This Tip Helps You Find Your Ideal Hairstyle in 5 Seconds or Less!)

(18:12) Liz, how do you feel about large events? Do they overwhelm you?
(Experience a different kind of event with the positive recharging energy of the I Love My Life Event 2020)

(21:53) As I approach my 62nd birthday I’m feeling I need to freshen up my makeup routine. How do I approach aging in terms of makeup to not look overdone? (All Makeup –> Over 50)

(23:40) How can I get a personal consultation? I am still struggling with my type. (How to be a candidate for #TruthBombs)

(25:05) How close to ‘perfect’ does a garment have to be before an expert is willing to purchase it? … Do the different types let certain things slide?

(35:14) Anna K, what is a piece of advice to balance family and personal work passions and pursuits? My youngest is starting school next year, and I’m getting the itch to do things but still want to have good balance with my home and family life.

What answer helped you? Share your ah-ha’s in a comment below!


You’re invited to the I Love My Life Event 2020 (Tickets are almost gone!)

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