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Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin—and Height: Type 2 Q&A with the Experts

Comforted and encouraged.

That’s how you’ll feel when you’ve finished watching this recording. Your Type 2 Experts, Anne and Michelle, are just lovely in the way they answer your questions and offer their own personal insights.

Here’s just a taste of what questions were asked from our Lifestyle community:

  • How does a Type 2 handle feelings of regret?
  • If a Type 2 leads with emotion, how does this show up with the more difficult emotions, like anger?
  • How do you stay connected as a couple when one person is a night owl and the other is a morning person?
  • I can’t fall asleep the night before a big event. But then my day is ruined because I’m tired the next day. Help!
  • I feel like I’m the only Type 2 in the world who doesn’t like scarves! Am I still a Type 2?
  • Some Type 2 colors really don’t look good on me. Is this an indicator that I’m not a Type 2?
  • It hurts my Type 1 husband’s feelings that I need so much alone time. How do I help him understand?
  • Any tips for “pile management”? They build up quickly!
  • How can a Type 2 get comfortable with being 6ft tall?

You’ll catch extra tips on how magnesium supplements could help your emotions. Anne and Michelle share personal experiences of other natural ways they have increased their energy.

Needless to say, you’ll learn a lot and love every minute of it! Leave a comment of your favorite part. We love being on this journey with you.

Type 2 resources mentioned in this broadcast:

Items from Anne’s outfit:

Items from Michelle’s outfit:

These items were in stock at the time of this recording. If they’re not available anymore, browse the rest of the Type 2 Store. You’re sure to find something else you love!

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  1. Thank you for answering my question on regret, Michelle, and Anne! It was so helpful to hear your answer 🙂 This is something I struggle with a lot, and I will try doing the affirmations to help me. I just downloaded the Calm app Michelle mentioned, that sounds helpful 🙂

    I love your hat, Anne the navy and green look so good together. I think hats should make a comeback. Love wearing them 😀

    I would love to go to the event. I’m not sure if it will happen, but it sounds so amazing!

    I just love these Q&A’s, they are so reaffirming and encouraging–thank you 🙂

    1. I would love to see you at the event if you’re able to go Andrea! You’ll have to let me know how you like the app. Hopefully you will love it! I tried another one and I actually liked this one better because I love the calming sounds that plays along with it. Of course I chose water sounds – my favorite!

        1. That would be so fun! I’d love to see you, too! Alas, that weekend is when my husband and I are planning to be in Italy (he will be doing military work and I’m planning to join him). 🙂 If it was the last weekend in August, my husband will be in SLC for another military trip and I am planning to go with him. It would have been perfect if I could go to the DYT event and he would be at drill–oh well….I will have to find something else to do in SLC….just hoping for a next time for another DYT live event!

  2. I like watching the T2 Type expert talks, even though my primary is T1 and it’s my secondary that is type 2. It’s nice to see how some of my S2 tendencies calm, soften, and flow (even though like T2’s I am NOT a go with the flow kind of girl, I need details!) my T1 and creates a balance to my energy.

  3. My jaw dropped when I heard Anne mention hair tests and nutritional balancing. I am doing that too! It is still quite uncommon, so I am surprised to hear that you know about it. It have been a year since my last hair test though, and I can’t afford the supplements at the moment, but I still follow most of the balanced diet with a lot of vegetables and I take digestive enzymes with every meal, which helps me stay healthy. I have been wondering what is most important for health lately, if it is a balanced mind or balanced diet.. My intuition is that our thoughts and emotions are the most important, and diet comes second.. It have been a little challenging to stay away from sugar and other foods, which I have emotional connections to. Also too many restrictions is uncomfortable and feels heavy to my S1.. Would be nice if you could make a video about how each type can care for their health in a way that honors their type 🙂

    1. I think both are important, but I’ve found for me that most of my physical issues stem from emotional things, which my functional medicine doctor tests me for. Once I release the emotion, the underlying issue improves or goes away. It’s been really fascinating, and I know I still have work to do, but I’ve come a long way from where I was. Have you found good results with hair testing?

      1. That sounds fascinating Michelle. How wonderful that releasing those emotions helped clear the symptoms. How did you clear the emotions? I think my health have improved since eating a lot healthier, even old emotions seem to come up out of nowhere to be released, because my body have more energy perhaps. I released a lot of calcium that my body was using as emotional protection (a calcium shell), and after that I have been feeling more, whereas the calcium made me kind of numb/unemotional. I still have some symptoms that haven’t gone away yet though, like irregular periods, varicose veins and low blood pressure, and thin hair (have always had that though, but hope that will change at sometime). The biggest thing I found with the diet I follow is that it makes me really skinny, so it is very effective for loosing weight! (not that I needed it.. been underweight always).

  4. Michelle you look soft and pretty in the blush top,silver accessories and lighter brown hair. I loved Anne saying that blush is a great neutral for us T2’s. On you it’s a great color!

    1. Thank you Holly! It’s never been a color that I’ve been drawn to wear so I’m glad I took a chance and tried it.

      1. I was going to say the same thing. The blush top is absolutely lovely on you Michelle! You actually inspired me to order it too and it’s sooooo pretty and comfy. Thanks!
        I am so excited about attending the event in September but I am going by myself and I’m a bit nervous about it. I would love to have dinner the night before with you and other type 2s. That would be so nice!
        I always love watching these type talk videos. You and Anne are both so wonderful. I feel so incredibly blessed to have found DYT. I’m going on four years now and it never gets old. ❤️

        1. Thank you Amanda! I will keep you posted about the get together on Facebook. It will be nice to see you again.

  5. What is the name and author of the book that Anne mentioned – “Upper Limit”? I think this is something I should read, as well as my daughter. She is a Type 2. I’m not sure if my secondary is a Type 2…

  6. Thank you both so much for this talk. There isn’t enough I could say about how much you just answered all my questions that I have had rolling around in my head. I now have experienced that “coming home” feeling. It’s been a long emotional road, I have been fighting my truth. But the timing was correct and there you were with what I needed to hear. Thank you for all the work you do to help us all along the journey. I appreciate all the heartfelt honest answers given and that you share personal truths.

    1. Shellie, I’m so glad we could help you in some way to accept who you really are. It feels amazing, doesn’t it? Welcome home!!

  7. Thank you for these talks, just watching they way you interact with each other and how you both speak and move feels very calming to me. Sort of an “ahhhh” experience. Funny, but the question that triggered all my emotions tonight was the tall woman’s issue about how she felt she made short women feel uncomfortable. As an adult, I am average size but as a child in elementary school I was one of the shortest girls in my class and we had to learn square dancing. They always paired me with the tallest guy in the class. To this day, being around very tall men still makes me feel uncomfortable and awkward. Oh, and I am really loving Michelle’s hair, it just looks so soft and beautiful. 🙂

    1. Thank you Maureen! I’m really liking my hair as well. Hopefully that helped you to release those emotions about feeling uncomfortable around tall men.

  8. I deal with regrets by giving that past failure to God and trusting him to create an omelet from my scrambled eggs.

  9. Ha! Scarves! I wondered the same thing about scarves at first, but then I realized that although I don’t like the extra fabric around my neck, I love a nice narrow thin scarf that can hang lower, below my chest, so that it doesn’t add any cumbersome layers. I also love wearing them tied in my hair like a headband with the length falling down from under my hair.

  10. Regarding supplements for stress and worry: my type 2 daughter and my type 2 self both take a supplement called PAS by Zhaler. It is an all natural supplement that replenishes everything that gets depleted when we worry or are in high stress situations. It has changed our lives. Also, my daughter eats a lot of pumpkin seeds, which are high in magnesium, when she is feeling anxious. That change in her diet has resulted in such an improvement in her anxiety levels.

  11. Insightful. You are both mesmerizing. I enjoyed your tidbits. I identified with the last question. I am learning to not take on someone’s energy and come along side of them as a support without feeling responsible to take it on. Thank you, Anne, for that thought about “coming along side of them”. I tend to want to take on things that are not mine and get bogged down. Also, I have the same color pants as Michelle. Even though I am not a type 2, I have found it hard to let go of them. I don’t wear them, as they are tucked in a drawer, but when I see them and feel them, I still love them. It wasn’t something I would have ever bought for myself but they were a gift. Also, I have always been a scarf girl…Florida heat and scarves are a hoot, but I have done it, lol. I recently tried to clean my closet and simplify and when it came to my scarves it was hard to minimalize. Anyway, thank you for what you both do. I usually don’t watch t2/videos, but Anne, your hat drew me in. Couldn’t resist. Michelle…gorgeous hair going gray.

    1. It came from the DYT store. The style is the “Essential Tee”. I think this color will be coming soon for purchase online.

  12. Ok, I know I’m not supposed to ask for type validation, and I’m feeling nervous/guilty even posting this, and maybe no one is even reading these anymore, but here goes anyway. After reading the summary of topics it’s like I’m bowled over with how they represent my challenges. Even down to how I need to take magnesium to stay balanced

    My first hit was T2, but I have a hard time seeing myself as a T2 child, because my parents talk a lot about how challeng I was from 3-5 yrs, adding “but look how well she turned out!” I have gotten in too deep, obsessed really, and my type is just out of reach. Plus, there’s a lot of upheaval in my life to navigate, lots of people-pleasing to recover from, and I feel like if I just knew my type I’d have better direction! Please help!

    1. I wondered the same thing at first since my mom always told me I was really “scampy” as a little girl and was very mischievous. I was definitely quiet and reserved outside of my home around people I didn’t know well or in social situations though. Also, as I got older my secondary T3 took over. You’ll figure your type out. Just be patient with yourself and pay attention to your thought processes and movement. It will tell you who you are.

      1. Thanks, Michelle, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to me! In my teens, I decided to be more feminine, as that’s what I saw valued around me. I am upset that I softened myself in the one hand, but on the other hand people responded much better to me and I got healthier (I had horrible migraines before which I took Rx medication for). I think my mom is a 4. Does that play into her perception of me? She says everything was a battle with me, and there are storries of her telling me “No, No!” and me being defiantly disobedient, and getting hurt actually, because there was an actual danger. All my earliest memories are of me being bad, in a sneaky way where I didn’t get caught. Oh my….. I’ve been at this for 4 years. The break-thru is just around the corner.

  13. I, too, am built like a viking war goddess. At 40, I almost wish I was a tad taller (not like I regret my current height, but more that I have embraced it, and would be comfortable with even a few more inches).

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