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Are You a Type 4 Who Replays Past Mistakes? Q&A with the Experts

When Kalista, Deborah, and Sheryl get together, you know you’re in for a fantastic hour of questions and answers. Together, this power team takes the time to reflect on each question and give incredible advice.

Here are just a few of the questions they covered in this broadcast:

  • When I don’t fit a description of my Type, is it because my secondary energy is being expressed?
  • What can I do to stop the cycle of replaying past mistakes and wondering how I could have perfected or prevented it?
  • As a 4/2, I have either black or gray clothes. I miss my colors. How do I create a capsule wardrobe with more color added?
  • I’m a 4/1 and a Mary Kay rep. When I do parties, I feel like I have to be a Type 1. How do I balance this?
  • As a 4/2, how do you reconcile your desire to wear Type 2 colors that you love?
  • One of my co-workers is a 1/3, and I find his high movement distracting. How can I better use my voice to express my needs?
  • Can you explain the difference between Type 4 structure and Type 2 routine?
  • I feel like Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with my 4/1 Type energy. How do you balance these two seemingly opposite Types?
  • What do you do in situations when you feel shamed, as if you need to let go of your perfectionism?
  • How do I get out of my head, switching from an analytical process to an intuitive process?
  • My Type 2 mom keeps giving me boxes of items from my childhood. It makes me angry. How do I deal with this?

Watching these three women embrace and live true to their bold energy is wonderful—but listening to how they help countless other women do the same is priceless.

Share your favorite “aha moment” in the comments below.


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  1. Fab! I’ve discovered bullet journalling and it’s so good. For cleaning I use the Flylady system but also have a cleaning lady so I know the house is all clean at one moment of the week! These two things have really reduced my anxiety.

  2. Reframing was mentioned with a couple of sources–can someone clarify this again for me? Where I can find out more about this?

    1. Reframing is what Carol does in her clearing sessions – starts with the negative statements and releases those then goes back and resets (or reframes) the experience with positive statements.

  3. I found this video to be “the voice of wisdom”. I’m type 1/2 but really gained some great insight from these ladies. The description of the T4 train tracks vs the T2 flow was “perfect!” My T1/2 flits, flutters, & flows through tasks (and life for that matter), I accomplish a lot but not in a linear fashion <3 Also, I love how Cheryl basically said don't worry about rules, uses "elements", I say "guidelines" but do what feels right to you using your beauty sixth sense. It is a process and does get easier as you go. I'm approaching my 3 year DYT anniversary! LOVE LIFESTYLE!!! Working on the whole person and all facets really makes the difference. It's not just about color or clothes. Carol Tuttle teaches a lifestyle of authenticity that is all about embracing one's true energy.

    1. Thank you, Mary, for being a Lifestyle Member!!! Congrats on your 3 year DYT anniversary. 🙂

  4. Thanks for answering my question! 🙂 I will practise what you advised to do because I go over and over things I should or could have done perfectly or better but there is no point doing that.
    Deborah is right, lino= linoleum, the plastic stuff you use to make a new floor for the bathroom. It was a huge fat roll and we’d propped it up on its end for some reason. But as you say, luckily my daughter had moved away the minute before it fell so wasn’t hurt (I was upstairs sorting out the washing, heard the bang and ran downstairs)
    So we did learn from that situation and laid the lino roll flat on the floor after that. She stood on it to balance and run along it then, so it was like a toy. And the bathroom got nice new flooring as well.
    I also told another mum this story as she said she worries about everything now she’s got children, whereas she didn’t before. So she understood how I felt and sympathised.

    1. Thank you for sharing your question and being vulnerable by sharing a story that still brings up old hurts. I have one of those as well – happened to me as a new mom with a little baby. When I think about it the guilt and embarrassment start to rise, so to avoid feeling more shame and guilt, I thank God that it all turned out okay and that it was a good learning experience for me in many ways. I breath through the discomfort and then let it go. I’m grateful my family is always being watched over.

      1. Thanks Anne. I reckon parenthood makes us more worried about things doesn’t it. But all the tips here have helped me and I’m trying not beat myself up constantly about what could have gone wrong in the past.

  5. I almost didn’t comment because I found so much helpful here that I’d have to write a book to express it all. Each of you ladies have a wisdom that draws others to you. I learned a lot about my secondary t4 here. Thanks so much.

  6. Sheryl, those booties are fabulous! I have some of the chili red paint (I painted some sandals). What brand and style are the booties? I’ve been looking for the right pair to paint for ages, and I love those straps! Thanks.

    Also, this is one of my favorite videos to date. Lots of great information.

  7. Do you think you’ll find a 4/2 expert soon? I’m praying that one will show up because I’d love some more insight on that type. You ladies are amazing and I enjoy your videos.

    1. Hi Kimberly, we do not have plans currently to bring on a Type 4/2 Expert. We also do not have the following: 1/3, 2/4, 4/1, (Sheryl is available on a very limited basis) and 4/2. Adding 4 more experts to our staff is not in our current plans. There is a lot to learn to qualify to be a DYT Expert and quite a bit of training to teach DYT correctly along with having cameral skills. I encourage you to find support from other 4/2 women in the Type 4 facebook group. We turn to our private Facebook groups and all the amazing women with every dominant and secondary Energy Types to round out what we offer. Thanks for being a part of the DYT community.

      1. I feel the same way as Kimberly, that it’d be very helpful to have a 4/2 Expert, or at least a 2/4. I do learn a lot from all the Four experts, but it seems a bit . . . unbalanced (lol 😉 to have two 4/1’s and zero 4/2’s. We’re important as well 🙂

        1. Of course you are! Did you meet Liz, a stunning 4/2 woman who was in today’s Fashion Show that is on

          At this time we do not have 1/3, 2/1, 2/4, and a 4/2 Expert. It requires an extensive training process to put someone in an Expert role, so we are looking to have guests of these Energy Types involved in different broadcasts on occasion.

          1. Thank you so much! I followed that link and recognized Liz from one of the YouTube videos — I remember thinking, “Now that woman looks . . . ” (wait for it, haha) “. . . exactly right!” 🙂 And I’ve often thought if I could have Anne’s clothes in 4 colors I’d be “in Heaven.” It’s so hilarious how accurate DYT is! Thanks for all your awesome work; someone should nominate you for the Nobel Prize!

  8. This video is a gem. It hits on 2 major areas I struggle with: re-playing past events, even ones that are relatively minor, in order to optimize what had happened, and feeling shamed for my frankness or reservedness (sometimes I feel like it is incorrectly perceived as aloofness but I join in when ready and am a lot of fun!). Re-playing is the toughest because I can be on cloud nine but once someone points out a flaw or error, even casually, it’s like I’m on it with a magnifying glass and I feel kind of obsessive (how could I have made it better? what can I do to fix this?), which leaves me feeling deflated. I attempt to get back to happy but I feel like a sputtering flame. I am going to try re-framing the next time that happens, or look at the parts that make me feel happy to recognize the blessing.

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