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See What Our Featured Guest Jenny (Type 2/1) Has to Say! Q&A With the Experts

It was so exciting to have Jenny join us for this broadcast of Q&A With the Experts! She joined Anne and Michelle to provide support and tips during this intimate hour with the Type 2 community.

You ladies asked some great questions! Here’s just a few of them—and make sure to watch the full broadcast to see even more:

  • How to figure out if your secondary is Type 1 or Type 3.
  • What to do when you’re an entrepreneur and wondering how to lead the Type 3 and Type 4 people in your organization.
  • What it looks like when a Type 2 multitasks. (What does it look like when YOU multitask?)
  • How to focus on your gifts when you feel inadequate after growing up in a high-energy family!
  • Is it possible to be a Type 2 and be more analytical, and not as emotional?
  • How to get out of the self-doubt spiral and trust yourself when you need to make a decision.
  • Tips about how to get out of the planning stage and start doing!

The Experts close with a heart-to-heart chat about taking breaks, especially as a mom of young children. Listen for their tips about how they take breaks every day, and how to release the judgment that may rise around taking one!

Have you heard? Dressing Your Truth is now FREE! Start your Before & After today!

Type 2 resources mentioned in this broadcast:

Here are the outfits the Type 2 ladies wore today:

These items were in stock when this post went live. If they’re not available anymore, browse the rest of the Type 2 Store. You’re sure to find something else you love!

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  1. Awesome! Awesome! First of all you ladies look beautiful! Jenny it’s nice to meet you 🙂 I’m a 2/1 as well. I’m not sure if this was my question or one like it – but thank you for addressing this. Many of things you suggested are in place thanks to all the learning through DYT and Carol’s videos through the years, but that reassurance you all talked about in the beginning was wonderful. Thank you. I love these videos. Often I’m out ‘entrepreneuring’ lol when they air live so I’m very grateful for being able to view them after the fact. I’d love more of this type of conversation. Thanks for all the tips and sharing – and for the beautiful gift of sharing yourselves with all of us. Hugs.

  2. Wow I *loved* this Q&A! You ladies are great 🙂 And so many good questions. Sooo much good advice, ladies–thank you!

  3. These are always my favorite videos! When I sit down to watch them it always feels like I’m chatting with an old friend who knows me so well…very comforting 🙂 Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. I have been a part of this community for 6 years now and I still continue to learn from you. It’s so supportive and I love it 🙂

    1. Thank you Amy! I love these videos too. I’m grateful for Michelle and Jenny that bring offer their peace and supportive advice as well.

  4. Michelle, you look elegantly gorgeous here! Your outfit is so beautiful, and you always carry yourself with grace. Thank you for always giving us your best.

  5. yay! I finally had a stronger aha moment. When Anne and Michelle talked about not going to the bathroom because they didnt want to put anyone out, it brought up a memory of a situation in which this exact feeling caused me to have an emergency pee situation on a scuba trip. I didnt want to hold up the group before we left and so figured i would hold it. It became unbearable while on the speedboat to our destination and I STILL didnt say anything because I didnt want to be a burden. The tour guide noticed my discomfort and asked if I wanted him to stop the boat to pee in the water…..I had to at that point. So embarrassing! Ladies, pee when you need to!

    1. Haha! You live and you learn. I’m sure most of us Type 2s can relate. I have to remind myself to just do it now or it’s going to be even more burdensome later!

  6. The comment about getting cranky when overwhelmed resonated a lot. That really fits me and lets me know that my un-Type 2 behavior (i.e., not being sweet and relaxed all the time) is me being out of balance rather than indicating that I’m not T2. I can’t wait to hear Carol’s series on being overwhelmed. I am just finishing a week or two of craziness (I’m a professor, and fall does not have enough breaks before Thanksgiving!), and keeping the flowing river image in my brain really helped me avoid any panicked feelings about all I had to do.
    Regarding the analytical thinking question, I initially thought I must be a T4 because I think of myself as analytical because I’m in a science field and that’s what I’m supposed to do! Once I understood what it really meant I realized that I use connection and have more of a “webbed” thought process than a linear one. “Analytical,” like many of the adjectives used, can be a little loaded and we have to really understand what Carol means by it rather than what we think it is from our experience. Another clue for me to realize I was more of an emotional than intellectual processor was a question that they use in the Meyer’s Brigg’s test–do you tend to say, “i think” or “I feel”? I am constantly editing my “I feel like”s to “I think” in my professional e-mails. That was kind of a concrete habit that confirmed things for me.

    1. I love what you say about the “webbed” thought process: I was in the same dilemma, wondering if I was a type 4 because I thought I was more analytical (and, like you, I was in the academia)… But the big clue for me is the way I connect with reality, knowledge or life: definitely type 2. I feel the connections in everything and take it all in (past, present and future). I am not linear at all (sometimes I wish I was, lol). But my secondary 4 helps me see the bigger picture (the bigger web!) and I’m so grateful for this combination… I don’t know why I’ve been refusing to settle, doubting and focusing in its negative aspects… Now I feel sure and at home 🙂
      Thank you for this wonderful insight!

  7. I loved how you shared “I am enough.” Thank you for these videos tailored just for us type 2s. I glean so much from all of you. And welcome Jenny! You three did such a great job.

  8. This was so helpful! So much validation here for moving at our own pace as 2’s — letting people know we need time to make up our minds, not judging the fact that we need more time, and setting aside time to just “be” and take breaks. Few things feel worse to me as a 2 than rushing through my day, but our culture is so fast-paced (and I was hurried up so much as a kid) that I can forget that’s not MY pace. I notice I am much more effective and make far better decisions when I take my time to “feel my way through” things, but I often forget this. 🙂 You all look wonderful (and great to have Jenny on board!).

    1. I feel the same, Jill: these type talks always mean a new validation to me. I’ve also discovered too many judgements I’ve had since my childhood: I always felt that I had a problem because I would always need to consider and then understand my feelings before I did or commit to anything. I never jumped into things and thought I had to be more “brave” and outgoing. Now I know that I was not being slow or a coward! I just need to do things when I feel I can or want to. And that’s just fine 🙂

      1. Definitely hear you there, Anne. I’ve come to realize it’s real strength to consider and understand my feelings before I move forward on something much of the time. My partner has even commented on my “long decision-making process” and how it benefits not just me, but him too, in the long run. 🙂

    2. In my job, I really enjoy moving at a very fast pace, but that is only possible when things are flowing and there is a smooth rhythm to the work. If I have to hop around through too many interruptions, I lose the smoothness, lose the fluid pace, and can get cranky. That is when I need to take a break and maybe even shut down one of the avenues of interruption for a while.

      1. That’s really interesting, Kathi. I notice I get irritable, too, when there are too many interruptions and I lose that fluid movement.

  9. Thanks for another very validating Q&A! I realize, in retrospect, that so much of my “anxiety” and “crankiness” when my children were young and I was working full time, was due to having to function at break-neck speed all the time, which was so counter-productive to my nature. My health certainly suffered for it, and I would certainly have done things differently had I better understood my nature. So all you young mothers out there, take heed! Also, regarding multi-tasking, I have noticed that I can have several things on-the-go at once, and can flow very methodically from one to the other, however I do this best in a quiet, peaceful environment; if there is too much noise or confusion around me, I can’t stay focused. I also need to be mindful of when I start to get tired, so I don’t become “cranky” and frustrated with myself….I need to take a break instead. I love to remember the poem “Desiterata” which begins, “go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence…” whenever I start to get too revved up!

    1. Regarding the “multitasking”, I can relate so much to what you’ve said… I take note of your insights, specially the poem! I feel I always need a gentle reminder of my need to go at my pace or else I fall in a pattern of feeling constantly rushed and can’t do my best. Thank you for your insights!

      1. Everything is clearer in hindsight, as they say! Yours is a busy life, Anne, so keep that poem, your lime oil (thanks Jenny!), and the “zip-up” close at hand! And revel in your quieter moments! P.S. I love your “new hair”…. Everyone’s hair and outfits were so lovely….as usual!

  10. I’m new to all this and pretty sure I’m a type 2. These stories help solidify that belief, from the bathroom breaks through multi-tasking to the self-doubt. Affirmations were a staple coping tool early in life, and they still get me through when I am feeling overwhelmed. At the time Stuart Smalley was on SNL, I remember feeling like it wasn’t right for everyone to be laughing at him. Nowadays I use his humor to help stop me from beating myself up too much. My mother loves me… and by golly, I like myself!

  11. Hi Ladies! I’m not sure if responses are still available but was wondering about the essential oils that were mentioned?

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