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Is Burgundy a Type 4 Color? Carol Drops In For This Q&A With the Experts

A recent board on StyleInspire sparked a discussion on whether or not burgundy was a Type 4 color, so lucky you—this broadcast of Q&A With the Experts features Carol, who dropped in for some color education!

You’ll love having a deeper understanding of the Type 4 colors!

Then it was time to answer questions from the Type 4 community! You’ll hear from ladies with all different secondaries: Kalista (4/1), Deborah (4/3), and Featured Guest, Liz (4/2).

Here are just a few of the topics covered:

  • Do all Type 4’s look great in black? What if you’ve been told you look better in navy blue?
  • What does Type 4 skin look like? What if it’s not perfect?
  • What does perfectionism look like for Type 4? How can you live more balanced and whole? (Deborah’s personal experience with this is calming and enlightening.)
  • How to end the cycle of over-analyzing your facial features and thinking you’re a different Type!

You’ll discover how to be a great parent to your children who express higher movements, how to balance your masculine and feminine energy as a bold woman, and how to stay in your calm energy when you’re around high-energy social situations.

This is a recording you’re going to appreciate again and again. What was your favorite part? Share your “aha” moment below in a comment!

Have you heard? Dressing Your Truth is now FREE! Start your Before & After today!

Type 4 resources mentioned in this broadcast:

Here are the outfits our stunning Type 4 women wore today:

These items were in stock when this post went live. If they’re not available anymore, browse the rest of the Type 4 Store. You’re sure to find something else you love!

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  1. Thank you for clarifying the burgundy and chambray. I have actually bought both these pieces from Old Navy and I am enjoying them immensely. I am a 4/1 and I wore the chambray shirt with my pink DYT jeggings and a bold/pink necklace. I felt fabulous. I wore the hounds tooth jacket with a black pencil skirt and the high sheen burgundy bootie. I was grateful for the example of the white shirt with the houndstooth to balance it out.

  2. It’s so interesting to see Type 4’s (or any Type) with different secondaries together. And it was great and validating for me to hear from a fellow 4/2, Liz! Thanks to all the experts and a special thanks for the thoughtful answers to the perfectionism question.

  3. I can relate to the comment about over- analyzing your face. I do this EVERY DAY. I look at my picture, then look at photos of other Type 4’s, then move over to the Type 3’s, then Type 2’s, then back to photos of myself again. It gets to the point where I cannot even look at my face anymore. A typical day for me plays out like this: dressing as a Type 2 in the morning because I think I see S-curves in my face, two hours later I might think I’m a Type 3 because I happen to move through the grocery store a little quicker than usual, then running into friends where I think I might be a Type 1 due to my interactions with them. I’ve been stuck in this pattern for two and a half years, which leads me to believe I’m a Type 4 or Type 1.

  4. You guys solved one of my little mysteries — I have a burgundy lipstick which I felt like I “should” get rid of because I thought it must be Type 3 — but I haven’t because I love the way it looks on me 🙂 Glad to know my sixth sense isn’t off after all.

    How much time elapses between when you first read the question and when you answer it? Do you get to preview the questions beforehand? The empath in me kind of suffers when I see introverts having to pull answers out of their hats on a second’s notice without being able to think for a minute. 😉

    Thank you for having Liz on! I appreciate it! You guys still need to figure out better 4/2 support overall, though. I imagine it’s complex making that happen with double introverts, but we need more.

  5. I’m so happy and grateful that Liz as a type 4/2 and as a double introvert gives us insights in being this combination of energies!
    Thank you, Liz, for your willingness to do so 🙂

  6. My first clue I was a T4 was one moment that always stuck out in my mind. I was in college and I rode the shuttle to the college from the free parking lot. I remember I wasn’t chatty, even though the driver was very familiar to me. I sat in the front seat, and turned my head to look out the window–nothing special. He started laughing and said, “You looked just like a queen right then! It’s not bad, but the way you turned your head was so regal!” When I saw the word “regal” on the word list, I knew. That’s me.

  7. Thank you, ladies! This video was full of so many gems and confirmations, as always. I agree with other comments regarding the 4/2 addition to the panel; enlightening and helpful!

  8. The timing of this could not have been more perfect! I am going to be in a wedding and the color is burgundy. I totally believe in the power of intention! I am a 4/3 and love that burgundy outfit.

  9. I’m a 3/4 and I found this video so helpful, especially what was said about the masculine and feminine energies and the perfecting segment. Thank you so much ladies.

  10. Like Deborah and Kalista, I’ve owned a burgundy dress that incorporated the sheen. It was years ago, pre DYT but for sure when I saw the course and heard the 10 seconds about the high-sheen burgundy, its the item that came to mind. I no longer have the dress. But also, I once had an old “smoking jacket” style burgundy and black paisley knit topper. Similar to the burgundy and black pattern in the Style Inspire example, it was a bold T4 pattern and had trim and styling details true to Type 4. I am a 4/3 and this style does appeal to me. I think you got this spot on and this explanation is very helpful.

  11. Looking at this group of women makes me feel like I am literally looking at my mom, me, and my sister. It’s amazing. Every time I see Deborah she is my mom’s twin with such properness and style . Seeing Liz is a new twist bcuz I had to blink as I swear I am looking at my own sister, who I knew was a T4 and a S2, Liz is my sister’s twin (hair, outfit, posture, etc). As I have struggled with my T4ness, I can see how each 4 has a shade of difference with the S. Seeing Kalisa in between the other two 4 ladies, helps me to have a greater knowledge of why I am still a “4” but vastly different than my mom and my sis, so it’s ok for me to be a 4, because I am not them. I am me. I have a S1. I don’t have to become a T1 to understand my unique T4ness. I can understand my families’ T4ness now better and not have to feel that I am so different from them that I have to jump ship to a different type to be “me”. The extreme 4/1 combo has been hard for me to understand and make peace with to keep each in the proper position. The thing that kept me coming back though, to the correct type & secondary is that I trust the confirmation I originally was given. I trust Carol’s, Anne’s, (and even Nicole’s) insights along the way as experts in this field that they are so, so passionate about. I respect the expertise and acknowledge that. Many other Ah-has but this video helped me see my family dynamics. Will try to find a pic of me with my mom and sis that is recent.

  12. Great discussion ladies! Love the burgundy analysis, Deborah’s “perfecting” tips, the type 4 words- so much. I related to the end discussion about social settings and the differences with our secondary energies. My husband 2/4 always has those deeper conversations while I am more like Calista, like a “butterfly”.

  13. At 56, I still get upset with myself for getting upset when I feel rejected, criticized, or misunderstood. I didn’t realize until now that this was such a Type 4 tendency. (I assumed it was Type 2.) Deborah’s thoughtful words about perfectionism and self-worth were so validating. When those feelings come, I imagine holding up a beautiful mirror that reflects my own affirmations of self-worth, not the other person’s opinion about me. I love having access to the Lifestyle Energy Profiling videos. Thank you for your life-changing work.

  14. This video just made my type 4/3 day! I love burgundy and I was grieving it. Thank you so much ladies for doing what you do!

  15. That is so interesting that some people don’t like to have red near their faces! Although I am a type 4, I don’t like wearing black or white near my face, unless they are high shine but I’d rather not because they just drain me. I look best with colours near my face: true red, cobalt blue, royal purple, hot pink or hot turquoise. I never thought I’d like red but the correct type of red really suits me. My daughter (4/1) looks fantastic in a black and white patterned top- flowers or dots or just a pattern. I look just okay in that, but she suits patterns.

  16. My skin absolutely through me off! I thought I was a Type 3 because I have very textured skin but something didn’t sit right so I went back to the videos in the test. I also got clue bombed in the facebook group. So at first I thought I was a secondary 4. I was so uncomfortable and didn’t feel at ease so I kept analyzing so I knew something was up. Now that I’m embracing and taking another look at Type 4 I’m feeling so supported. Just wondering, what was the big announcement? I wasn’t here 3 months ago.

  17. I found I related to so much in this video. I know it is not new content but I watched it today and had to comment because I found the discussion so useful in helping me to know my type. Thank you!

  18. Can I point out that in the UK, Chambray is a very different blue. It is more like the very pale type 1 denim jeans colour. So UK ladies take care when you look for chambray clothes!

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