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Thoughtful Answers to Your Type 2 Questions: Expert Q&A

Imagine sitting down with the Dressing Your Truth Experts and asking them live questions about your Type 2 Energy. That’s what happened during this Q&A when Type 2 Expert Anne and special guest Carol answered great questions from our Lifestyle community.

As you settle down to watch the recording, you’ll feel comforted and confident as we cover topics such as:

  • What to do when you don’t want to let go of old possessions that are not true to Type 2
  • How to gain confidence and be able to accept compliments
  • Pointers for making long earrings work when your hair is pulled back
  • How to heal the wounds of your inner child through Tapping
  • Tips if you don’t like that you’re shy
  • How to identify judgments with the word “should”
  • Why you may have led with your secondary Energy Type as a child, even if you had a great childhood
  • What to do after you’ve become overwhelmed and yelled

We also help you identify the difference between your Beauty Sixth Sense or what may be your comfort zone. You’ll want to watch the whole recording to catch this common mistake that will help you know if you’ve mis-Typed yourself. Watch below.

Type 2 resources mentioned in this broadcast:

Items from Anne’s Type 2 outfit:
These items were in stock at the time of this recording. If they’re not available anymore, browse the rest of the Type 2 Store. You’re sure to find something else you love!

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your insights into these questions. It is always a good thing to be reminded to be less judgmental and to let go of “shoulds”! However, I do believe I should be wearing Anne’s pants. Where did she get them?

      1. Yes every time I see those pants Anne I wish I had a pair. So beautiful and they seem to really make an outfit. Loved your “this is my place of power” statement. Wrote that one down to remember and remind myself.

  2. I’m a Type 1/4/3/2. (In other words, I have very little Type 2 in me!) What I found interesting about this talk was watching the dynamic between these two ladies. To be honest, this talk was really too slow and measured for my liking, and it seemed like it was for Carol as well – it looked like her Type 3 energy just wanted to hurry things along!

    It really made me appreciate how ideal it is for these Expert Q&As to be hosted by 2 or more women of the same type, wherever possible. Carol’s expertise is always valuable, don’t get me wrong, but I’m guessing that the Type 2 members might have been a bit sad that Michelle couldn’t make it this time 🙂

    This is not a criticism at all, just an observation! I really enjoy seeing the differences in the types. (My analytical Type 4 secondary is very strong!)

    Thanks again for all the wonderful resources you ladies provide for us. I really love having access to all four types’ content. Keep up the fabulous work!

    1. Thanks for sharing your observation Bettina. I was very comfortable with the pace of this event. I truly honor every Type and love the opportunity to support the women and space in an event like this. I was grateful to be asked by Anne to participate. Thank you for appreciating my expertise.

      1. Thanks for taking the time to reply, Carol. I’m sorry that I didn’t word my comment as well as I intended it. I think you’re an incredible woman and it’s certainly clear to me how much you genuinely respect, care for and connect with each person you appear with.
        What I meant to highlight was that this video in particular really brought home to me the difference in movement between the types. Anne’s calm presence in comparison to your dynamic drive, as expressed in the way you each sit and move in your seats 🙂
        Much love to both of you (and the rest of the DYT gang!)
        B x

  3. I am so glad you are selling the styleguides. I ordered and am waiting for them here in Finland. I had the type 4 course and finally settled and relaxed into the truth that I am a type 2. My daughter is a type 2 too. Finally we can relax. The interesting thing is that I really did not like the type 4 colours and have always been drawn to the soft and flowing.
    What kept me from seeing the truth was my fear of becoming invisible, overseen and too slow.
    My daughter is already called slow and dreaming. The try to speed her up in pre-school. Now I can support her better too. I watched the energy profiling videos with her and she recognized herself directly in the typer 2. She is just 6 years old. I am still working on my issues from my childhood and slowly settling deeper into my natural movement.
    I can´t say how thankful I feel about this!

    Anne looks really amazing! i really love those trousers…

  4. Wow! Loved Tanner’s observation of “your place of power”. What a great way to remember to keep ourselves centered in our own energies.

  5. I have been dressing as a type 2 for a year and a half. I was out with my sister and ran into someone she works with and I have met a few times. She looked at me with a puzzled look and said I haven’t seen you for 2 years and I didn’t recognize you, do you have a new haircut, I like it.

  6. Dressing my truth as a type 2 has made me more comfortable with who I am and I have noticed that I am interacting more with others in a social setting. I was introduced to someone recently and after talking for a bit, she said I noticed you as soon as you walked into the room, you looked so put together.

  7. I just wanted to say that pre DYT I was wearing a lot of t4 bold colors for probably the past 5-7 years. So I initially typed myself as a t2 and was devastated that I would have to give up my black and white prints and bold red that I had grown to love. I tried to “convince” myself that I must be t4 instead because I was so drawn to those high contrast colors. However, after dressing in the t4 colors (I was still doing a lot of ruffles and soft fabrics though), I still didn’t feel right. I watched one of Carols typing videos on a t2 and realized how many t2 characteristics my face had. I decided to give it another try and I am so glad I did. As I look back before the last 5-7 years I actually did wear a lot of t2 colors. As a t2, it was hard for me to change the way I had been dressing for so many years plus knowing a lot of people I’m around probably dress more t4, I was afraid I wouldn’t be “stylish”. Now that I’ve been dressing t2 for about 9 months, black and white print actually almost hurts my eyes! I’ve come to love my t2 colors and feel like they definitely look better on me! So if you are having a hard time giving up certain colors, give it time and make sure you find colors that maybe are either lighter or darker tones. I was wearing a lot of taupe and that really isn’t a flattering color on me.

  8. Didn’t Anne say in some video that her jeans are from the DYT store from a while back? I would LOVE these jeans! Any chance of getting them back in the store??

    1. We restock regularly items that the manufacturers make available to us. These jeans are not something that we are getting into the online store at this time. Thank you for asking Emily.

  9. How to Win Friends and Influence People is a book by Dale Carnegie. A valuable resource I remember reading as a young teen.

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