You Could Be Running Your Spouse’s Energy Type Without Knowing!

Let's take a look at couples and Energy Types!

On this episode of #EnergyProfilingWithCarol, meet my guests, Shaylyn and Jason! One of them has mis-profiled themselvesโ€”and they think they know who it is! But who’s right?

Find out if you’re โ€œrunningโ€ your spouse’s Energy Type and how to fix it so you can live true to yourself!


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  1. Very interesting about how we can run our spouse’s energy. This post made me wonder if I start running my hubby’s T2/4 energy to keep the peace, he doesn’t understand/isn’t comfortable with my 3 energy – but I start feeling so pulled down by his!

  2. Something just clicked for me after watching this video. My husband is a type one and i thought I was a type 2 but after seeing this i realized that I am a type 3. Light blub moment! I was trying to profile myself based on personality but I was over looking my facial features. Huge validation moment! Thanks

  3. I hate doing this as it always seems as if I’m looking at the negative (Definitely Type 4 – sorry) – great show as always but the quote at the end has a second ‘their’ and it should be ‘there’, please make sure your editor fixes this before publication, if they haven’t done so yet – you’ve worked so hard on your book and it just needs to be right – Love your work Carol – sorry again…but had to say something!!

    1. You are very sweet to be so concerned. Thank you. What you saw was a rough draft, we are not even close to having a final edited version!! We caught it just after the broadcast. That must be challenging to not give feedback. Think of my role and wanting to help women know their Type!! I’ve had to practice not saying anything for a while now. It does get easier as it’s practiced. I do appreciate your kind way of sharing, it’s nicer then some of the feedback I get!!

  4. I’ve thought all along my husband was a T1 like me. Now that I know it’s rare for two people with the same type to couple I realize I must have mistyped him! He seems more T1 than I do!

  5. I would say T4s are more likely than other types to be drawn to other T4s. We often feel misunderstood, so it can be validating to be with someone who just gets us. Plus, intellectual people are often drawn to other intellectual people! Iโ€™m T4 and have never been attracted to T1s, but I adore T4 men.

  6. Hi Carol, I have really enjoyed your videos and online assessment! I want to purchase your colors kit for type 1 and the child whisperer book. When I arrive at your videos from Pinterest I watch your videos and want to buy but there is no obvious way for me to do that . I can’t find a link or purshase now button. How do I buy from you?

  7. Shaylyn, don’t know if you’ll read this, but I love your after, big hair. What did you use to get those waved curls? I’m so interested to know any more of your after ah-hah’s, too.

    1. I used a hair krimper :)! I love it, so fast and easy! Ah-hahs- my movement is very type 3 and swift. I just couldn’t see it because I had an idea of what type 3 was that was incorrect. I thought it was angry and explosive :/ which it’s not. I am determined and confident ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. This was such a fun video! Iโ€™m intrigued by the idea of running someone elseโ€™s energy. I think this has happened a number of times in my life – probably distorting how I perceive myself and my true energy type. But what does this look like for a higher and lower energy pairing? Such as a 2 and a 3? Or a 1 and a 4? Personally I feel like I run my husbands type 3 a lot, sometimes even more so than he does! Ultimately i end up bringing out, but then when I try to just relax and go with the flow of my type 2 he tends to follow and gets antsy and mopey. How can I shift something like this? Thank you!

  9. Hmmm… interesting viewpoints. I thought he was a 4 and she was a 1, since she skipped around reading (and also thought she was all the types) and she has heart-shaped face, round eyes, animated energy; he looks like a type 4 (straight forehead, straight eyebrows, also took her advice and authority, which are T4; and his energy was so still, not animated to my eye ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I love how Jason’s shirt knew what energy type Shaylyn was! “Smokin’ Hot”? Sounds like type 3 to me! ๐Ÿ˜›

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