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How the Experts Confirmed Their Secondaries + Tips for Each Type

Is it possible to see your Secondary in your facial features?

Ever wonder what the process looks like when another woman figures out her secondary Energy Type?

Does this process look the same for everyone? Does it happen right away or does it take months? Well, let’s find out! Your Dressing Your Truth Experts open up and share their stories with you—as well as a tip for each Type to help you confirm your secondary energy! We’ll also show you how to see your secondary expression in your facial features and body language.

How we determined our secondaries:

  • (00:41) Secondary Type 1
  • (3:35) Secondary Type 4
  • (5:17) Secondary Type 2
  • (4:16) Secondary Type 3

(9:09) Face Profiling for Secondaries (how we all saw it in our noses)

(11:30) Expert tips for you to discover your secondary.

Have you started Dressing Your Truth? Buy the Style Kit today!

Resources to further support you discovering your Secondary:

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  1. Thank you for the very intresting video. I read carols book it’s just my nature. I first thought I was type 3, than type 4, than type 1 … Through the 4 courses and the lifestyle videos I finally came to T4 / S1. The most important to me were the facial lines.

  2. How funny that whatever issue I seem to be struggling with, you seem to post a video within just a few days to give me new insight! I’m now realizing I had my dominant and secondary energy flipped in reverse (a 2/4 when really a 4/2) and a lot of my movement and tendancies are really Type 4, not Type 2. I tried dressing as a Type 2 for about 6 months and kept thinking “My life is out of balance.” “Why do I feel so out of balance?” I do see the secondary 2 in my nose and softer jawline and my style preferences lean towards needing a little flow and comfort but wearing the Type 2 tones made me absolutely exhausted! I’m looking forward to seeing the energetic changes in the Type 4 elements and hues.

    1. Amy, I am so excited to hear that you’ve discovered your Type 4 nature! I can’t wait to see your transformation as you start to dress it!

  3. Yes! Go you!! It is amazing how the picture gets clear once you know both primary AND secondary! Glad you are home!

  4. Love this video!! Also I just have tell you wonderful ladies, as a nurse it’s been buggin me.. it’s NASO-LABIAL… not ‘nasio-labal’ or ‘nasio-labial’ 😉

  5. Determining my secondary was similiar to what Jaleah and Sara described. I misunderstood some of my type 1 traits as type 3 at first. I thought I was doing lots of things at the same time, but then I realized I was really just getting distracted, ha ha. The child whisperer described me as a child to t as a type 2. Before I started I knew I was a lower and higher energy. So once I knew T1 was my dominant I automatically knew T2 was my secondary. Never have doubted it and it has always been confirmed to me the more I learn about energy profiling:)

    1. I saw myself first as T3 because I thought T4 was too low movement for me. At the beginning I did not know that there is a secondary Type. It is always difficult for me to understand everything because my English is not so good. Later I knew I was a lower and higher energy. T4 S1 Is obviously similar to T3. 😉

  6. I’m in a process of accepting T4 as my dominant nature. 🙂 What comes to secondaries, I can see myself in all of them and even stylewise I have preferences from all types. But I’m fairly sure I have a combo of low and high movement, and one of my prominent features is that people consistently take me to be younger than I am, so I’m guessing 4/1 would fit pretty well. I’ve also typed myself as 2/3 or 3/2, which can be common for 4/1’s.

  7. If possible, can you make a detailed video on the 4/1 and 1/4 also typing themselves as a T2? I’ve been living in that realm for almost 3 years now. I’m not stuck in the T1 seeing themselves in every type as I know I have a virtually absent T3 and have never even considered being a 3. I also never considered myself as a t1 until I came to understand facial profiling and found that I have a lot of circles in my face. However, I also have S curves, softness, and subtle downward movement. I doodle like a t2 and t1. I also have strong t4 tendencies and shopping preferences but I’m not seeing that type supported in the mirror. I am KNOWN for being organized, I research like a t2, collect details like a t2, and I have a lower movement like a 2 or a 4 and introverted energy. I have the youthful appearance of a t1 or t2 (I’m 46). I love doing programs that give structure (DYT, Dave Ramsey, Flylady, THM). In school I usually had only 1-2 friends, was shy, and quiet. I avoid conflict and tend to procrastinate. I have sensitivities and food intolerances. I’m pretty quiet until I am around people I am comfortable with, then I can be animated and silly. Social situations give me anxiety. My wardrobe consists of mostly solids, stripes and I’m a minimalist with accessories. I repeat items I like in my wardrobe. Comfort is a priority…I adore Rayon for being soft, light and silkie. I feel grounded wearing t4 but I would have to torture my soft curly hair into submission and the makeup overwhelms me. I look really good in tones but the flowy fabrication is wrong. Type 1 fabrication fits my body but the tints are crazy energy on my lower movement. It’s hard to find peace in the process when you have conflicting evidence in 3 areas. I’m obviously over-thinking and misinterpreting one of the movements/energies in my processes as discussed in the video. And yes…I have lost sleep obsessing over DYT! I would gladly volunteer as a test subject for this topic! I know that I am lost in the details of some of this being learned behavior, adapting from childhood abuse, and some misinterpretation as well. I need some serious help on this subject!

  8. Here’s a tip that helped me determine my secondary (and my dominant as well)… I read the Child Whisperer. For some reason- that sealed the deal for me.This book will not only teach you about your children- but about YOU. Particularly the pages on “Why You Don’t Feel Emotionally Connected to Your Child.” Read it in reverse and relate it to your parents- amazing. It helped me see so clearly why I couldn’t connect to my parents emotionally… (Not their fault, they were doing their best with the resources they had… as we all did.) Pages 51(type one), 112 (type two), 176 (type three), and 241(type four) in Child Whisperer will give you some keen insights into your true nature as a child and maybe give you a really good clue on your secondary type… Try it!!

    1. Child whisper is amazing!! Love that book! Helped me settle into my t4 even more and also relate to those around me and what their types are.

  9. This was a great video! Lifestyle was instrumental in helping me discover my s3. I had the same experience as Anne when I started dressing my truth. I loved every single t2 item. But as time went on, the things that were more s1 in my wardrobe, I was getting tired of. And I realized the s3 items were speaking to me so much more. Discovering your secondary is a process that can’t be rushed!

  10. Excellent discussion, all, and I had to say: Carol, that is one of my very favorite outfits of yours. Gorgeous on you!

  11. Oh, I just love hearing about secondary energy discoveries! And I’d like to (somewhat) quickly tell you about mine 🙂

    Once I realised that I’m a T1, I just assumed I was secondary 4 because I’d grown up with so much structure and rules around me, and I tried so hard to be perfect and was often cool and distant and quiet. (I realise now that this was my T1 ability to connect/disconnect). I knew my secondary energy was a lower movement, because I had lived in my lower movement secondary so long. (There was not really a lot of fun in my childhood, my T1 energy was not allowed to flourish.)

    I was so disconnected from so much of myself (despite years of introspection) that when I discovered DYT I completely disregarded Type 2. I honestly thought that there was almost no Type 2 energy in me. I’d spent so many years unhappily trying to be T4, and dressing boldly – lots of black and white and red, and dying my hair bold colours. I never felt comfortable in all that fitted, restrictive clothing, but felt as though I should. The T1 ‘child’ was trying to be a ‘proper grownup’ (which I guess I thought must be T4.) I always felt like I just couldn’t do things properly. I was trying to be something I’m not and I never felt right or good enough.

    Growing up, and for many years, I had rejected anything ‘girly’ – unless it was done in a ‘cute’ or ‘dress-up’ or ‘ironic’ way. I preferred to see myself as smart and cynical and intellectual and analytical rather than ‘soppy and emotional’. I was always picking on spelling and grammar mistakes. I thought this was T4 perfecting, but really it was T2 attention to details.

    After a while of knowing I was a T1, and assuming I was S4, I can’t quite remember how it happened. I think I’d had a few niggling feelings about my personal preferences and tendencies, like I was denying the relevance of certain things – my softer jaw/chin, my longer nose, my love of doodling swirls and flourishes, my obsession with scarves… the fact that I was always seeing the connections in things, that I love deep and meaningful conversations, that I was literally obsessed with my relationships and I was totally ’emo’ as a teenager, listening to The Smiths and writing poetry… And I was always one to overthink and procrastinate and be a worrier and I was always being told to ‘lighten up’…

    ANYWAY, in December last year I had the sudden realisation that my secondary is Type 2! (Derr!!!) As I realised it, I clutched my chest and softly cried and laughed at myself! (In a loving way, lol). HOW DID I NOT REALISE?

    I’m pretty sure my mum was a Type 4. But it’s hard to know. She passed away nearly 12 years ago after a lifetime of putting herself last and repressing her feelings and desires. She put her husband and children and everyone else before her. She had a lot of wounding from childhood and was, sadly, in many ways unknowable to me or to anyone.

    Anyhoo, enough rambling! I love watching these videos and thank you thank you thank you again, Carol and the other ladies. I love being a DYT Lifestyle member 🙂


  12. Love this. As a 4/3 as soon as I accepted myself as a type 4 for sure started to notice that I wasn’t 4 all the way…and that’s when I heard about and started studying my secondary 3. It came out the most in how I like to work I love to have exact perfect the first time results without being inefficient. I don’t want things to take too long to do. And then also in my style preferences I love the clean pure colors and cuts but I do like to add a little texture. Don’t get lost or get too deep into what your secondary is it will show up when you’re not looking for it so much. Be careful not to confuse things that you think aren’t your praimary type bc you’re overthinking things.

  13. Hi, my names Elizabeth and I’m a type 1/2 too! Thank you for sharing what you said about having a rough spot in your life and living in your secondary… I didn’t know how much our secondary can affect us, not only mentally, but physically as well…. if we let it go unchecked. Really helpful, and something for me to be aware of… Thanks!☺️

    1. Another 1/2 here! (See my ridiculously long comment below for more details!) Yep, many years of depression, insecurity, trying to be perfect, not knowing myself, feeling like a shape-shifting chameleon with no personality of my own… Spending too much time in my secondary 2, worrying about things and keeping quiet. Of course, that was just behind closed doors. I think I was always my bright happy self to the world, in social settings.
      Now I’m that bright happy person pretty much all the time, and I feel great. Just gotta get some more T1 clothes and accessories… 🙂 🙂

      1. Yes, Bettina, getting those clothes and accessories… More details! You know, we type one love all the details but can easily be overwhelmed by them. At least I am. I would love to find a video on How the Different Types Manage Details! They make such a huge difference in our lives- but when you focus on them too much, it weighs you down. Worrying about details… That’s not fun! Thanks for sharing Bettina:-)

          1. I cannot wait to watch this!! Do you know what brought “details” into my awareness as I was reading Bettina’s post? I had just got done watching Type One/Type Three relationship series. You said that One’s and Three’s can have bumps in the road when it comes to details. I suddenly saw, yes, we do have a lot of little hiccups that could be easily fixed… But we’re both so quick on the draw, we often assume the OTHER one was paying attention to the directions/details. We have a lot to keep up with, and you did say in that video that our secondary can help with managing details. I feel like an angel is on my shoulder guiding me to the right video at the right time on this website. The biggest reason I come here is to make the relationship with my husband and son grow and thrive everyday- it’s already making a huge difference.

          2. Carol! I not only watched that video- I watched the whole series because it is so awesome… Marcy really made me feel better when she said her ideas are like her “friends.” That is exactly how I feel. Sometimes I do feel like a failure because I get such great ideas but have no idea how to put them into motion. Now I know why. Also- the video on Type 3’s and To Do Lists. My son is just like you he’ll say “Done!” But he adds a boom in front of it “Boom! Done. What’s next?” For him, it’s not just getting it done that’s important, but he and my husband like to get it done FAST. We had to really work with our son in school because he insisted on always being the first one done with his tests- he couldn’t stand for anyone to finish before him! 😉

        1. Oh, yes – details! When I started DYT I used to get really hung up on the details and be really weighed down by the fact that I didn’t have much T1 stuff…. but as I’ve gone on in my journey, I’ve realised just how much KNOWING my type 1 has made a difference in my life. The more fun I have, the lighter I am with things, the better everything gets. And more T1 clothes etc are coming my way, and it’s fun.
          And even when I’m wearing black (for work) or buying my new T2 coloured winter coat (because I couldn’t find a T1 tint) I remember what’s most important – being myself, bringing joy to as much as I can, enjoying the ride 🙂

  14. Thank you ladies for another great piece!! These are so helpful and affirming!! Facial profiling really helped me settle on a secondary, although my type one makes me want to jump from one to another, but most days I know deep down my secondary is a two. I think it shows in my voice as well. I have a high voice and many people on the phone think I sound like a kid (they’ve asked to speak to my parents when they call although I’m over 30), but my voice is also quieter as well. I’ve had to work on my voice to make it easier for others to hear me. I mistyped myself as a two in the beginning and did my hair and dressed as a two, but it made me tired. I didn’t get any compliments. I loved how soft the clothes were, but it felt off. I knew then I was a one, dressed like it, shortened and brightened my hair up and immediately received so many compliments!! I finally felt like me!! We were greeters at our church the first Sunday I dressed as a one, it felt much better and right, and I was told multiple times I was a ray of sunshine and how beautiful and adorable I was! I cried tears of happiness and gratefulness that day because I knew without a shadow of a doubt I was a 1/2. I was home.

    Thank you for showing us it’s okay to be ourselves!!! Funny story here! I am a type 1 and haven’t had a cavity in years. I had a tiny one filled the other day and I was told by the dental assistant that I was cute as a button:) and the dentist loved how cheerful I was despite needing to have a cavity filled! I don’t even realize I’m being cheerful because it’s just who I am. I feel like I left the place leaving light and happiness. My type one look helps people see me for who I am too. People seem like they smile and joke more around me and I’ve come to really appreciate and accept the gifts I’ve always had my entire life! Cavity or not, I’m still going to smile! And yet I’ve learned it’s okay for me to speak up for myself and take down time when I need it. Still a process, but I’ve come far and know I will keep improving! I’ve learned so much here and am getting a little better profiling others, and I can see and appreciate other people’s types and their gifts as well!

    Sorry to be so lengthy!

    I love the mugs here! Maybe you could stock those in the DYT store? 😉

  15. I’m a type 3/2. I have an exotic flowing jacket in my type 3 color palette that doesn’t look right on me. Now I see that Sarah is wearing her flowing jacket with crop jeans and some edgy shoes. Aha! I was wearing jeans and the whole look was flowing too much. Sarah helped me hit the perfect 3/2 mark. Thank you!

  16. It has taken me years to determine my secondary energy. I became a DYT member right from the beginning when the online membership launched. I knew right away my primary energy was 2 (I had attended a live event one month before DYT online launched and Anne pulled me up from the audience as an example of a type 2). As I learned more about type 2 energy it definitely rang true to me. After reading It’s Just My Nature, I immediately felt type 4 was my secondary. But then I had an appointment in the newly formed DYT salon. The type 4 stylist said to me, “So your secondary is type 1, I presume.” I said I thought it was type 4 and she responded with, “Hmmm…I guess I can see that.” I could tell she actually didn’t think so. I then brought some friends to another live event and was lucky enough to have a conversation with Carol. At that time I was questioning my primary 2 because I felt washed out in some of the lighter type 2 colors. Carol suggested I might be a secondary 3 and to try sticking with more of the deeper type 2 tones. So at this point, since I had now had two DYT experts suggest possible secondaries that were not type 4, I completely took type 4 off the table as a secondary for me. I was able to rule out secondary 1 pretty quickly. It just didn’t fit. So for years I believed I was a 2/3. I won’t go into all the details, but living as a 2/3 never felt completely right. It wasn’t until 2 months ago that I finally realized 4 really is my secondary. A couple of things that helped me–I realized I was mainly drawn to the 2/4 outfits in most of the videos I watched, I noticed I felt the most satisfied when completing a task if I knew the task was done correctly (I didn’t get much satisfaction in just the completion of a task and would worry about it being done correctly if I did it too quickly), and I approach things in a subtle all-or-nothing manner–I don’t like approaching tasks or projects unless I have the time to focus on doing it the right way. Even completely dismissing type 4 as a secondary since two DYT experts didn’t initially see it in me is more of a type 4 thing to do. My type 4 features are very subtle and not many–I can see high cheek bones, and my fingernails are more of a softened square. Anyway, those are just a few things that helped me clue in to my secondary. By the way, I just want to mention I don’t blame Carol or the stylist at all for my confusion in my secondary. Carol always says that really only we know ourselves. And I can see why she recommends not asking others opinions and to trust your instincts. I just wanted to explain my process. When I accepted type 4 as my secondary, I finally had that “coming home” feeling that so many talk about. 🙂

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m happy to hear you’ve come home to your 2/4 energy! Thank you for being a LS member!


    I’m pretty sure I’m a Type 2. In this childhood photo of me, my eyes have a downward movement. My cheeks seem to have a heavier, blended quality and my upper lip is very blended. I see a circle on the tip of my nose and my eyes have a rounded quality (Secondary 1?) I feel my movement is more 2, but I do find that I plan and schedule trips, vacations, girls nights, etc to have something “fun” to look forward to. I’m not terribly detail oriented, unless having the details organized before hand allays any fears of not being prepared, etc. When I walk hand in hand with my Type 3 husband, it always feels like he is pulling me along. It can be comical sometimes. As far as style choices, I am drawn toward flowing skirts and cowl necklines. I love fabric that drapes beautifully. I love details in my clothes: graceful ruffles, feminine florals, etc. Ladies who are experienced in facial profiling: Type 2/1 or 1/2…or am I totally wrong?

  18. I struggled terribly trying to figure out my type, I had settled in on a 2 (my eyes go downward on the outer points and my mouth does as well and I have what I saw as a blended cheek).but was so terribly depressed, the styling just depressed me. One day during one of the times with Carol, where we could skype I missed my turn due to computer trouble, so you accepted a picture of me and typed me as a 4/1. Carol, I started crying, I was so relieved, felt freed from a trap. It took me a little while to see but as I studied both of these types I began to see it. Understanding came as I read the Child Whisper, I am still learning and growing, but I know I am in the right place.

  19. This was helpful to see all the secondary types presented, but I´m still wondering…
    From the beginning of learning about DYT (1 year ago) I always typed myself as a type 2 with secondary 1.
    As a child I was soft, sensitive and more emotional than my siblings, but I also had the happy, shining feature, where I could bounce around and dance around – but only when I felt comfortable and seen I guess. I still do that from time to time when I feel comfortable and happy.
    My mom is a type 3 and as I´ve grown up I´ve tried to be more like her, especially as a young adult, push things through, get things done, action, accomplish things etc. But it always felt tiring for me, and burned me out. I also started dressing in type 3 colors to try to show myself to the world, and started getting gold jewelry. Trying to be someone I´m not.

    Does it make sense that I´m 2/1 this considering, or will it, by trying to be type 3 because of my mom, make more sense with s3?

  20. I’m a Type 2 who completely identified with Anne’s style preferences, so thought I was 2/3, like Anne. But then I saw this Child Whisperer visual yesterday, and identified much more with the T4 qualities than the T3. So I think I must be a 2/4. But how can that be, if I lean towards the T3 styles? I’m feeling a bit confused, now… Can you help, Anne? Carol?

  21. When I first started DYT – I felt strongly that I was T4 – it was where I’d been living for the last 2 decades! Once I started through the courses, I realized that my facial features where not T4 and a number of the other profiling things didn’t ring quite true. As I read “It;s just my Nature” I read the 4 Section first. 😉 Then I went back and read 1 and 2. There were a number of things in both 1 and 2 that felt ‘me’ I tried T2 for about a week and was miserable. I felt frumpy and depressed as the muted colors did nothing for me. I reread the types again and decided to do the 30 day challenge with T1. I had ruled T3 out pretty quickly and have plenty of experience with T4. T1 was out of my comfort zone but it quickly felt like home.

    I believe I’m a s 4 and Jaleah’s comments about structure and organization definitely fit me too. I love organization and structure and deadlines – in fact, I’m most effective at work if I’m on deadline. thanks for the video!

  22. I started looking at this almost a year ago, i was assessing my facial features showing I’m a Type 1 with a secondary 4. I can honestly say the facial tool really helped me because I lived my secondary all my life while I’m getting comfortable with my primary slowly.

  23. My primary was a toss up between T1 & T3, because I knew I was a higher movement. The T1 likelihood to drop the ball was a huge clue. OMG! 4:16 “You don’t want to let anybody down.” That’s so me!! Another verification of T1 for me! 🙂 Yay! Also, yes to secondary T4!! I choose T4 style with a sleeker look, well-fitted, single color clothing. I think my T1 would like more little patterns again. 🙂 My T1 also thrives with a supportive structure. TYVM!!

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