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How the Experts Confirmed Their Secondaries + Tips for Each Type

Is it possible to see your Secondary in your facial features?

Ever wonder what the process looks like when another woman figures out her secondary Energy Type?

Does this process look the same for everyone? Does it happen right away or does it take months? Well, let’s find out! Your Dressing Your Truth Experts open up and share their stories with you—as well as a tip for each Type to help you confirm your secondary energy! We’ll also show you how to see your secondary expression in your facial features and body language.

How we determined our secondaries:

  • (00:41) Secondary Type 1
  • (3:35) Secondary Type 4
  • (5:17) Secondary Type 2
  • (4:16) Secondary Type 3

(9:09) Face Profiling for Secondaries (how we all saw it in our noses)

(11:30) Expert tips for you to discover your secondary.

Have you started Dressing Your Truth? Buy the Style Kit today!

Resources to further support you discovering your Secondary:

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