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Not Sure How to Personalize Your Style? Your Secondary Energy Will Help!

Looking for a way to really develop your personal style and find clothes that look and feel amazing on you? This is where your Secondary Energy comes into play.

In this video, you’ll see each of the Dressing Your Truth Experts display all four secondary Energy Types, so you can get a taste of how this movement comes forward in their overall style. Have a look:

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  1. I’m 1/2 and look most cute in light T1 colors (pastels), quite soft curls and I just adore long necklaces. Those are my s2 influences that I’m aware at this moment 🙂

  2. When I first started DYT and tried type 1 I went all in like many of the ladies here. Everything was type 1 and It was just way too overboard for me. My mom asked, “Oh my! What is with this look?” and i received no compliments. Because of this I figured I couldn’t be type 1 and hopped endlessly from type to type until just recently learning that I was a 1/2. Listening to the ladies here and especially Kalista’s story, I can see that bringing in your secondary to personalize the look really does make all the difference. I’m still trying to learn to dress true as a type 1, but I will definitely bring in the secondary type 2 elements to fix what’s not working on me about type 1 :).

  3. I am a T1 and have recently realised that I am a S2 after thinking I was a S4 for some time. I came to this after hearing Anne saying our style preferences are a big clue. I tried to copy some of Jaleah’s looks that I thought looked great on her but they just didn’t look right on me. My husband thought I was crazy thinking I was a S4 as he thinks I don’t have any T4 in me at all! 🙂 I have always loved a bohemian romantic and fun look. I love vertical pinstripes in low contrast colours but am not a fan of bold horizontal stripes on me. I have a shirt I love that is pink & white pinstripes with frills in the back. I do like the added details & something to soften the look 🙂 I have also noticed that some of the looks in Style Inspire appeal to me more than others and took note of why. My 3 favourite looks in Style Inspire for T1’s are the Navy shift dress with brown hat & gold boots, the blue & white pinstripe dress outfit, & the Blue plaid shirt & white pants. I think these outfits are a little more subtle and they appeal to me a lot 🙂

    1. Haha! I am a 1/2 and have purchased all of those outfits you just described! I got the navy dress and the plaid shirt from the Style boards, but I already had the pinstripe dress ( mine has an off the shoulder ruffle) and the white jeans. The shirt is lightweight and silky, and the navy dress is so me that I think I’m wearing it in our family pictures in a couple of weeks.

      1. Hi Dawn, so lovely you took the time to respond to my post 🙂 Your comments made me feel more confident of my secondary Yay! The pinstripe dress with the off the shoulder ruffle sounds divine.I love the latest Style Inspire outfit too – the dungarees, but I wasn’t too keen on the one from the week before with the green cardigan & floral pants. I am guessing that might be more a T4 secondary. 🙂

  4. I am with Calista on the need for some lightness and a little animation. I like to look at the Type 1 outfits, especially Stephanie’s because she is a 1/2 and I like similar outfits but in my tones and everything has to be soft, light, with a touch of shimmer or sparkle and slightly delicate. I would love to be a 2/3 like Anne or a 2/4 so people take me more seriously but it’s not me; I get the most compliments and feel my most confident when I add the secondary 1 touches. I was in the hospital last month to pick up my brother-in-law and the nurse stared at me and said “you are so beautiful” … our type 2 beauty word! I am so thankful for DYT!!!

  5. I knew my secondary was an S1 when I finally saw that I was a T2/S1 and not a T1/S2. It was finding my primary type that opened up the secondary. I like a touch of playfulness. I gravitate towards items that are soft and flowing with an element of light and animated, rather than items that are light and animated with an element of soft and flow. I like circles in my jewelry, and as a pattern. And then the clincher, how it made me feel. Dressing and living as a T1 to me felt like a lot of effort. I felt silly and it made me feel childish; but the T1 women on the T1 Facebook page weren’t looking silly or childish, they looked phenomenal! Truly fantastic in all of their cuteness, they BELONG in that movement and they look remarkable. So one day in the midst of my “am I a 1/2 or a 2/1?!” angst I put on one of my husbands gray shirts. For the first time in almost 3 years I put on gray, and every cell in my body breathed a sigh of relief. It was like getting into bed after a very long stressful day, it felt so soothing and right. It doesn’t take effort. Now, I am so grateful to be understanding the parts of my S1 that can enhance and personalize a T2 style for me, rather than just type appropriate items put on my body.

  6. I’m Type 1 with Secondary 4, dressing my truth for 4 years now. From the beginning, I felt that wearing 100% Type 1 was just too much movement for me – too many things going on. As I began to include touches of my Secondary 4, I found my balance with the added stillness and structure. I’ve enjoyed building my wardrobe that expresses both my dominant and my secondary, and creating new outfits from these pieces I love!

  7. As a 1/2 I find the places where I add in my secondary is fabrication and design lines. I like a softer comfy fabric, I always have to feel how soft the material is, sometimes t1 is a little too crisp for me. I also like just a little bit of flow and s curves in my clothing, fun soft ruffles or cascading cardigans. I did learn that I don’t like longer necklaces like a t2 would wear. It just gets in the way, I bought a super cute but longer green and gold necklace from the dYT store. And it only took a half a day to readjust it, and wrap it around my neck an extra time, and make it shorter.

  8. I love that statement “Becoming the artist of your own look.” I notice I have to have a little structure with my type 1 style or it doesn’t look right on me. When I first started I just did color but learning the five elements has changed that. I am still trying to figure out my secondary energy and I think it could be 4. It seems that the linear part of the look always sneaks in for me, so I am going with “I am a 1/4” and personalize my style is part of this wonderful journey 🙂

    1. The peplum design line creates a fun a flirty style. Those with Type 1 dominant, or secondary often enjoy this look.

      1. I am a T1 and like the peplum style. What type does vertical pinstripes fall under? Thanks 🙂 P.S even though I am a T1, I love the videos you do. I usually watch the videos of all 4 types:-)

        1. Thank you so much! Any Type can wear pinstripes, but traditionally, stripes are a classic Type 4 pattern. The difference for each Type comes in with the contrast and colors in the stripes.

  9. As a 4/1, I don’t prefer to wear all solids. I like patterns and unique and unexpected elements to my clothing. I take fashion risks, instead of sticking with “safe” and “classic” T4 looks. My S1 really likes to just go for it. It’s just a different way for me to express my boldness!

  10. Mystery solved: 2/1 wins over 1/2.
    Thank you all for the tip with Style Inspire. I’ve put a photo of mine near the Type 1 and Type 2 outfits and tried to imagine how I would feel wearing them. Type 2 won almost every time)))

  11. It too a while but as a type 2 knowing my secondary 1 has helped me widdle down my wardrobe and spending! I now know that I don’t like chunky jewelry, or bulky tops etc. I love and will gravitate toward: slightly dangled earrings, long simple pendant necklaces, high low tops with simple lines, love off white tee’s under a patterned open cardigan… Thanks DYT.

  12. How many design elements do we need to have (besides color) in an outfit from our primary type? I remember Jaleah talking about that in the breakout session at ILML, but can’t remember if it was 2 or 3 out of the 5…

  13. This was so eye-opening! Im a T1, and have been struggling with figuring out if my secondary is a 2 or a 4. Listening to each of these ladies share how they incorporate their secondaries into their wardrobe has sparked something in me. I think I may be closer to accepting T2 as my secondary!

    1. Thank you so much Sarah!!!! I actually got them from DYT a while ago and they have become a favorite! Keep checking the DYT store for more styles similar to them as we get new stuff all the time!

  14. You guys would make my life if there were some of those dusters (without the texture) in the Type 4 store, at least in some of the darker colors of our palette. And some solid color pashminas/kimonos/wraps. I’m 4/2 and also short-waisted, and I really need longer tops and outers than what’s in the DYT store.

    I’ve actually been reduced to *gasp sewing lately to get what I need, and I hate sewing! Ack ack ack ack! Please rescue me!

    And while I’m making my Christmas list haha, some colored bangles.

    1. YES! I’m type 3 and struggle with adding in either 1 or 4 as secondary. I’m not as high movement as Anna K but I have so many type 1 secondary features…but I think it’s because my mom is a type 4 that I pick up so much from her. It makes it hard to really define my style!

  15. I’m confused a little about my secondary when it comes to style: when I see, for example, Anne with her type 2/3 style I immediately love it… but somehow I feel I wouldn’t pull it off if I tried it. And so I always end up with a very simple style, of solids (sometimes even monochromatic) and I wear earrings but almost never wear necklaces. That made me think of a secondary 4 (well, that and other elements of course) but I don’t know… I’m not entirely satisfied with my look and I sometimes suspect that it might have to do with the “playing it safe” element: maybe what I think is my “secondary 4” style preferences are, really, my “safe zone”. How can you identify if your feeling of discomfort – when trying outfits – is about your actual secondary or if it is, in fact, you not wanting to go beyond that comfort zone? I always wonder…

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