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The Gifts & Challenges of Your Secondary Type 4 Energy

Think you're a secondary Type 4? Helpful tips to find out

Being able to see the big picture, the love of structure, and having great follow-through: does this sound like you?

What does it look like when you have a secondary Type 4 energy?

Today, you’ll hear from Jaleah (Type 1/4), Natalie (Type 2/4), and Carol (Type 3/4) who all share:

  • The way Jaleah thought she was a secondary Type 2 before this big “aha moment”
  • How Carol’s secondary Type 4 is a challenge in her preference for a clean home
  • How Natalie’s 2/4 combination supports her in preparing and planning for projects

Do you have two keywords that help guide your fashion choices? Carol and the Experts share theirs to get you started.

How can your secondary Type 4 energy better support you? Leave a comment below and tell us!

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