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How to Shift the Dynamics of a Relationship When You Are Feeling Shut Down

As a woman, you have the power to create.

Did you know that because of this feminine energy, you also have the ability to create change within a challenging relationship?

We invite you to sit in on this intimate conversation between Carol and MaryLynn, a makeover guest who underwent a profound transformation. During their discussion, they cover how to shift the dynamics of a relationship and lead from a place of love.

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  1. Carol, I really love these conversations between you and your guests who are so willing to be open about the challenges in their lives. Even though I might not have the same situation in my own life, it always surprises me how much benefit I gain when you point out so articulately the underlying dynamics and the belief patterns running the show. There is always something I can relate to and the conversations are inspiring and uplifting. Thank you so much Carol and MaryLynn!

  2. I really enjoyed this video and would love to see more like it. I related
    somewhat to this as I have been married 3 times and was not validated
    in my childhood.
    Since joining Lifesyle I have started the healing process. I’m 52 and
    have spent most of my life trying to figure my life out but have made
    the most progress since learning about Living My Truth. Thank you
    Carol and everyone from DYT as well as guests who share their experiences.

  3. “The men in my life support me.” I wrote this affirmation down and am holding it in my heart. Thank you, Carol!

  4. Oh my gosh, her dad and mine may have been cut from the same cloth! My dad was controlled by his dad (actually told ‘you’ll do it and you’ll like it’!) and so in turn he is controlling. When Carol said “The men in my life support me” I immediately thought of my husband and son, who both support me and I feel safe with.

  5. This was a very interesting, thought provoking video. I am truly blessed to have a hubby who totally supports me and we tend to usually have good communication. Maybe it helps we are both 2’s, me 2/1 and him 2/4. I do appreciate all the insights and suggestions to improve our relationship. Keep videos like this coming!!

    1. Thanks Maureen, I am sure it helps that you are both sensitive and gently Type 2’s. Congrats on how well you are creating your relationship.

  6. Loved this. I sifted my energy – “The people in my life support me and I am heard. I feel validated. I give myself validation.”

  7. Very interesting! I thought it was my wounded S2 that would cave in a battle with a T4 when really it is my T3 saying “whatever” and needing to get back to what we need to accomplish. Then I figure out ways to get what I want in a way that is less head on. 🙂 I don’t ask permission or for opinions, I just do my thing and then explain the reasoning.

  8. I sobbed all the way through this. I’m a type 3 with a type 4 step dad and a type 4 husband and I related to this in so many ways. Thank you Carol and MaryLynn.

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