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My Best and Most Accurate Typing Tips

Watch me type 12 women in real-time and learn how I profile thousands with 100% accuracy.

Would you like to be able to identify someone’s Type confidently and with more accuracy?

Over the last 18 years, I’ve helped 1000s of women, men, and children see their Type using the Energy Profiling tool of Facial Profiling. In that time I observed patterns that allowed me to turn it into a highly intuitive skill. 

In this video, I teach you the process that allowed me to easily profile over 2000 women in one month as a bonus offer in our Lifestyle Facebook group.  You’ll see in real-time how I put the skill of Facial Profiling into practice. In this session, I profile 12 women using only pictures and their own written words. I give you my best tips on what to look for that will help you know their Type confidently and accurately. You’ll learn things like: (1:54) how to trust your first hit, (6:40) using word choice as a clue, (10:39) comparing pictures with confirmed celebrities, (15:30) seeing the energy movement in hands, as well as myths and misconceptions of each Type. 

Ready to learn my Typing tips?  Let’s get going. (I’ve linked their post so you can follow along)

  1. (1:54) Liliana – Type 1
  2. (4:10) Lisa – Type 3
  3. (6:40) Kimi – Type 3 (post unavailable)
  4. (9:06) Jessica – Type 1
  5. (12:20) Tara – Type 3
  6. (14:00) Kris – Type 1
  7. (15:30) Dorene – Type 3
  8. (16:54) Sharon – Type 1
  9. (18:44) Jessica – Type 2
  10. (20:19) Lara – Type 3
  11. (22:10) Mindy– Type 1
  12. (22:26) Kelly – Type 4

BONUS. (26:16) Why so many Type 1 women are doubting themselves and not seeing their truth!

Face Profiling is your primary tool and will be the first one you apply when correctly identifying your Type. Focus on your primary Type first before trying to figure out your secondary.

What was your first hit for your Type? Were you correct?

Are you needing help in confirming your Type so you can move forward with Dressing Your Truth? Since I recorded this tutorial, I have decided to launch a monthly offering for Lifestyle members to help you that I am calling #TruthbombTuesday #FirstTuesdayoftheMonth #Iamready   Look for more details coming!

Take a deeper dive into Facial Profiling for each Type:

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