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Playing It Safe With Too Much Gray? Feel Comfortable Trying Something New

Do you ever feel like your outfits mimic a rain cloud? Gray, gray, and more gray…

Let’s add a little color to your outfits and bring them to life! Dressing Your Truth Expert Anne does a lovely job showing how to add unexpected colors, details, and patterns while still feeling comfortable and splendid.

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  1. Lovely Anne,
    I really like the guideline to look at the pattern and see the colours within the patter to make an outfit a wow! Where did you get the necklace you wore with the grey dress outfit?

    1. Hi Holly, this necklace is from Ann Taylor loft about 2 years ago. It is slightly on the heavy side, but not too heavy that it bothers me.

  2. Anne, thanks so much! I’ve been considering this topic for a few days and voila, here are answers! So fun to get immediate responses from the universe. Agree, blush shoes are awesome.

  3. Ooh, I looove that last outfit! It just speaks to my t2 soul 😀 Where is that last necklace from? I love it! I’d love to search around for one. Blush is fast becoming my “new” neutral. It’s subtle, but perks up an outfit really well. Loved the red and blue combo, too. A few weeks ago, I wore a navy/burgundy combo, and I really liked how it looked. It’s one of those color combos that to me, isn’t the most “obvious”, but really looks cool together.

  4. This is changing my perspective on T2 colors – love the way that Anne made a few changes and incorporated some beautiful colors to accent the staple gray color.

  5. Another thought – I had my style guides in front of me during these videos about adding color to our outfits and my T2 style guide does is not the same as the one in this video. I love the addition of colors in the style guide in this video. Is it possible to purchase these at the event coming up in September?…or is it that the style guides show up a little differently when filming?

  6. This video was really well made, video team you are doing a great job! <3 Anne, that was really inspiring, I think I'm playing it safe and want to experiment with more colour/style. Thankyou for those great examples, I love how much the accessorizing changed up the grey dress!

  7. I love this video so much. I have never been drawn to gray at all and I agree that it can feel boring. Even as a T2:) My secondary 1 does not feel good in much gray at all. Just that little added gray to add to my colors to tone them down a touch. I love color so much and I think you look fantastic in all of the colors you wore in this video. It is so great to see so much focus on color. Yay! I plan on bringing lots of color to the dyt event next Thursday <3 Can't wait to see you Anne <3 xoxo

  8. Love this video. Such great confirmation for how I have been doing my own style. As a T2s1 I don’t gave a lot of gray in my wardrobe simply because I need a bit more fun. I find that my wardrobe is predominantly colour and my staple being many shades and patterns of blue. I have also played with our versions of red and yellow. Thanks Anne for confirming I am on the right track with my choices.

  9. Can I just say how much I love my type 2 colors? Seriously: I literally can feel them, softly draping my body… I just feel so much at home when I wear them… All my life I felt attracted to the more dusty colors, that was my instinct: my “mystery colors”, as I liked to call them. The colors that made me feel powerful (yes: powerful). But, for many reasons and false beliefs, and also because of the fashion trends, I ended up with so many different colors… I had that feeling, every time I opened my closet, that something was off: it felt (a-ha!) disconnected. I’ve always been teased because I wanted my clothing to combine always (I repeated colors and patterns, etc) and now I understand it: it’s my nature! I want everything to be connected, because it’s how I see and experience life itself!
    I feel like I’m going to brag a little (sorry!) but I think I can give myself permission because it’s for a good reason: since I’ve been wearing my colors, I notice people look at me more (in a good way, I mean)! And my eyes have a light and a clarity… so amazing! I have a very muted eye color: sometimes blue, sometimes green, with a gray base. When I was growing up I envied those sparkly blue eyes other girls had, or those intense greens, dark browns… and always thought my color was kind of undefined or wishy-washy… Now I can see that it was the colors I was wearing (mainly type 3 colors, because I always tended to muted colors – there I was kind of right!) that were competing with my own coloring and energy… And so my beauty was masked. I feel so thankful for our BEAUTIFUL sunset/sunrise colors… I just LOVE them ^^

  10. Great video Anne! I loved how you added more color to your outfits. As a 2/1, the all grey gets so boring so quickly. Also, is there any way you guys can get that red top back in the store? It sold out so quickly (the medium within hours) and I’d love to add it to my wardrobe. True type 2 red is so hard to find. ❤️

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