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Style School Try-On: How to Balance Your Style with Jewelry and Makeup

Tips for making a statement in your style without being "loud".

Now that you’ve got the style foundations of clothing and hair, it’s time for the finishing touches: jewelry and makeup!

What’s a better way to learn than a live try-on? See how to balance your style statement with the correct size, shape, and colors.

In this live Style School event I’m joined by my DYT Experts of each Type to give you tips for personalizing on-trend style for this Fall/Winter. We’ll show multiple combinations of jewelry that create balance in an outfit, and also what could throw it off balance. Get your kisser ready for three levels of color with brown lips, minimal lips, and bold lips.

I want to thank you so much for being in Style School. We’ve enjoyed seeing how you apply your DYT knowledge to current trends, making your style even more personalized and true to you! And we look forward to seeing even more in our live 4 Types Fashion Show. It runs four days in the Lifestyle Facebook Group, with one day for each Type. Post your outfits so that we can celebrate with you! Type 1: Oct 4th, Type 2: Oct 5th, Type 3: Oct 6th, Type 4: Oct 7th.

Jewelry and Makeup Try-On

All the jewelry and makeup shown can be found on our DYT Online Store, but I’ll link a few favorites below too.

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Type 1:

(18:50) Question: Who comes up with the names for the jewelry?

(26:00) Question: Can Type 1s wear the browns modeled here in the makeup, in their clothing?

Type 2:

Type 3:

(1:12:09) Question: Can T3s wear chandelier earrings and a long necklace?

Type 4:

(1:46:38) Question: “For someone who doesn’t usually wear jewelry – where is a good place to start?”

Let’s keep the last few days of Style School going strong!

Join us for the 4 Types Fashion Show in the Lifestyle Facebook Group. Lifestyle is your style support system, I look forward to seeing you there.

Go shopping & get 20% off with STYLESCHOOL20

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