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How Important Is It to Know Your Tertiary & Quaternary Types?

Find out how much of your experience is affected by these Types

You know it’s important to understand your dominant and secondary Energy Types—but what about your tertiary and quaternary?

I share with you the pros and cons of knowing your full profile, and (2:11) an easy way for you to figure out the order! (4:35) We’ll talk about how it affects your personal style, and how it can support you in being mindful across different situations.

But remember: if you’re newer to Energy Profiling, focus on your dominant Type first. It’s through fully discovering and embracing your dominant Type that will allow you to show up daily with comfort and confidence.

I want you to spend more time living your truth, rather than spending all your time thinking about Energy Types. Share in a comment how this video was supportive to you!

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  1. Thank you for this! I’m back at the beginning of trying to figure out my dominant (after a year and a half, with thinking I was T4 for a year), so I didn’t think I would get much from this video at this point, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to watch.

    I did get an aha, though, from your comment about noticing what I’m least drawn to. I had thought I was seeing a combination of T2 and T3 in my features, but felt not quite soft enough to be T2, nor angled enough to be T3. However, I am not at all drawn to T3 style. It’s just too heavy and textured, and I’m not edgy at all. So the thought of being a primary T3 made me uneasy.

    Maybe, then, what I think are angles aren’t actually angles, and I’m neither primary nor secondary T3?

    1. What you think are T3 angles might be T1 star points! Seeing some of yourself in every type is also T1, so you might be a 2/1, 1/2, or 1/4. I’m a 1/4 and I’d say that combo would definitely be worth checking out given that the 4s are strong with you 🙂

  2. Yay! Some ladies and I were just discussing Tertiary & Quaternary types over dinner during the recent I Love My Life Event. It really is quite easy to determine both once certain of the dominant and secondary energies. Like you Carol, I easily identified my least energy, which is 3, so that left 4 as my Tertiary type. In my case, I’m a 2/1/4/3. 🙂

  3. AWESOME! I am a 3/1/4/2. Because I know this I do my best to pay attention to when someone needs front and center instead of me. Take for instance at the I Love my life event. I help dress Lisa a newly confirmed 1/2. After me ignoring the signs of her not being a t3, because I wanted a t3. My necklace overwhelmed her and we had her switch back to her necklace. DUH! Anyway, we talked with someone outside of where you would be Carol. when you came out I pointed to Lisa. I started to explain what I did, but quickly sermised I needed to step away and let her have the spot light and I explained to Michelle how I picked stuff by listening to Lisa. What an experience. She had a great experience to and it helped I stepped back so not an element of my 3/1 being spotlight. By knowing helped me become an even better friend.

    I am also not drawn to paisley or flowy material that looks amazing on t2’s. So it helped weed out my closet too.

  4. I really like this video! I figured out my tertiary and quaternary soon after realizing I had mistyped my secondary. I am 4/3/2/1. I was so excited when, at the I Love My Life event, a necklace was discussed in the T4 breakout and Deborah mentioned that she was not inclined to wear the necklace because her tertiary 1 makes her drawn to shorter bold, substantial necklaces. She said that someone with a tertiary 2 would likely be more drawn to the necklace. It was so validating! I had been drawn to the necklace, but had not yet bought it, but as soon as the breakout was over, I bought the necklace. Haha!

    I like what was said in the video about not being drawn to quaternary style. I used to have 4/1 items because that is what I typed myself as. I remember not really liking them. Once I realized I am actually a 4/3, I had no problem at all getting rid of the items that leaned toward a T1 secondary. I can’t even imagine getting rid of my 4/3 items so easily now.

    P.S. I love Carol’s earrings in this!

  5. I’m a 4/3/2/1..! Very neat and convenient eh? I worked out I was a primary type 4 very quickly, then couldn’t decide between secondary 2 or 3, but eventually realised I was a 4/3. So 2 must be the tertiary type as it’s so close to the 3. And I’m not really ‘fun’ and ‘light’ at all, so type 1 is my least type, the quaternary.

  6. I’ve been doing DYT for about 2 and a half years now and I have come to the conclusion of being a 2/3/4/1. I have been trusting that for awhile now and just sticking with that. It feels great to me!

  7. A word of caution before reading too much into my comment – I have used several systems as metaphors as opposed to hard and fast rules: I am 3/1/2/4 Ok, I am also an astrologer, started studying at age 10. My chart is dominate fire including my sun sign; my ascendant is air, I have my moon and some minor planets in water, and earth is the least represented in my chart. After studying DYT, I understand the ENERGIES that Carol talks about, it made sense because I could see the correlation in my chart. I AM NOT SAYING this is GOSPEL – your mileage may vary. But, as Carol says, you can use understanding of the non-dominant energies to help you in dealing with other types and situations, but still show up as YOU. Happy New Year, Happy Authentic You. <3

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