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How Important Is It to Know Your Tertiary & Quaternary Types?

Find out how much of your experience is affected by these Types

You know it’s important to understand your dominant and secondary Energy Types—but what about your tertiary and quaternary?

I share with you the pros and cons of knowing your full profile, and (2:11) an easy way for you to figure out the order! (4:35) We’ll talk about how it affects your personal style, and how it can support you in being mindful across different situations.

But remember: if you’re newer to Energy Profiling, focus on your dominant Type first. It’s through fully discovering and embracing your dominant Type that will allow you to show up daily with comfort and confidence.

I want you to spend more time living your truth, rather than spending all your time thinking about Energy Types. Share in a comment how this video was supportive to you!

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