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The #1 Best Lifestyle Perk You Need to Know About!

Why every Lifestyle member loves the Private Facebook Group

Show of hands: have you joined the Lifestyle Private Facebook Group yet?

If you have, you already know what an incredible place it is! We have so much fun together, and there’s always something new happening that you get to be a part of. Members say over and over again that it is the most positive, supportive, and enjoyable online space that they know.

But if you aren’t in the private group yet, you might not even know what you’re missing out on! Before we tell you how to join us there, take a look at just some of the fun we have there:

What Goes On In the Group That You Can’t Get Anywhere Else:

Truthbombs: Get Typed by Carol

  • 6 pre-selected women participate in 2 sessions each month
  • 2 sessions for children each year
  • 2 sessions for men each year

Cluebombs: Spontaneous Type help from Carol

  • When & how often? Anytime and very often!


  • Join in on a specific #hashtag and you may be chosen for the giveaway!
  • Outfit, hair, and makeup participation giveaways
  • Spontaneous giveaways from Carol

Celebrity Profiling:

  • 1 session of celebrity profiling each month
  • Members get to request who is profiled


  • Learn about/access sales the night before sale emails go out

Interact with Carol and the Experts:

  • Get personalized feedback from Carol
  • See the latest outfits and get insights from the DYT Experts

Live Coaching Call Recordings:

  • The recording is posted to the group the same night of the call (3 days before it is available on the website)

StyleInspire in Action:

  • See items from the StyleInspire boards on real women of your Type

Discussions, Inspiration, Feedback:

  • Share community with women of all Types, from all over the world, who are also passionate about DYT
  • Learn and be inspired by the outfits and journeys of other women
  • Receive feedback and suggestions to support your own DYT journey

Personal Support:

  • Carol’s Support Angels are available to answer questions and share content

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it! We want to make sure you know how to join us in the Facebook group so you can get started right away!

If you already have a Facebook account and are ready to join, simply do so here: Lifestyle Facebook group

You’ll be all set! You do not have to do the following steps.

“But what if I don’t have a Facebook account?”

We understand that you may have reasons why you don’t have a Facebook account—or why you don’t even want one. Maybe you don’t like social media or have already left Facebook in the past.

We completely understand this! At the same time, we also don’t want you to miss out. That’s why we’ve put together this article to help you get the most out of our amazing Facebook group—without having to participate in anything else on the platform! (Yes, even your family and friends don’t need to know you’re on there!)

Here’s how to create a completely private, very secure account just for the Lifestyle Facebook Group:

Basically, you are going to create a new Facebook account using whatever email address you wish. You can then name your Facebook account whatever you like. You can use your first name, your full name, or even an alias like “Rose Bloom” for example. You can pick a profile picture of whatever you like; how about a picture of a flower? You do not need to “friend” anyone or interact in any other way on Facebook.

Then, using your private account, you can request to join our group: Lifestyle Facebook group

Please note: If you use an alias instead of your name…

Since each member must answer the “Join Request” questions for any of our groups, everyone must provide their real name and email address in those questions before being approved. Only the Support Angels who run our Facebook Group will see this information, and it is only so we can check your Lifestyle account to make sure you have a subscription for Lifestyle.

Rest assured: the Support Angels keep track of member names and any Facebook aliases, so we’ll still be able to contact you for giveaways, Truthbombs, etc.

Let’s recap the steps:

1. Create a Facebook account.
2. Use any personal email address you want (this does not need to match your DYT/Lifestyle account)
3. Use any name you would like (this also does not need to match your DYT/Lifestyle account)
4. Use any photo you would like (while we love seeing your beautiful face, your profile picture does not need to be you – try your favorite flower)
5. Request to join the Lifestyle Facebook group
6. Answer all “Join Request” questions (you will need to tell us your real name here, as answers are reviewed by DYT admins only)
7. Enjoy the Lifestyle Facebook community! (Make sure you are on the group page when posting to the group.)

One more thing: all of Carol’s Facebook groups are private! This means no one can see what is posted within the group unless they are a group member. If you see posts from the group in your News Feed (the main page you’ll see when you login to Facebook), it’s because you are a member.

If you post something onto your own profile, or from your main page News Feed, it won’t show up in our Facebook group. So make sure you’re in our group page whenever you want to share with us!

That’s it!

Do you have any questions? We can’t wait to see how many of you join us! Once you’re in the group, introduce yourself, share a little about yourself, and have a blast with us!

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