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The Way You Drive & What It Says About You

Did you know that the way you drive actually says a lot about who you are?

There are four main ways that most people drive. How do I know this? Because there are 4 different Energy Types!

Energy Profiling is a system that teaches people the 4 Types of nature. Everything in our world leads with one of those Types, even flowers and pets!

Our day-to-day tendencies tell us a lot about who we are, and a great place to see your true nature is in your driving habits!

Which of these 4 driving styles do you express on a regular basis?

Type 1 – The Fun & Animated Driver

Type 1 people have a more random and spontaneous nature. They are known to be light-hearted, adaptable, and cheery people who lighten our mood.

It’s always an engaging experience when you have a Type 1 in the car! Due to their more random and social nature, a Type 1 person needs to be mindful of keeping their attention on the road, especially if they’re talking on the phone or to another person in the car. Type 1 moms can get distracted when interacting with their kids, so they need to make sure there is not too much going on.

Type 1’s are the most likely to get a ticket than the other 3 Energy Types! They’re also known for taking their hands off the wheel as they sing to music or talk with their hands.

I was recently driving down the freeway when I looked over at the car next to me, and for a few brief seconds, the Type 1 driver had both hands off the wheel, waving them in the air while chatting on their phone! Uh-oh, not a good idea!

Tip for Type 1 drivers:

  • You like variety, so take different routes to the same place to mix it up.

Type 2 – The Soft & Subtle Driver

Type 2 people have a more subdued and gentle nature, and they enjoy the quiet time driving can bring. They like to use this time to think or re-energize without the radio on.

They prefer to have a thoughtful plan of where they’re going before they get in the car, and they can sometimes feel the pressure of traffic to merge or turn.

An interesting and unexpected thing about many Type 2 people and their driving habits is that they like to go fast! You might not think this about Type 2 people, but it’s because they enjoy the swerving and s-curves that are made in a zooming vehicle.

My Type 2 son owns a very fast car, and Type 2 Expert, Anne, actually had her license suspended for a few months for too many speeding tickets! (Good thing she was leaving to live in a foreign country for a period of time, so it didn’t stop her from getting around.)

Tip for Type 2 drivers:

  • Go at your own pace and let driving be a relaxing experience for you.

Type 3 – The Active & Determined Driver

Type 3 people are swift and practical. They like to get somewhere quickly and get things done along the way.

As a Type 3, I’m guilty of multi-tasking in my car. I attend business meetings on my phone, finish up my makeup at the stop lights, listen to podcasts and books rather than music. I want to make my driving time count toward getting something done!

Type 3 people tend to be busy, and truth be told, they usually don’t give themselves enough time to get somewhere on time. They also tailgate more than any other Energy Type!

Tip for Type 3 drivers:

Type 4 – The Exact & Precise Driver

Type 4 people are rule-oriented and have a gift of perfecting the world around them. They tend to be the best drivers on the road, adhering to speed limits, merging etiquette, etc. They are conscious of gas mileage and are known for taking care of their cars the best.

My Type 4 son is an excellent driver. He knows he has better driving skills and knowledge of the rules of the road than most other drivers. He makes sure to not let this become a frustration that people don’t drive by all the rules.

Tip for Type 4 drivers:

  • Avoid backseat driving and just use your gifts in full awareness that not everyone is like you!

Now it’s your turn!

Based on what you’ve learned, what Type of driver are you?

I invite you to take my free Before & After course to discover your Energy Type you to learn more about the countless ways you express it in your life!

In my book, It’s Just My Nature, you can discover even more about the 4 Energy Types and how you express it in all areas of your life—oftentimes without even realizing it!

I invite you to take my free course to discover your Energy Type!



Here are other Energy Type fun resources!

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  1. I’m a Type 2 and I once drove from Tampa Florida to the Atlanta area in my quiet thoughts the whole way. I prefer to become familiar with a map before driving. I’m not speedy though and love going at a relaxed pace. Other drivers don’t seem to upset me. My S1 enjoys a lot of variety and different routes.

  2. Very interesting. I seem to be a T4 driver, although I’m not a 4 in any other way. (3/2 here) Maybe I get it from my 2/4 mom who really lives in her secondary (while complaining about other people being “rule bound.” lol)

  3. I find it interesting that T3’s tend to dislike driving more than others. I really don’t like driving. And tailgating!! Yes, I have to constantly be aware of that.

  4. I am T2 and I agree with not liking the pressure of the yields and such. I was disappointed to see that, yet again, 4s are praised for being the “best” at something. In my experience, the 4s in my life think they are great at driving but are actually really bad at defensive driving. Yes, they know the rules of the road, but my t4 husband and sister drive as if everyone drove perfectly and it often puts us in danger. For example, they dont start to slow down when they see break lights because “the light is green so the car in front SHOULD be moving” or not looking over their shoulder when they back out because “no one SHOULD be coming from that side”. It is a constant fight in our car. I feel much safer with my 3/2 sister driving.

  5. T2/S1 ~ I love driving unless I’m pressured to get somewhere quick or deal with heavy traffic, or not knowing where I’m going. GPS is my lifesaver and I often look up addresses or a map online before I leave so I know where I’m going and what order I want to go in. When I’m by myself I love to drive in silence and enjoy thinking. If I’m driving a fun sporty car, I take advantage of the speed and tend to speed up and slow down fast but still try to stay within the speed limit because tickets are not fun to worry about! My T3 husband calls me every day on his drive home from work because he says talking to me helps him remain calm while dealing with traffic, and if we are driving anywhere unknown or dealing with traffic or parking, I drive because he gets too stressed out.

  6. T3 – yep: I hate driving most days. I find it’s an annoyance to be sitting still for so long without accomplishing anything. We recently moved to a ranch style home that’s only 5 minutes from my son’s therapy and life is GRAND not spending 30 minutes driving each way and then killing 2 hours in the car or shopping. Yay for a quick drive and getting back home to get things done!

  7. T3–I’ve always preferred to have other people drive so I can do whatever else I want (makeup/reading/choosing the music/navigating/calling people/taking pictures/anything other than driving). In fact, when I was 17 my fiance and parents ganged up on me and made me get my licensed because I was engaged, and they thought I should be driving myself. As far as I was concerned, why drive when you can have an army of chauffeurs who all like to drive?

    1. Me too! I didn’t get my license until just weeks before my wedding! And I had to retake the test once because I didn’t come to a complete stop at a stop sign. I punched the break and paused, and felt like that qualified. My husband drives everywhere we go together, and that’s fine by me.

  8. Oh my heck I am a total t3 driver! My kids will attest to it. Many times in the back they will pretend like they are in a roller coaster if I get going to remind me. Also I listen to books all the time in the car. I do have a bit of 1, (s1 of course) with the hands thing. I am a professional knee driver (only once in a while). This is also why my t2 drives when we are together. LOL!
    I have to just say I faced my fear of driving in Utah a few weeks ago. WHOOO HOOO! This is huge for me!

  9. Wow, I never really thought about how our energy type would be reflected in our driving, but it makes TOTAL sense! I’m a type 1 and I have a habit of occasionally taking my hands off the wheel to talk with them (Oops! lol). It drives my type 2 sister crazy when she rides with me. My secondary type 4 energy comes in very handy though, as I’ve never gotten a ticket and only been pulled over once because I neglected to turn my headlights on while driving home from work late one night.

  10. This is an awesome article. I’ve thought about this plenty and funny you say type 2 drivers like going fast, I’ve always thought type 2 drivers go slow and type 3s do “competitive driving.” Whoops! Guess not!
    I am a type 1/2 and type 1/2 driving habits to match!!! I love going fast, I drive with my knee sometimes so I can do other things with my hands, I make rapid reactions to others’ driving and am extremely quick at observing where everyone is around me and quick to respond as well. I need to have some social time or otherwise do something fun (dancing and singing anyone??) and I used to love blasting my music so I could share the joy with others around me (especially while in traffic!!). Fun times!!!! My last ticket I got cause I was rushing and late to yoga class last month, whoops!!!

  11. Ha! I was just observing that energy types are echoed in people’s driving patterns and was going to suggest that Carol write a piece on it, and here it is! I should have known she’d be on it. It’s so interesting to see energy types play out in so many various ways in our lives. As a 2/4 I take pride in smooth transitions while driving, and I tend to keep my car very straight and steady in the lane, while my T1 mother will alternately gun the gas, then poke along, all the while jerking the wheel in the lane while she talks. SO interesting, and so revealing (now I know why I was motion sick in the car with her so often as a child). If you are having trouble typing someone, perhaps take a ride in the car with them and see what is revealed! I’ve found it very telling!

  12. I mostly identify with the T3 driver. I use almost every stop to do something, especially when I’m stuck waiting in the kiss in go lane afterschool waiting to pick up my son. I have done everything from putting on chapstick, to setting up the next month in my planner, depending on how long the stop is. I have a bit of the T2 tendency to be wary of traffic, but that’s much worse since I moved out here to Vegas because having drivers from all over the country makes it very unpredictable.

  13. I’m a 1/4. I like to have the radio on, but not too loud and mostly I prefer driving by myself or with my dog snoozing on the back seat. I don’t like high speed driving on the highway and if someone drives with me, they do the conversation and I listen and tell them I can’t interact too much because I need all my attention to drive. I NEVER use my cell phone while I drive. I prefer side roads where the speed limit is slower and I do like to mix it up and use different roads to get where I’m going…

  14. About Type 4 drivers… I have a T4 friend who drives very well and is used to driving long distance. When I get in the car with him, I always feel safe.

  15. T1/S4 I like to get in a empty spot with not too many cars around where I can forget about driving and think about something else i.e. if I have to exit I like to get into that lane way ahead of time so I can cruise along. I’m a good driver, but have been known to hit curbs etc from lack of precision. My T2/S3 husband is a speed demon, loves to weave in and out of traffic for the best line and loves motorcycles for the CURVES. I love having our T4 son drive A++. This is RIGHT ON!

    1. Ha! You just described my driving, Kim! Including hitting curbs due to lack of precision! LOL I also like to keep a nice cushion around me in traffic and get over waaay before I need to turn so I don’t have to panic last minute trying to get over in traffic for a turn or exit.

  16. Based on the descriptions above, I am definitely a Type 3 and Type 4 driver. I actually hate driving because I am just sitting there doing nothing. I find it rather boring. I try to make the most use of my driving time by thinking about what I have planned to do when I arrive at my destination or listening to podcasts on topics that I find interesting and informative. If I am the passenger, I am looking up things to add to the itinerary, making sure all the details are in place, and finding restaurants or places to stop. I am also a stickler for following driving laws. I get teased (in a playful way) that I drive like a granny. Two hands are always on the wheel and I only go up to 5 mph over the speed limit. If I go any faster, I start to feel guilty. I obey proper road etiquette, and (I know I shouldn’t but) I do expect others to obey the same etiquette.

  17. I am Type 2 and if I am going somewhere new, I always have a map ready. If I am going to many places I think it all out in my head which place to go to first in order to save gas and make the drive efficient. I am not a fast driver though. Mostly I go along at the speed limit, sometimes listening to music and sometimes not. It is true I can get stressed with driving in heavy traffic or for too long. Whenever my husband & I take driving trips, he can drive for hours but my maximum is 2 hours and then I need a break. That is so interesting how our driving style is reflected by our type.

  18. I’m definitely a T2 driver, always drive as fast as I can go (comfortably! – and I am aware of the comfort of my passengers and will drive more slowly with other people than when I’m by myself), but I don’t tailgate and I hate it if someone gets too close to me… I will slow down. My husband is a T1. He teases me for shouting at him “hands on the wheel!” because they start waving around in the air once he starts talking.

  19. I’m a 4/2 and, yes, this is me exactly! I do like to go fast, but my dominant 4 doesn’t let me do it very often because I don’t want to mess up my clean driving record! Bad etiquette on the road (as everywhere else) really disturbs me.

  20. Haha oh yes, I do some of these things. 2/3, hate merging and turning left. I will go out of my way to avoid a left turn in busy traffic even if it takes longer! I hate not knowing where I’m going, especially if there are a lot of people behind me and I’m feeling pressure to find an unfamiliar turn or exit. I am not a particularly fast driver, though I always at least go the speed limit. I can get flustered with people going too slow or too fast.

  21. I’m not sure which one I would go under. I’m a t1 but I don’t take my hands off the wheel unless I’m at a stoplight and then put my hands on the wheel again. I don’t like taking my eyes off the road and having someone ride with me makes me nervous. My kids are fine riding with me but other adults not very much. I usually look places up on a map before I would drive to the place I’m going so I don’t get lost. I even have the map talk to me to tell me where to go. I will drive 5 over the speed limit. I will listen to music and sing along while driving. I don’t drive much because it makes me nervous and at the same time I just dont go any where very much. I will wait for my husband to come home and take us places because I dont want to take all 5 kids with me alone.

    1. I’m very similar to this! However, I get frustrated with other drivers very easily and yell at them in my car.

      1. Lol yea my husband is the one who yells at “stupid” or “moron” drivers as he puts it. They aren’t driving the correct way. I remind him they can’t hear you yelling at them so what’s the point of yelling lol.

  22. T4 here and this so describes me, I do not have time for a ticket and can think of many other ways to spend that money S1. I also am unable to go the wrong way in a parking lot, have to stop at stop signs in parking lots, etc. To much traffic is nerve racking and I will go a less traveled route even if it takes longer to not deal with the stress.

  23. I have always felt the safest as a passenger in the car when one of my T4 friends or family members is driving. They don’t get riled up like we higher-movement energies do — or if they do, they don’t vocalize it, at least! I LOVE being the passenger when a T4 is driving. My group of five friends took a long weekend road trip last year, and we designated the only T4 in the group as the driver because he’s the one with the coolest head! LOL.

    My 2/3 husband rides motorcycles and loves going around S-curves in the road! When he’s a passenger in my car, he absolutely needs it to be a relaxing experience, looking out the window and daydreaming. I’m a 1/2, and the biggest challenge for me is indeed staying focused on the road *IF* there is interesting conversation happening with other passengers in the car. If I’m by myself, it’s no problem staying focused on the road. In fact, I often like to pretend I’m in a video game where the goal is to get home as safely (not necessarily as fast!) as possible. When driving, I do have much quicker reflexes than my T2 husband (for instance, when the car ahead starts braking).

  24. I’m a type 4 but I also can be distracted when talking.. I end up missing my turn or just following the car in front! My husband seems to be a type 3 – puts his foot down more than I would like & being a type 4 – it can scare me sometimes..

  25. I am a 2/1 and this is perfect. My driving looks more like a 2/4 though. I love to drive fast. However, I don’t have problems with heavy traffic, turns or yields. I like to listen to everything on the radio and audiobooks. I plan my drives to be efficient and to be able to get there the fastest. In my city, I know the best route to get anywhere. When traveling, I plan the route well ahead of time and every stop we will be making. The only thing I don’t see here is that I do get some road rage when people are really slow or act like idiots. I become a bit animated. Is that my S1 coming through? And when I park, I want to be perfectly aligned in the space. I hate it when people park over the line.

  26. I’m a Type 2, but I am not a fast driver. I have no problem keeping the speed limit, because that is actually what feels safe to me. I often get passed by speeders. From reading the other comments, I see that some other Type 2’s admit to not being fast drivers either. Carol’s Type 2 son and daughter may be fast drivers, but I wouldn’t say it applies to all. Being careful and cautious is also who I am as a driver.

  27. How interesting! My T4 son (21) is an awesome driver, never had a ticket and his friends have teased him about driving like a grandma. He doesn’t drive too slowly at all, but he is precise, and demands that all wear seatbelts, etc. I’m T2, and love to swerve gently while driving. I sometimes speed a little, but not too much. Only one ticket, and that is when I was so upset and distracted about my son’s head injury that I didn’t pay attention to the speed changes.

  28. I’m T4. I like being in control of the vehicle I’m in, with the exception of when my husband drives–he’s fine. Also, the interior of my car is very tidy all the time. The kids have to take out everything they brought into the car every time we arrive home.

    1. I also have a white (not winter white) Tahoe. It just feels perfect for my type, even if I din’t have children with me all the time.

  29. Now I understand why I have always liked to drive fast (T2)! I always thought it was strange that as a T2 I like to drive fast, but now I understand. I also liked going fast on my snowmobile also-up to 100 mph on a frozen lake about 10 yrs. ago, and going back and forth making S curves! ;p

  30. T1 distracted driving is so me! When I’m driving with a friend in the car and we’re talking I often miss my exits. It’s better for there to be at least 2 passengers so I’m able to be quiet and focus on driving while listening to them do the talking.

    When with my husband, I’d much rather he drive so I’m free to be doing things as thoughts enter my head.

  31. I’m a 2/4 and I love driving. I’ve actually wished sometimes it took longer to get to places so I could have more time by myself in my car, listening to whatever music suits my mood and just daydreaming away 🙂 The only time I don’t enjoy it is when people are too close behind me or I feel pressure to merge or pass someone. I also like driving fast but I know how far to push it without getting in trouble. Oh, and if I’m going out of town to somewhere I’ve never been I always leave plenty of time and check the street view of the location on Google maps so it’s like I’ve been there in my mind already.

  32. Guilty as charged! Type 1 driver. I have been known to hold a babies bottle who’s in the back seat while driving down the road. I do hit curbs because I turn a bit too early. I have also had my fair share of speeding tickets because I don’t pay attention to the speedometer. Our insurance agent refers to me as driver #2, your rate would be better if not for driver #2. haha

  33. I agree with other T2’s that don’t feel comfortable with speeding. While on the highway (especially for road trips) I will go a little over, but nothing ticket worthy (intentionally). I’d rather feel at ease when I see the officers off the side of the road with the radar on, than be in a panic looking for them and slowing down in a frantic rush.
    But I definitely related to the driving with my own thoughts instead of the radio. I find it incredibly peaceful to have that time to recenter without any input coming at me. The classical channel (if they aren’t on a chatty news break), is the exception that I find soothing as a potential background companion if the road is long, though I’ve driven 6 hours in happy silence taking in everything around me and didn’t even realize it. My T3 husband NEEDS a distraction like music while driving or he’ll fall asleep from boredom. While T4’s may be sticklers for rules, they also aren’t the smoothest at transitions. My T4 son will go much faster before and after turns than I do, and he merges on the highway too aggressively for me. I would say for me that T2’s treat their cars like their purses; meaning holders of the essentials. I have a pillow, blanket, extra sweatshirt the for the whole family (in case we’re somewhere without a coat and it turns cold- often in restaurants), raincoats, extra first aid items (because the box is never complete), coupons, water, re-useable shopping bags, lunch pails for leftovers (for when we eat out and want to avoid styrofoam boxes), the dog’s leash, to list a few. Though my secondary 4 has them all in tidy baskets and bins, my T4 family members don’t love that I have excess in the car, though they’ve used almost all of these items at some point and been thankful. ; )

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