Things You Naturally Do Every Day that Tell You Who You Are

Do you do these things—and what do they say about you?

What is one thing you do naturally every day that shows your true self—without you even thinking about it?

Think about your body language, the way you move, your thoughts and feelings process, and personality. You might even need to ask a third party person in your life because you probably don’t even notice it when you’re just living true to who you are.

Is it that you need something fun to look forward to every day? Do you need to accomplish something and check it off your list? Is it that you check the time to make sure you’re on track? Do you check in emotionally, to see how your comfort level is?

On this episode of my talk show, #EnergyProfilingWithCarol, I’m here with the Dressing Your Truth Experts as we talk about ways our true energy shows up in our daily lives.

When you’re not thinking about who you are, that’s when you’re most naturally who you are!

You’ll also see face profiling on each of the DYT Experts, so you can gain a better understanding of this essential assessment tool!

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Our Lifestyle content goes deeper into the questions we covered in this show. I invite you to join and have fun with us every day! (Plus, as a Lifestyle member, you could be our next live guest on the show!)

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  1. This was a great show. I will watch it again a few times. So much I always learn. Thank you.. Today I learned the difference between T4 & T2 comfort and also the difference between stillness vs calmness. I don’t really like being alone. I do like being around others but taking tiny breaks with my comforting items. I always have to have my sleep # pillow, my black fur throw (which has to be on the furry side, not the matted side), & my sweater robe. If I have those items I am all set.

  2. Thank you ladies, this was very informative and enjoyable to watch. I could so relate about being with a large family gathering and having to get away to recharge and connect with myself. 🙂 So, my everyday thing that shows my 2 is after I get home from work I have to have quiet time..(come here to lifestyle on computer).. and then must get comfy, put on my slippers and my robe that is SO soft.. All our furniture is super comfortable so I lie down in my S-curve and my two beagles jump up and cuddle up, one behind my knees and one next to my chest and we relax together. :)))))

  3. I relate a lot to what Anne and Kalista said. I do need time to be alone but i still need to have something go on like being on the computer or reading. I use to think I was a higher movement but after staying with my parents for a while for vacation, I think I’m a lower movement. I can be with my mom or just out in general all day and when I get home I just want to relax by reading, watching tv, computer, etc. and once I have enough time do what I enjoy can I be social again because if not…I get really irritated lol.

  4. Carol, you took my word! I was going to comment that this video was “fun!” ha ha I enjoyed hearing each Type say what they do naturally every day and especially loved hearing the stories of all the babies! So funny that they have such distinct personalities so young.

  5. This has been my “why didn’t I see it before” video. I’ve been with DYT for a year as a T4 because I love structure, but I haven’t felt truly at home. All those straight lines I just wanted to give them a shove off kilter sometimes. I stopped the video on each of the girls with the facial profiling lines superimposed and held up a gray scale picture of myself next to the screen. I have every line you drew for Sarah plus an upside down V between my eyes. Head tilt & a lump of clay nose… I do love organized, but what drives me through the day is ‘Done’. It’s not just that I ‘did a load of laundry’, but that I sorted, washed, dried, ironed & put a way a load of laundry – 5 ‘Dones’ and I’m having a great day. I’m a rich & dynamic T3!

  6. That’s interesting, my T4 daughter couldn’t bear it when me and her granny sang together when she was a baby. She used to look so embarrassed and uncomfortable.

  7. I find that it makes me really happy to listen to music and get excited about learning about useful or mystical things everyday. However I often feel like I have a split personality because sometimes I can get sad or angry about and have OCD.

  8. SO, Carol, you say you’re glad when a type 2 realizes her true type and she cries because that’s a typical type 2 reaction. I kind of take that as type 2s are more emotional and could cry at the drop of a hat. CAN a type 3 do that? I THINK I’m a type 3, except I don’t think my face looks like a type 3 (except maybe my nose) but I cry at the drop of a hat. Is that even heard of for type 3s or are type 3s just tougher and not really like that? I was quieter as a child, I think I made a decision to be more outgoing and 3-like, BUT I also am damaged from my childhood abuse.

  9. Now I want to see Annie Payne’s? style since you raved so much about it… Pinterest page? Link to style page???

    1. You can find her in the Type 1 DYT Facebook Group. If you’re a DYT course owner you get access to the group.

  10. I’m a type 4 S3 and something I do each day that is true to my type is that I sweep the floor in exactly the same pattern of straight lines, evenly spaced. My son recently noticed this and pointed it out to me.

    1. It’s probably very grounding for you! Ha! And you’re actually connecting with the ground when you sweep the floor! Amazing our our movement comes out in all areas of our life!

  11. I never realized that I check the time all day also. I need to be aware of the time. It’s something that I didn’t realize that I do. I have been true to my type 4 since I was a child. I know that I am a type 4 but I continue to go over it in my head. I am 62 years old woman type 4 with a secondary type 2. People have tried to change me since I was a child but I hold true to the type 4, since I was that little girl. I will go between type 2 and 4. I do all the things that the things that Carol has talked about in this video of a type 4. I need my solitude. My husband is a T3/T4 and we can be in the same house and if we don’t go to the bathroom or kitchen, we might not see or talk, to each other the whole day. We both need that solitude time. I love the person that I am even if people think I am stuck up when they meet me, which I am not. I sit back and take everything in before I approach people. I don’t allow everyone into my space.

    1. You sound so much like me. It is amazing how we Type 4’s have so many of the same needs and tendencies.

  12. I eat exactly the same thing for breakfast EVERY work day: juice, one scrabbled egg before I leave for the office. Then Yogurt with fruit when I get to the office. Always the same. Fruit may vary depending upon season or availability.

  13. I thought I was a 2/4 but after watching this video I see bursts of a 3 in me. I get compliments on the Type 2 colors when I wear them, like comfort and don’t want to be constantly tugging on something I’m wearing just for the look of it. I prefer my hair in its naturally curly state on my face yet really don’t like the frills 2’s are supposed to like as details on clothes and shoes. I like the look of structure of Type 4 clothes so that confirmed to me what I thought was my secondary. But I have always caught myself loving a lot of the clothes I see the 3’s wearing on these videos–I think it’s the texture and animal prints. I need that in the colors of the 2. I like to go out and do things but want short trips. I like to accomplish things–love my lists to tell my husband about at the end of the day. I like short goals/projects but I am sensitive to everyone else’s emotions. I second guess myself a lot though too. I think I’m more confused now. I’m guessing I need to try Lifestyle? Love the videos.

  14. Oh my gosh, I always wondered about my T4 son when he takes a 30 minute shower, or even longer, and in the dark. He can even fall asleep in the shower. Thank you Calista!

  15. I first watched this the day after it went live and related to the type 2 and type 4 tendencies about equally. Rewatching it today I realised that the keeping track of time doesn’t seem like a stressful thing for Kalista where for me it is. I’m afraid of being late so I always try to make sure I’ll be early for everything in case something happens on the way or I get lost or whatever else could go wrong. If I have something important first thing in the morning I’ll start waking up at least 2-3 hours before the alarm to check the time because I’m afraid of oversleeping. Normal mornings it’ll be more along the lines of 1.5h. It’s really quite annoying and it stops me from planning things on days off because that’s the only time I can sleep through the night, but being late would be worse because I wouldn’t be able to fix it. Ironically when I’m relaxed I seem to have a good (subconcious) sense of time – for instance, I have a knack for getting back just as the commersials are ending without planning or thinking about it at all.

  16. Life has gotten busy for me with the start of the school year, so I am behind on my videos. I am so glad that I went back to view this one. If I ever doubted I was a type 2, this video was a definite confirmation. I must have my time in my comfy space whether it’s reading, catching up on the news, or relaxing with my hubby. Thanks ladies!

  17. I relate to what Brooke said about ‘thriving on short deadlines’. I feel like I unintentionally give myself little time to meet a deadline sometimes, like getting ready for an agreed upon time to leave the house with my family. I’m usually the last to start getting ready. I remember a time we were going to a wedding and I was sure I had everything prepared (clothes, shoes, accessories, etc..) so I was taking it easy and didn’t worry like my sisters. When it was almost time to leave I realised how unprepared I was and started rushing. I remember thinking to myself “I like this feeling. I like feeling/being rushed”.
    I recently got my sisters into DYT and to read Carol’s books (yes we bought them all!). I had read Dressing Your Truth, Discover Your Type of Beauty twice 3 years ago and true to my T3 determined nature I thought “I should re-read it in case I’ve forgotten some things. They can’t know more than me!” Re-reading it helped me notice even more T3 things about myself that I hadn’t noticed before. I continuously think to myself, “There is no doubt I’m a T3!”
    Things I do everyday that show me my type:
    -Trying to finish things as quick as possible and saving time; showers, getting dressed,…etc (I even time myself and try to break my record)
    – Mental/ written to do lists. I have hundreds of things I’d like to do/ accomplish everyday and there’s never enough time. They are always there in my mind until I get them done and I can check ’em off. I feel great satisfaction when I get 1 or more of them done.
    -Swift, determined walk with heavy foot plant.
    -Using swipe gestures to type on my Smart phone (much faster than normal typing)
    I definitely relate to what Sarah said about keeping her pants on all day. 100% me. I’ve always done that ever since I was young. Comfort is not important to me.
    Thank you so much for this priceless information. LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!

  18. Jaleah is so correct! I can just go through the BV drive through and I am happy i got out of the house… 🙂 My family doesn’t get it…Doesn’t have to be much…Just time away from the norm.

  19. I joined DYT at the end of March. I typed myself as a 4 first, then as a 1 because T4 felt too rigid. I bought many beautiful items from the Type 1 DYT store over the summer, but now I don’t wear them often because it feels like a chore and is too exhausting. As I watched this video, I thought I must be Type 1 because I want to have fun or do different things a lot, then I thought I might be Type 3 because days when I “get stuff done” always feel great, but then I thought I probably am Type 4 because I check the time constantly, trying to keep myself on track throughout the day. But then I listened to Anne. I need to be comfortable, which is why I’ve stopped wearing most of my T1 clothes. If my shirt is too tight or stiff or my body movement feels restricted, I can’t concentrate. I am continually checking in with myself emotionally during the day, but I have always figured that it’s a practice I developed to cope with my depression and anxiety. I have been wondering what is wrong with me because I’ve been choosing sleep or quiet time over playing games or watching movies with family and friends. I get overwhelmed by noise and activity, I am always second-guessing myself, and I look for reassurance from those around me, but I thought all that was unmanaged anxiety and depression. Almost right away, I dismissed Type 2 because my mom is the definition of T2 (in my eyes), and I’ve always thought of myself as so different from her. I also pushed T2 away because that is what my husband immediately thought I was, and I wanted to figure out my type “on my own.” I really thought I was Type 1 because I’ve been social since I was born: my mom would have to insist on naps and bedtime because my grandma wanted to talk to me, play with me, and show me off to her friends, but every day I needed time alone in my crib with a stack of books. In elementary school and high school, I was the “loud and crazy” friend, but in middle school and after high school I got so tired and depressed! I’ve spent 10 years trying to find “Krazy Kat,” the person I was at 14 & 15, but feeling like I lost myself. Now I’m thinking I lived as a Type 1 all those years because I felt that I got more attention and validation being that way. My husband has been telling me all this time that I admire T4 and like the fun T1 has, but that I’m really a T2, and I think he has always been able to see the real me even thought I’ve been trying so hard to be someone else. (The length of this comment alone should be clue enough that I’m Type 2!)

  20. I joined DYT at the end of March. I typed myself as a 4 first, then as a 1 because T4 felt too rigid. I bought many beautiful items from the Type 1 DYT store over the summer, but now I don’t wear them often because it feels like a chore and is too exhausting. As I watched this video, I thought I must be Type 1 because I want to have fun or do different things a lot, then I thought I might be Type 3 because days when I “get stuff done” always feel great, but then I thought I probably am Type 4 because I check the time constantly, trying to keep myself on track throughout the day. But then I listened to Anne. I need to be comfortable, which is why I’ve stopped wearing most of my T1 clothes. If my shirt is too tight or stiff or my body movement feels restricted, I can’t concentrate. I am continually checking in with myself emotionally during the day, but I have always figured that it’s a practice I developed to cope with my depression and anxiety. I have been wondering what is wrong with me because I’ve been choosing sleep or quiet time over playing games or watching movies with family and friends. I get overwhelmed by noise and activity, I am always second-guessing myself, and I look for reassurance from those around me, but I thought all that was unmanaged anxiety and depression. Almost right away, I dismissed Type 2 because my mom is the definition of T2 (in my eyes), and I’ve always thought of myself as so different from her. I also pushed T2 away because that is what my husband immediately thought I was, and I wanted to figure out my type “on my own.” I really thought I was Type 1 because I’ve been social since I was born: my mom would have to insist on naps and bedtime because my grandma wanted to talk to me, play with me, and show me off to her friends, but every day I needed time alone in my crib with a stack of books. In elementary school and high school, I was the “loud and crazy” friend, but in middle school and after high school I got so tired and depressed! I’ve spent 10 years trying to find “Krazy Kat,” the person I was at 14 & 15, but feeling like I lost myself. Now I’m thinking I lived as a Type 1 all those years because I felt that I got more attention and validation being that way. My husband has been telling me all this time that I admire T4 and like the fun T1 has, but that I’m really a T2, and I think he has always been able to see the real me even thought I’ve been trying so hard to be someone else. (The length of this comment alone should be clue enough that I’m Type 2!)

  21. I wish I could pay for this and make some friends on the way.I have been in difficult place since little and married for 20 years to an physical and mentally abusing man.I do not know who I am any more.I have no income or credit card to buy anything right now.I wear what is provided by the community.Any ideas somebody?

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