Think You’re a Type 3? Why You Could Be a 1/4 or 4/1 Instead

Have you Typed yourself as a Type 3, but really you’re either a Type 1/4 or Type 4/1?

I see this happen when people interpret the Energy Profiling material differently than I intended. Usually, this misinterpretation comes down to understanding how people achieve results. Sometimes people think, “I get things done, so I must be a Type 3!”

You’ll find this video enlightening, because I go over how Type 1, Type 3, and Type 4 move through their to-do lists and get things done. And I’ll also point out a very important element to look for in Energy Profiling that can’t be ignored! Watch to see:

Start Dressing Your Truth Today!

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  1. Thank you, Carol, for this intresting video 🙂 Yes, I tiped myself as a Type 3. Two weeks later I knew – that’s wrong, I’am a Type 4, but I had no idea about my secondary type. Now I think I am a 4/1.
    Greetings from Switzerland 🙂

  2. Im so glad you made this video! I finally bought one of your books from the only bookstore that carried your book because I hate shopping online for the most part. After reading the book, I knew for sure that I was not a 1 or a 2. So that only left 3 or 4. I think it’s funny because when I watched the free course, Type 3 was the one I crossed off immediately…and I did the same thing when reading the book! I thought I was a 4 then BUT I noticed that I was “trying” to be a Type 4. My family and I were waiting for a table at a restaurant and I tried to sit up straight and still…it did not work! So, I thought that I needed to give Type 3 a chance since I didn’t read it. I noticed so much about myself in Type 3 and I think I had a lot of aversion to Type 3. When you mentioned about going in and getting out…that is me when it comes to shopping. I think it’s funny because my husband loves going to the mall to just “look around” and I just don’t see the point in going unless you are looking for something particular and I just get SO bored lol. Thank you Carol for this video!

    1. I feel exactly like that about shopping. I can’t bear all the faffing about looking at things- I go straight in, get what I want, then leave. But I am a type 4, and I think I have a secondary 3!

    2. I love shopping. I’m looking for something specific. I make a shopping list. If I see beautiful clothes, shoes etc., I do not care the list. I buy what I like. 😉

    3. Same here about the shopping and I certainly do not buy anything unless I need it, even if it is nice. However, if my family want to go shopping, I go with them for the sake of going out together and having fun. I’m always the first to finish or decide I don’t want to buy anything. 3/1 here.

  3. I’m pretty sure my mum is a type 1/4. I thought she was a 3 but she isn’t results orientated whatsoever. She read the DYT book type 1 and said ‘that’s me!’ and didn’t read the rest, so that says a lot to me. She always looks like she is going up as well, on her toes. Even though she is tall and strong and has always been like a bull stamping about and sitting and walking heavily, she isn’t type 3 enough to be one.
    She is a fan of CMB though and doesn’t want to change from her Soft Summer classification there…

  4. I love soooo much that you revisited and updated this video!!

    When I first discovered DYT I devoured the free course, 2 books and binge watched videos. In my inexperience I was having a hard time identifying an obvious dominant type in my facial features and energy. I purchased the T4 course (before all 4 Types were included), but still had doubts.
    The information in this content was the key for me unlocking that I am a Type 4/1… it seems so obvious now that I have to smile.

    Thank you for providing ongoing supportive information to help us gain insight to ourselves.

  5. Carole could you do more videos about these combos, when i first started dyt i had no doubt that i was t3 with lots of changes work home etc i felt something not right i see both t3 and t4 in facial but a lot of t3 in movement (heavy footplant voice etc now im confused . Where do i turn …

  6. Thank you Carol, clarification is so helpful as sometimes I think we over think 🙂 – its nice to touch base and give it another look either for confirmation or correction. I have a 1/4 or 4/1 son (hard to tell right now as he is a teenager and what I knew of him as a little boy – bouncy, light, fun – has morphed into a very serious, single focused young man) so this was especially helpful in seeing the differences between how he and I think and go about doing things. I continue to struggle to lead with my T3 as my S4 is always trying to take the lead (be in charge) and be perfect and orderly. I am going to try some of the clearing/healing sessions I am learning through the Money Cure course and see why that is. For the time being I keep the mantra – “I need all the energies to do my job here and their gifts come to me when I need them” to stop any resistance that I might be building up.

  7. What if you feel like you don’t get stuff done? Does that mean you can’t be T3? I’m a young mom with four under 10, and with the many distractions in the day I feel frustrated that I can’t get as much done as I would like or feel I should. My husband recently told me “You are nicer [happier] when you’ve gotten stuff done.”

    1. I had 4 children ages 6 and under and as a Type 3 it was a huge frustration to feel like I couldn’t get as much done that supported my true nature. I hired a mother’s helper and alot fo the times I would have her play with my kids so I was free to get stuff done!

      1. Thank you for the reply and suggestion. I tried paying a helper to do some household stuff, and that was frustrating because she didn’t work as fast as or do things the way I would have, and I felt responsible for her productivity (gotta get my money’s worth). What you did sounds like a better arrangement in terms of me feeling accomplished at the end of the day.

        1. Re-read my comment! – I hired a mother’s helper and alot fo the times I would have her play with my kids so I was free to get stuff done!

          1. I like that you had her play with the kids so you could get stuff done. What a great way to manage the talents around you. Next time I’ll try it that way.

      2. I also found having a teenager come play with my little ones was a solution for me. I could work on a creative project like stenciling a wall without little hands getting into the paint. I also have felt frustration when household help spends 45 minutes cleaning a bathroom mirror when I could have cleaned all the bathrooms thoroughly in that time. Now older, I think she enjoyed looking at herself in the mirror. LOL Type One here bringing levity.

  8. Great video. When I first started with DYT I thought that I have so many traits of a T3, as described in the book. I am so focused on getting something done that I really want. I always remember when I was trying to get a very good stallion for my mare to breed to and travelled all around Germany to find “the One” that fitted the bill. I had a long list of criteria of what I wanted the stallion to be like. He had to be of excellent pedigree (I had studied all pedigrees of the breed in Germany to find the one that would most benefit the breeding of my mare to create the perfect foal.), he had to be an excellent performer in all licensing tests, an impeccable temperament and also needed to have some conformation details to improve my own mare’s conformation faults (which weren’t many, but I just wanted to make sure the foal had the best start in life). This was over twenty years ago and I still remember the strain of trying to find the right horse as I almost collapsed after driving around for hours at a time and visit so many horse studs to see and evaluate their breeding stallions. I am like a dog with a bone when I really want something. Then my body feels totally drained. That’s probably the difference with a real T3, they don’t collapse afterwards. In that way I wish I was a T3, I would be very successful as I could go on forever and do it at a very fast pace at the same time. It’s a curse that not everybody is a T3 in that way. Today I was researching products for my online store. There is one product that I tried and really liked. I want to get this particular product into the store to offer to customers. The emailing and phoning around made me so exhausted and stressed, especially as the traders are from other countries from different time zones. I felt like I might be on the brink of a heart attack if I don’t rest a bit. Why am I not a happy T3 who can do all of that without any trouble and without feeling so exhausted?

  9. I really I hope I am not being annoying but I had to listen to this again. Thought I was 3…but I just don’t like the clothes. The colors are nice but when an outfit is put together, I just don’t like it. The thing is…I read The Child Whisperer, even though I have no children of my own, it was the only book I could find at the bookstore. So now I’m back to “well maybe I’m a 2, maybe I’m a 4, etc.”. Which is now leading me back to Type 1, but when I read The Child Whisperer the Type 1 section just doesn’t sound like me when I was a kid. I don’t remember being being shamed a lot by my parents but what I do remember is getting in trouble for talking with friends in class to the point where I wasn’t aloud to play outside and that led me to be more quiet so I could play outside and then that just carried on into my teens and so on. Could being an only child also impact they way I acted as a child?

    1. I love that you commented about this because you sound a lot like my 6 yr old. He is constantly in trouble for talking in class. I haven’t heard that he isn’t allowed to go outside because of it and now I know that if that situation comes up, I’ll need to talk with his teachers about it! I want him to keep his type 1 fun energy!

      1. Well, at my school we had to stand on a wall and watch everyone else play and we couldn’t talk if there was another student on the wall or to any kids passing by. It didn’t help that my 5th grade teacher had also been in the military either lol. Her demeanor was a bit too strict for out grade level. Hopefully, your son will never have to experience that 🙂

    2. I found reading ‘The Child Whisperer’ helpful when I was trying to figure out my type, and it took a lot of remembering to really recover how I acted naturally before receiving the sort of feedback that made me act not true to my nature. From what you describe, this is the type of feedback that could have led you to live more in your secondary energy – it fits a Type 1 living in a secondary 4 pattern – but as Carol always says, you need to consider your overall movement.

  10. I knew I was a 1/3 right from the start of my DYT journey based on my facial features and movement. This is very helpful to take it to the next level of understanding, and it would be fun to have more videos like this. Thank you Carol!!!!

  11. Wow! How do you do this, Carol? I am amazed at your ability to pinpoint personality aspects so accurately. I’m a 4/1, and it frustrates my husband so much when I forget everything else (even fixing meals for my family) because I’m so focused on getting one job done. And I definitely streamline processes. I’m always decluttering, removing unnecessary steps, and seeing the main objective through the junk of excessive ideas.

    1. I can get so focused on getting a project done that I forget to eat. My focus can be too intense at times. I declutter and remove,as well. Usually every 4-6 months.

  12. This video confused me Carol. Before I thought I was a type 1/3, but now I’m woendering if I am a 1/4. Like anyone I like to get things done. I totally drop the ball like you said when I have too many things going on however, I like to switch gears through the day so that I don’t get bored. These things that I move through are are specific most days, but I am a 1 so I do get distracted and I am frustrated if I don’t get things done. In this video, it almost sounds impossible for a type 1 to stay on track with one goal and become successful. I would love to see a video on how 1s achieve goals 🙂

    1. Steph, I make lists, like a lot of people, but I have to put times next to each item or I will wander off and not get anything specific done, just a little of this and a little of that, watch a cute cat video, check the news… and then half the day is gone. Having specific times set really helps, including when I will shower and dress (I work from home). So first thing I do each morning, along with a cup of coffee, is make my list. I will have one for each day, placing items in some sort of flow, like errands according to where they are located, shopping according to how the store is laid out, when a project might make a mess and will need extra time for clean up, etc….lots of arrows, stars and side notes. I have to be careful that playing around with my lists doesn’t take over my morning, ha-ha… It’s easy for me to find displacement activities – like writing here! But knowing that I have allowed time for such distractions, I can enjoy this without guilt. So my suggestion is to give yourself more than enough time to do something, allow for play and distractions. It’s better to have one or two important tasks done than 10 merely started. When I complete something important, I love to go back and look at it several times… like peek a boo, there it is. I did that! Ha-ha… Hope this helps!

    2. YES! Every time I watch something about T1 I wonder how we’re ever supposed to be successful. I feel like the only way to achieve my goals is to fight my urge to get distracted and overwhelmed and bring in my secondary 4 as much as possible. (I run a successful business and homeschool 2 kids so I know it can be done, but not if I rely on my “true nature” it seems.)

      1. Robyn, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. Carol has shared in the past that in all things we need to stay true to our primary when calling on our secondary in this way; If you are a type 1 calling on a secondary 4 to perfect something, you perfect it with joy, light and happiness. Calling on type 2 secondary to be connected, detailed or romantic, you ease the flow with joy, light and happiness. Calling on type 3 secondary, you stay on track to get things done, push ahead and stay true to your goal, with joy, light and happiness. This way in all situations we are staying in balance and honoring our true nature.

        1. Robyn, I would love to read and have a copy written like this for all types. This is excellent, a precise explanation.

  13. Thanks for the great video! I’m a 1/4, but my grown 3/2 daughter thinks there is a lot of three in me, but I think this video explained why. I am definitely a get it done girl, but if I don’t write it down, it goes out the window because I forget to do it. So I have to make lists to organize my day, or nothing gets done! I also get excited about ideas and then can tend to oversell them, which can seem pushy too. But of course when she questions it I do too and think maybe I am a 3 after all, but type 1s do this so I think it’s still a 1/4 after all. 🙂

    1. My 1/4 daughter keeps thinking I have a secondary of 1, while I *know* I am truly a 4 with secondary 2. 🙂 Other types can have fun, too! As a child I was NOT one to just have ‘fun’ or be social. I even judged myself because of it. Everything makes sense with DYT because I enjoyed being alone/things had to be logical(4) and I needed time to express myself (2).

  14. Would it be more of a true Type 3 thing to keep the “lists” in your head? I never write anything down, but feel like I shuffle mental files around and delete them when I have accomplished the tasks. I can be very one-track and hyperfocused until one task is done, but the others are sitting on the desktop in my mind. Other times, I will work on one a little, then another, then another, until they are all nearing completion. I went through the process of wondering whether I might be one of these 1/4 or 4/1 combos. As it turns out, I am more likely a 3/4 or 4/3. Either way, it seems like they are both so strong they may never stop competing for the leading energy.

    1. I think the way you describe filing your tasks and being one track is very 4. I am a 4/2 and don’t like to make lists very often unless it is super important…like a trip or a social occassion. (I used to more often and ended up with list of things that never got done. I think that if I don’t live up to my list I feel I am ‘failing’ in a sense and not being perfect.) I am able to keep some lists mentally, though I usually count how many items are in the list to trigger my mental recall of what is on the list. I really don’t see the ability to keep mental lists very much in my 1/4 dd.

      My 3/2 husband has lists…and he gets things done off of them. So in my world, I see that a 3 likes to have a paper/literal list for general things because they *enjoy the feeling of seeing it finished*.

      Hope that helps:)


  15. Hi Carol, I’m pretty sure I’m a type 4/3, but now that I’ve watched your video, I’m wondering if I’m a 4/1. Are there a couple of telltale signs that will help me know for sure what my secondary energy is? Thanks for your help!

  16. I’m a 1/4, and this really nails it down for me. Uncanny. Procrastinating as I speak …

  17. Great video Carol. I am a 4/1. This is a perfect way to describe how my energy combination can be confused to others as a Type 3. When you said a 4/1 can multitask but it is like a CD – switching tracks and being focused on just the one task before jumping to the next….that was exactly correct. I vaguely know the details of the other projects I am multitasking, but do not really put my focus and attention on them until I pick them up and work on them again. I also have ideas of new things to try (not as many as Type 1s mind you) but I always think about it first and try to see the possible outcome and if it has enough value to me to give it an honest attempt. Then my secondary 1 gives me the energy and optimism to pull me through. Thanks Carol!

  18. I did that exact thing – I initially typed myself as a 3 and lived that way for about 2 years – clothes, hair, everything. After that time I was so exhausted and stressed out from the intensity of the movement that I had to re-evaluate if I had typed myself correctly. I reread the Dressing Your Truth book and realized I am a type 1. I felt immediate freedom! However, because I initially thought I was a type 3, I assumed my secondary was a type 3. I lived with that mentality another year before coming to the conclusion that it still wasn’t right. I now feel confident that I am a 1/4. What a journey! But what an excellent way to learn about yourself… I wouldn’t change a thing!
    Thank you, Carol, for all you do to teach and guide us to living and loving our true self!

    1. Patricia, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. We are so happy to hear your journey and to know that Carol’s tools have helped you along the way. We appreciate you!

  19. As a type 1/4 who first thought I was a 3 this really makes sense. What resonated with me the most was when Carol said a 1/4 may be more motivated by the idea of something than actually doing it. My secondary t4 drives me to finish things but when I really look at my motivation, I am most invested in the idea, even above the outcome. I am energized by having something new to work on and think about than I am by completing something.

  20. Precise, exact, efficient were requirements in my professional life which was in part why I considered Type 4, the swift actions required when a surgical nurse in my 20’s would seem Type 3, but the praise for my work ethic came due to Type 1 speed with Secondary 4 preciseness. I, too, thought I must be a Type 3, but while I may have intended the grocery store experience, I would easily become distracted interacting with other shoppers that may begin with sharing a recipe as we both picked up an item to my knowing all about them, making a new friend. Now, I smile as I think of those who rushed by, certainly Type 3, and those who joined the conversation until we had a little group. LOL Thank you for this defining the differences. Sorting it out has been the first time in my life I have been so focused upon myself, and bringing Light is 100% in agreement with my religion. (Part of a prayer in my church is “True light from true light.” )

  21. What are some good questions to ask myself to help me determine if I’m a 1/4 or a 4/1?

    1. Hi Dianna, there are some really great thoughts in the comments, it could be very helpful for you to read them for insights to yourself.

  22. 3/1. Yup. I definitely multitask. I have like 12 tabs open right now and I am literally watching 2 videos (both DYT ofc) right now. If 1 needs to load, I switch to the other and if both need to load I open another tab and do something else and I am aware of where I am in each.

  23. I’ve thought I am a 3/4 but I am not a get it done person to the extent that 3’s are. I decorate like a 4 and do anger like a 4 and neediness is a 4. I feel like my face and body language is textbook 3. I have 2 businesses and another job but my entrepreneurial ventures don’t get all my focus or would be much more flourishing if they were my main objective. I love the ideas. We joke that I am constantly changing and kind of messy and that I am a 3/4 or 4/3 split w/ 1 as my secondary. I wanted this to help me but I still feel kind of confused. I like about 50% of the colors in 1,3 and 4 but don’t think all of the colors in any of them are great for me. Feeling a bit frustrated.

    1. Katina, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. If you are feeling challenged in knowing your type after watching the course and support video’s, you may want to write to for more recommendations on knowing your type from Carol and the experts. Thank you.

  24. I have a question about type 3s. Do you think that dysfunctional type 3s are obsessed with getting a reaction, any reaction? At least four members of my family and in laws could be type 3s, and seem obsessed with provoking people into giving a reaction.
    e.g. person A makes a comment about how sunny the weather is, person B agrees that it is nice and sunny weather, then person A says, ‘well I don’t like sunny weather, I prefer cloudy!’ Person B then says, ‘yes, cloudy weather can be nice.’ Person A then says, ‘Cloudy weather is so annoying, I prefer it sunny.’ And changes their attitude again and again to get a reaction.
    I read somewhere that there is a dysfunctional version of each type, but can’t remember what the signs were.

    1. I teach this in The Child Whisperer, that if a Type 3 does not have healthy outlets to use their active reactive energy, yes, they can default to this. It was probably learned in childhood, and it’s now just a habit. I just wouldn’t have a conversation with the person! Have you read The Child Whisperer, you can get it here for $!5

      1. I’ve got your book, I read it a long time ago but I will re-read those sections. It sounds like what could be happening with these family members. It’s hard to avoid them you see, as they all live nearby :s I think I’ll just nod and smile in future! Thank you.

        1. This is Kathy from Carol’s support team. Catherine, please read the book again. You will be happy that you did! Enjoy!

  25. Ah. Dropping the ball. I hadn’t thought of it that way. I start projects such as painting with pastels or making jewelry and I’m gung ho for a while but then I suddenly lose interest and focus on something else. It’s one of my pet peeves about myself. 🙁

  26. Thank you!! You may have just solved a question I’ve been working on for many years. Why is it that I have such a hard time switching gears? I have tremendous endurance, loyalty and steadfastness. I think that applies to how I work. When I start a project, I can stay with it for however long is necessary to bring it to completion, efficiently. However, during that time, I find it uncomfortable and challenging to have another project moving forward at the same time or even the same day, to switch between them. Like, if I am doing something physical for a period of time, I find it hard to attend to mental matters. If I am coding a project on my computer, for example, my yards may become overgrown. They will have to wait until every bit of code is done and correct. Then I will turn my my attention to the yards until they are complete. I seem to be great at one or the other but not back and forth. I’ve tried assigning something like mornings do yard work, afternoon do coding. But even that is challenging. Once outside, I want to stay there, and likewise inside. I am going to apply your insights to starting whichever project that needs the most attention first thing in the morning. I’m thinking that once I commit, the rest of the day will follow. Then the next day, I can start on another project. I can see that mornings are the most venerable times. If I start out on social media, I am lost, ha-ha… Oh my gosh, this is why I always save big projects for when my husband is traveling! Thank you so much for this video, Carol. One more reason why I am so devoted to your content.

    1. Kelly, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. We are happy to hear that this may have solved a question for you! Thank you for sharing!

  27. I miss typed myself as a T3 when I was a T 1/4. I miss took connect, disconnect for moving several things forward. I can only do one thing at a time but must finish it having it all nice and neat (in my job) for the next day.

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