What’s the biggest thing that keeps you stuck in life?
I recently heard from more than a thousand people about the blocks they want to heal.
As they shared their challenges, I noticed trends. If you’re stuck, you’re probably not alone! Here are the top 7 blocks that keep people stuck, along with small steps toward healing.
1. Do you ever feel like you’re not “good enough”?
This was the number one issue that people shared with me. They said it in a variety of ways:
- What’s the root cause of why I don’t feel good enough?
- I would like help feeling worth it.
- I worry that no one will love who I really am.
Do any of those resonate with you? All those statements come down to one thing: not feeling good enough. Being blocked that way affects every part of your life.
Here’s a small step toward healing: You need to clear away the lie that something you DO will somehow make you worthwhile. You are worthwhile just because you are you. Today, I invite you to notice every critical thought about yourself that passes through your mind. Each time you notice, replace the negative thought with this phrase: “I am worthwhile, simply because I exist.”
(The Carol Tuttle Healing Center launches on July 26. I’ll guide those who join through my new Healing Plan for Self-Confidence. This was such a big issue that I’m here help you heal it!)
2. Do you experience food or weight issues?
People from all over the world told me that they couldn’t lose weight, they were addicted to sugar, they needed help to break the overeating cycle. Do you connect with those experiences?
These blocks run deep and often require added support to heal. The key is to love your body now. You might think that loving your body as it is means you’re giving up. But loving your body now actually empowers you to make changes that support a healthy body in the future. Stop saying words that keep the weight on!
3. Do you suffer from fear or anxiety?
Fear was a common topic—fear of failure, or even fear of success. In many ways, the people who shared their stories don’t feel safe in the world. Does that sound like you?
Many things can contribute to getting stuck in fear and anxiety, from abuse to betrayal to childhood events to generational patterns. Remember: what you focus on expands. If you put your focus on all the ways you are safe right now, you open the space to experience more of that.
4. Do you sabotage your own goals or dreams?
Many people shared the experience of getting in their own way. They couldn’t bring goals to fruition. They couldn’t reach their goals. Some people expressed that they can’t even figure out what their goals are.
How often do you notice self-sabotage or self-doubt? If you’ve ever questioned yourself or felt inadequate, I invite you to do this powerful exercise.
5. Do you manage pain or chronic physical issues?
People shared physical diseases of all kinds—many of them chronic. What caught my attention was how long some had dealt with physical challenges that drained their energy or kept them in pain.
I’ve had my own experience in managing and healing chronic pain. I found that I needed to make pain my friend. It wasn’t going away—so I might as well befriend it and find out what it had to teach me! As I made friends with my pain and believed that my body could restore itself, lessons showed up that allowed my body to heal.
6. Are you dealing with the effects of childhood issues or abuse?
Childhood wounds run deep. The energy of dysfunctional family patterns, family breakdown, or abuse can keep you stuck for a lifetime unless you clear it.
Visualizations to heal your inner child can help you emotionally grow up and out of those issues. In The Carol Tuttle Healing Center, you’ll find visualizations for every stage of childhood development. Until then, if you’re stuck, try this powerful clearing to shift your earliest block.
7. Do you have challenges in a relationship—with your partner, children, or parents?
Some people shared that their marriage felt stale. Others couldn’t connect with their children. And others were frustrated by their mothers. How about you?
Your relationship is mirroring to you what needs healing. Set the intention that your relationship will shift as you clear and heal your own issues first.
Can you really heal completely?
Yes! If any of those issues resonated with you, I have good news.
First of all, you’re not alone.
Second, you don’t have to stay stuck anymore. You can heal completely of the repressed emotions and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. And once you do, a joyful life is waiting for you.
I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.