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Here’s The Truth About Split Ends

Did you know split ends can show up anywhere in the hair?

They aren’t just at the “ends” of the hair like the name entails. They can actually be at any point in the length of the hair strand. Crazy right?!

Split ends are no fun. I have clients regularly ask me how they can prevent their hair from getting split ends.

Why does the hair split?

As the hair grows out of the hair follicle, the hair is brand new. She’s healthy and strong and shiny.

But as time goes on, she receives all kinds of mistreatment, like heat from hot tools, sun damage, sulfates from cleansers, tight ponytails, and chemicals in hair product.

She can only withstand the mistreatment for so long and will begin to break. This is what we see and call “split ends.”

How to treat split ends

The only way to completely rid your lovely hair from split ends is to cut them off.

Getting regular trims is the best way to keep the split ends at a minimum. Commercial split end treatments claim to “heal” the hair of split ends, but they only hide them from view.

The damage remains.

How to prevent split ends

Be nice to your hair.

She loves you and desires your love in return. Here are a few ways to show your love to her:

Split ends don’t have to be a challenge.

You can have beautiful, gorgeous locks as you implement some of these ideas and starting loving your hair.

What’s more amazing is that your hair will respond to this love and work even better for you.

I encourage you to develop a beautiful friendship with your hair. Together, the two of you will reach new heights.

Nicole signature

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