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Affirmations for the Type 1 Person (MP3 Audio Track)

Your upward, light Type 1 energy is a brilliant gift to this world!

To support you in creating more authentic joy, I’m giving you affirmations, true to your Energy Type. These statements will train your brain to recognize your natural strengths and live true to who you really are.

How to use affirmations effectively

Affirmations are declarations of intent.

They are statements written in the present tense that focus your energy on what you want to experience, as if it already exists. What we focus on expands and manifests in our reality.

I recommend you listen to this 7-minute affirmation audio 4-5 times a week until these affirmations become part of you.

Affirmations to Support the Upward, Light Energy of a Type 1 Person

Personal Affirmations

  • I am grateful to be me.
  • I am a light to this world.
  • I am free to be me.
  • It is safe being me.
  • I am happy and letting go of what is not honoring me.
  • I am confident living my truth.
  • I am noticing what is heavy in my life so I can make the necessary changes to keep things in my life light and fresh.
  • I am creating my own way of being responsible.
  • I am a high joy vibration.
  • I am centered and clear.
  • I am full of great ideas.
  • I am knowing what ideas are correct for me to follow through on and I just enjoy the other ones.
  • I am inspiring, fun-loving and playful.
  • I am fresh and youthful.
  • I am awakening and living true to my nature.
  • I am having fun being me.
  • I am happy being myself.
  • I am safe and secure.
  • My inner child is safe and secure.
  • I am free of shameful references of my true self.
  • I am paying attention to the things that matter most in my life and following through on them.

Health Affirmations

  • My body is healthy and well.
  • I take good care of my body.
  • I have a great relationship with my body.
  • My body is light and moves easily.
  • I make healthy food choices.
  • I only give my body the amount of food that helps it sustain my proper weight.
  • I have fun exercising.
  • I wake up refreshed and happy to embark on a new day.
  • I look in the mirror and love what I see.
  • I compliment and thank my body.
  • I am grateful for my good health.
  • I am led to what will support healing and health.
  • I am finding the resources that are best for me.
  • I feel free in my body.
  • I love the way I look.
  • I look and feel good in my clothes.
  • My hairstyle is easy and attractive on me.
  • I know how to put an outfit together that truly is me.

Relationship Affirmations

  • Others enjoy being around me.
  • I am heard and understood in my relationships.
  • I enjoy the people in my life.
  • My significant other is honoring of me.
  • People love being around me.
  • I bring a light to every relationship I am in.
  • I am a good listener.
  • I am supported in my relationships.
  • I am honored by others, in being me.
  • Relationships are fun and easy for me.
  • I am letting go of any relationships that are not supportive of my happiness.
  • I enjoy my friends and they enjoy me.
  • I am appreciated by my friends.
  • I am appreciated by my significant other.

Home Affirmations

  • I am grateful for my beautiful home.
  • I love being home, as it is a space that renews me.
  • My home is orderly and organized in a way that supports me.
  • I love all the fun times I have at home.
  • I am free to be my true self at home.
  • I take care of my home.
  • Everyone who lives in our home contributes to the care of the home willingly and eagerly.

Job Affirmations

  • I love my work.
  • I have a job that allows me to use my natural gifts and talents.
  • I am respected at my work.
  • I am appreciated for the contribution I make at work.
  • I am making a difference for the good, just by being me.
  • I am successful in my work as I live my truth.
  • I am having fun at work.
  • My light and bright energy is a gift to those I work with.
  • I am safe expressing my true self at work.
  • Others appreciate me and compliment me for being me.

Money Affirmations

  • I am grateful for my financial abundance.
  • I am responsible and having fun with money.
  • Money is a resource that I attract easily.
  • Money helps support me in creating a fun and abundant life.
  • I am grateful that there is enough money and more for all that I need and want.
  • I am letting myself want more.
  • As I express my wants, money finds its way to me.
  • I am now making money a spiritual resource that supports my well-being and fun adventure in life.

Creative Fulfillment Affirmations

  • I am creative.
  • I am using my natural gifts of ideas and possibilities in fun and enjoyable ways that make a difference in my life and others’.
  • I am talented.
  • I love new ideas and the freshness of new possibilities.
  • I am fulfilled.
  • I am making choices that support my creative energy and allow me to express my natural gifts and talents.
  • Life is full of creative experiences that are renewing to me.
  • I love being me and the fun of the adventure of each day.

Have fun being you today!

Listen to these affirmations each morning, or while you’re on the go. Write down your favorites and put them where you’ll see them regularly.

As you listen to or read these affirmations regularly, they will become part of you and replace negative judgments you might still carry about your Type 1 Energy. Let yourself experience the gift of being you!

What statement would you add to this list? Share your own Type 1 affirmation in a comment so we all can benefit!

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

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  1. Love this, the daily script, and the parenting affirmations! I re-recorded all three on my phone so I can listen to them in my voice each day. 🙂 Thanks for these amazing resources Carol!

  2. I’m wondering how to download the mp3 audio track onto my iPhone? These are great, but I’d like them to be easily accessible on the go. (So type 1 ;P)

    1. Hehe! I was wondering the same thing! Then I remembered a trick I had used for creating shortcuts of other things onto my smartphone (thank goodness for my s4 which saves me constantly:) The Safari Browser will let you send a shortcut of this page to the homescreen of your smartpone. Easy peasy 😀 It’s been a lifesaver for me!

        1. another thing i have done is play the recording on my computer and record it on my phone as it plays…then i can play it and also not worry about using up minutes if i’m on the road. 😀

    1. Sher, this is not a downloadable audio. You are able to come to the site to listen to or read the affirmations each day. Those whom are listening on electronic devises are audio taping themselves while reciting the affirmations.

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