Use the following recipe when dyeing your whites to Type 1 Winter White.
Materials Needed:
- 1 package of RIT® dye – Golden Yellow
or Lemon Yellow
- Salt
- Large Pot, Bucket or Sink
- Hot Water
Stove Top Method:
- Bring 4-6 cups of water to boil
- Add 1⁄2-1 cup salt to water and stir
- Add 1⁄2 tsp. of either color dye to water and salt mixture, mix well with whisk
- Before dyeing your clothes get them wet with lukewarm water
- Submerge clothes in pot (or transfer boiling dye mix to bucket or sink and then put in clothes)
- Stir clothes in water for 10 seconds, pull clothes out and determine if you like the color (if you want it darker put back in dye and stir longer)
- Remove clothes from dye, rinse with cool water
- Hang to dry or run in regular wash cycle (you could wash with other whites you want to dye as some of the dye will bleed – this would be an easy way to dye more clothes, but keep in mind those will be a lighter version than the original dyed clothing)
Good luck and have fun!
Type 1 Winter White Dyeing Recipe