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Feeling Frazzled & Run Ragged? How to Stay Centered and Grounded

These daily strategies will help you feel more balanced and happy

In today’s fast-paced world it’s easy to get out of balance, especially if you are a higher movement in my Energy Profiling system.

It can be challenging to stay grounded in a world that feels chaotic and busy. There are so many distractions, along with have-tos, should-dos, and don’t-want-tos. For those of us with high movement (sometimes even those with low movement), it can cause a loss of focus and make prioritizing difficult. When this happens too often and for too long your health and family suffer as that irritable energy spills out (10:54). You don’t have to stay there. I know what’s possible for you and as you tap into the built-in powers of your own healing and wellness you will see the potential of the beautiful reality that wants to come alive in you!

Today, I’ve asked Jeny, my DYT Type 1/3 Expert, to join us. She has tapped into that potential and become a master at grounding and balancing her high energy, restoring happiness for herself, her health and her family. She and I will share our insights and tools to help you get there too!

  • (1:20) How to prioritize and use your “thinking mind” as a tool to make this more pleasing.
  • (7:04) Jeny’s #1 tool to keep herself and family on track (it has to be clear and visible).
  • (13:48) Daily management tools to ground and focus.
  • (15:44) Tips to know your priorities, and avoid over-commitment.
  • (18:24) Although it might not seem “in your nature”, but building this into your life will actually bring more freedom!

I’m here to support you in creating a life of joy, ease, and affluence. Let yourself be motivated by wellness.

What is one little thing that you can implement to make you life more present, grounded, and joyful?

Helpful? Watch these too.

Ground and balance with these daily affirmation tracks:

Are you ready to see how energy healing can help you tap into your healing potential? I’ve created The Energy Healing Basics Guild to help you see how simple and easy that can be! (and it only takes about 45 minutes) Discover your healing today!

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