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How to Live True to Your Type 1/3 or Type 3/1 Energy Combination

How to get-it-done and have fun too!

Do you ever feel too intense or distracted?

Are you a Type 1/3 or 3/1 Energy Type? Do you feel the push to get things done, but also the desire to play and have fun too? I understand as the movement of these Energy Types are outward moving and Yang centered. Get ready to acknowledge and embrace your double-extroverted enthusiastic nature!

You have Type 1 Energy that is light and buoyant and Type 3 Energy that is push-forward and dynamic.

Join me and my Experts, Type 1/3 Jeny, and Type 3/1 Anna K as we explore the differences and similarities of these highest movement Energy combinations including the benefits and challenges. I’m sure you will relate to their experiences and stories.

(Still unsure of your Secondary Type? How to Confirm Your Secondary Type — 3 Clues to Look For)

How to live true to your dominant and draw on the strengths of your secondary with your Type 1 and Type 3 Energies:

    • (01:22) What are the common tendencies and challenges of the secondary Type 1 Energy and Type 3 Energy Types? Plus, the reason interruptions make you snappy, and why distractions push you over into “pushy”.
    • (07:06) How to recognize the supporting cheerleader/practical attributes of your secondary, and also sense when it may be out of balance with your dominant energy.
    • (11:56) How to nurture your secondary so that you maintain balance.
    • (16:30) Quick tips to self-assess and recalibrate faster!

What about you? What have you noticed about yourself and how do you maintain balance? Share it in the comments!

More support for this Energy Combination:

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  1. I have a 3/1 son and a 1/3 daughter. They are 2 years apart and I wish I knew their types when they were toddlers. They were crazy big energy during those early years and it exhausted this t2 momma! They are 8 and 10 now and still so much fun. They bring life to our family. And they are still the best of friends because I think they “get” each other. This video helped me understand them both even better. Thank you!

  2. WOW! Yep, I’m a full on 3/1. Only one in my family, and yes I’m a bit much and overwhelming. I kept in in and I just would get sick. It does come out in firery bursts. I have several pictures growing up where I am scowling, mostly becasue it was my mom taking the pictures and she wanted me to be a two. I kind of resented that, unknowingly. I took on the full 3/1 and LOVE IT! Yet I know how to handle it more now. THanks to this AMAZING program! THANK YOU!

    1. That is awesome. I can’t remember what the earlier years were like and I asked my mom but she just said I was just like her and my sister was just like my dad. Not too helpful lol I must be having a block.

  3. Wow… I thought am 1/2. After watching 1/3 body movements it’s very similar to mine. I feel more in natural element with 1/3…
    Watched also video of 1/2 but they were to gentle for me.
    But I don’t find my self that I have so much energy as 1/3… Oh am confused:(((

    1. Have you considered T3 dominant? I think our faces have similar shapes and features, I am not sure of my type yet, but leaning toward a T3 dominant.

      1. Hi Karen…. thank you for response… I have at first but I look 10 years younger than its my age and I have very smooth skin. Which t3 has more texture in the skin. From your picture I can see square lines but also parallel lines like t4. It’s hard to see. I’ve attached better picture. Actually I will change profile pic to this one I’ve just sent you

          1. T1 is circle , heart shape and star shape. Your eyes resemble circle and chin is pointy. Even your eyebrows are nice half circle.
            T3 has stronger jaw line.
            T3’s are very tidy and task oriented.
            T1s are not. Lol ! We are random in our tidyness.
            Have hard time to do anything we don’t find it fun to do. I have outbursts of anger too. T1 has high energy as well so we just have to let it out.
            I would say you would be more T1/3

          2. Thank you Zee, that gives me some better insights. When I do something, I do it very well, and hate when it if I can’t get it done and done well. It becomes very confusing lol

          3. I’m a type 1/3 and finally FULLY embraced it this morning thanks to the updated energy profiling course! I always wondered whether I was 3/1 but I realized how much I resonated with the Type 1 segment. Try taking the new course again today and see what really resonates with you! I’m no expert but to me, it looks like Karen is 3/1 and Zee is 1/3

          4. Thanks Lara that is awesome! I am still leaning toward 3/1. Not sure what is holding me back. I am watching the videos on lifestyle now and hoping i will get that zing moment of knowing 😉 congrats on knowing and embracing your natural energy!

          1. Actually … lol … I was thinking about you more. Something in my gut tells me you are 3/1. First I thought of your cheeks. I don’t see them as Apple cheeks.
            I remember when Carol said that it doesn’t mean if you are type 1 you are life of the party. Which in the book she said that it’s one of the characteristics of t1. Now people got to think ah am not t1 cause am not life of the party.
            Same way for you. You don’t need to be bouncy as much to be 3/1. We are all different intensity.
            To be messy is more like t1 and you could have regressed to t1 cause you were not allowed to be t3.
            That’s why my gut feeling tells me.

        1. There are a lot of angles in your face. The swift arch in the eyebrows, deep v in the inner corners of your eyes, (your eyes have a bit of the exotic factor I think:) v mouth, angles in jawline and chin, triangle under the cheeks, (and you aren’t even smiling with your teeth! I tried it in the mirror myself just to see and got barely a ghost of lines. I’d have to smile pretty big to get close to that charming affect:) angles in the hairline … even your nose reminds me of a T3 nose. (Your skin could be reflective of your secondary type, which if you thought you were a T1, could be T1)

          But I wouldn’t go off of my opinion. You need to decide for yourself and be comfortable with your decision. That’s what matters. 🙂

    2. It seems we are in the same boat lol I know its important to decide and process for ourselves, but jsut based on the fact your features are more defined and your smile lines around your eyes point upward, T2 doesn’t feel right. Also, just from my intuition picking up, you seem more substantial energy than subtle. I am hoping to keep reading the It’s Just My Nature book and asking my intuition to let me know. 🙂

      1. Karen read what I wrote to Mallory O. I got my answers this weekend. Not sure if you purchased course and membership. I did it. And it’s so much more information that can help you. Y

        1. I did get the membership, and maybe I AM type 1 cause now I saw Sarah and she reminds me of me somewhat, and maybe I am 3/2. Totally still confused. So I will keep watching videos and reading books until its clear to me 🙂

        2. How are you doing now that you have determined you type? Have you started dressing your truth? has it helped?

          1. Hi Karen… o yes it di. I got type 1 course. And its what i am. Bought dress that is t1 … yellow with at thw bottom flowers. Goes great with jean jacket. My husband is t4 and very much perfectionist. He doesnt give compliments easy. Not even to ! He loooved it.
            He said ” o you are so it ”
            Than i notice colors i never wore like thag yellow brighten me up and they are amazing on my skin.
            I get many compliments. You can also take your picture and get profesional hair stylist to recomend color and style for your type.its $60.
            But you need to know your type first. I did it and now for 5 days am waiting to see what they say.

            How are you doing?

          2. I started reading Child Whisperer, and still watching all the videos I can find. I am still not clear on my type. I do see alot of one features, but different pictures show different things. I just hold back because I do not feel like I have that bubbly, bouncy quality, I have been trying type 3 colors as much as I can tell without having the program. I just don’t feel as fun and happy go lucky as I associate with type 1, and the colors don’t feel right to me. Could be because I’m not used to showing or that I am really a type 3. haha still as confused as ever I guess. But I to love my new haircut and color, even my hubby likes it and he is a 4, like yours and never likes short hair. So I’ll take that 🙂

      1. Lol ! Yes we can start club. However what helped me this weekend is that I’ve purchased yearly membership. It was worth of it.
        I finally got it. Am 1/4. There are panels with women that were 3/1, 1/3, 2/1 and so on… they were explaining secondary dominant facial features. I have lots of parallel lines as secondary dominant. My eyebrows when I don’t do anything is are straight line. It’s one of clues I overlooked before. That’s just one example.
        Than on panel with 1/4 when they talked about how thwy feel and about every day things I felt like am in there having conversation with them. I looked some pictures that I took for fun and I had contrasting colors 1/4 on me and wow wow…how didn’t I see it before. They are soooooo smooth on my skin. My body language is1/4. Reason I prefer solid colors over print and flowers is dyt 4 and so many other things
        So many things made sense. I can tell you from that experience I understand when Carol says that you are the best that can determine your type. The reason is you are 24/7 with yourself.
        You know your every feeling and thought. Pay attention to that. You will start to see patterns.
        God knows you better too and he can help you too. I asked him for help and he did. I should have asked him sooner. Lol!
        Send me your photo.

          1. couldn’t wait to get my hair done until I determined my type lol, had to just go for it. Here is what I went with.

          2. It really brightens you. Suits your skin.
            I can see how much your cheeks are high now. Thats t1. And your eyes are so round ans eyebrows go round too. More than mine. Mines are t4 eyebrows.when i let them just be natural without waxing. You have a dimple … sooo cute. Thats another t1. Does hair on your forhead has heart shape ? It seems to me its a bit. That is type 1.

          3. I believe I’ve made a choice 🙂 Type 4/1 or maybe 1/4, but 4/1 feels right

  4. I thought I might be a 3/1, but i am no where near that energetic and bouncy, I can relate with the outburst of anger and frustrations, and being social, but I am still very confused about my true type, hard to know what is really me, and what I’ve “trained myself to be” or think “I should be”. I purchased the course, but haven’t chosen my type because of this confusion.

    1. What helped me is when Carol said that when we were kids before parents molded us in what they thought who we should be we have shown natural make up of energy.
      So than I have realized that I am t1. My family always complained about me being so playful all the time. ” life is not playground get more serious” whether you want to do it or not you have to” since I have hard time doing anything that is not fun. Lol !
      Try to go to your childhood and what do you remember what parents family or friends told you and mostly wanted to correct in your behaviour

      1. And I have thought now for a year I am t2 dominant. Can you attach another picture of you so I can see better

    2. You could still be a 3/1. Sometimes, it’s not emotional, but health related. If you’re not feeling your best, or suffering from fatigue, it could be curbing your energy, or your energy might express itself differently. (It might just express itself differently from that girl period) I know I am more buoyant, animated and cheerful when I am feeling better. When I am fatigued it’s enough to be able to speak at all.

      I’m not sure what I am yet, but I think I am one of those two types. I am very new to all of this, so I’m far from being an expert. 🙂

      1. Thank you Mallory! I think thats part of why I am confused. I truly believe my fibromyalgia is caused from not expressing my true energy. I also think I must be blocking it on some level that I am blocking as well.

  5. It was so interesting for me to watch this video! I am a type 1/3 and totally relate to these women. My whole life I have had a hard time finding people who could keep up with my pace of life. I seem to be able to just keep going and doing, and I don’t need much sleep. I’ve also noticed how during long breaks from school I would get bored very quickly, and needed a lot of activity to keep me buoyant and happy. I tried for a while during high school to be more of a type 2 woman, sweet, kind, and soft spoken. I started to notice that this was not me. I wasn’t happy this way, and it wasn’t natural for me. I realized I’m spunky and animated!
    Another thing I found interesting was that I thought I was selfish and childish and found myself being cranky, and unhappy often. When people would try to curb my energy or tell me to calm down I would get upset and think, “you can’t tell me what to do.” (classic Type 1). I’ve learned that these traits and feelings come out in me when I am not honoring my energy. When I honor my energy I don’t have angry, unrestrained explosions in speech or action. I’ve also learned that when I’m around type 2 and 4s, I can feel myself changing to suit their energy. This is a challenge for type 1s because we are the type that most readily changes our energy to that of others. What I’ve noticed is that I don’t feel as productive or happy. This slower energy really pulls me down, and drags me down, and I feel quite heavy. In many situations I love how this energy can ground me, but I’ve noticed that this energy type is not good for me to live by. I’ve noticed that when I engage in activities that are of a lower frequency I slow down so much I just kind of shut down.

    1. Natalie, thank you for your share. I’m T1 and not sure about my secondary. I keep thinking it can’t be S3 and it was even hard for me to accept T1 because personality testing has typed me as an introvert (I now understand that I’m not the only introverted T1, but as I grow into this I’m not even sure I’m an introvert anymore). But your comment about shutting down when the energy gets slow and heavy really helps me to understand what might be going on with me. I know I adapt to others energy, and while I’ve known this for a while, understanding it in the context of energy profiling is changing my life. It’s allowing me to see it as a gift of T1 and understand better how it works so that I can work with it and am starting to be able to see when I’m doing it (in ways I didn’t before) and hopefully I’ll get better at knowing when I need to leave a situation because I’m over adapting and/or learn how to notice in time to check the tendency and stay truer to my natural energy movement in the face of more dominant energy types or heavy energy that can make me feel heavy too.

  6. Its interesting what Carol says about 1/3 and 3/1 bringing their energy down a bit so they don’t get negative labels. Do you think that the opposite types 2/4 and 4/2 could bring their energy up a bit in social situations so they don’t get labelled negatively too e.g. as too quiet, too hard to talk to etc?

  7. I wish I could see more of Catherine. I am a 1/3 and I see the size of her jewelry, too and that is what I need…not little jewelry…but it has to be light without changing color, also..I like her big ring and her large piece on her necklace and her flower in her hair. I also notice that she is wearing bracelets on both arms which looks nice.

  8. Oh thank you Erin for sharing: “If I contain my energy into a lower form I start exploding…” How reassuring for me who has the same tendency and has developed quite a burden of guilt from it! I am 3/4 (by process of elimination I believe my secondary is a 4) and when that happens watch out! I become a raging, loud, critical volcano! That energy rushes out and will not stop until it is all been released just like a volcano 🙂 I have taught those closest to me to just go away and especially not listen to the rant because it often has nothing to do with what I am yelling about. I continue to watch these videos to learn more about the T3 energy but especially to help with this…I loved watching both of your energies – I could not help but smile! Thank you Carol for bringing this awareness to us!

  9. Wow! I am so much like Catherine that it’s really amazing to me! I love her hair (even the flower), the clothes, her mannerism & LOVE the shoes! I’d like to see more of her and how she manages her 1/3 combo. I’m a newly proclaimed 1/3 and really related with everything she said. I’m learning to keep my 3-ness in check but sometimes find it difficult with family. At work, I feel like I have to be careful more than home, but neither do I want to be judged for my ‘bossiness.’ I don’t mean to be, but sometimes it just takes over. Thanks so much for this video. I really enjoyed it.

  10. My daughter is a 3/1 – I’m a 1/2 – Now that she is 17 – a senior in High School – she has a great group of friends that are all high energy – she always wants them to come over – when she has only 3 friends over – it sounds like there are 20 people in my house! I will admit that I do shush her and tell her to be quiet, calm down – then I hear Carol’s voice saying – do NOT shush a type 3 and I feel guilty – what do you suggest I do or say instead?

  11. Wow! Thank you, Carol, for this wonderful video. As a T3/1, I find that a major challenge is impatience and restlessness, and I would love it if you could do a post addressing ways to manage this challenge? It makes me sad when I get into a place of being snappy or irritable, which often happens.

  12. As a T3/1 myself, I was so sad to read this post! I hope things are coming right for your sparkly sunshine of a daughter now! I can relate – in situations when other people are being more relaxed or soft-spoken, they tend to find me uncomfortable. I am sure that there are situations – cheering for a sporting event, or organising a party, say – where your daughter’s energy draws people to her. In the right setting, she will shine like a diamond. Also, does she suffer from having transient friends, or is that okay with her? I also tend to have people drifting in and out of my life: for me, friendships are more casual and I’m happy with that. Maybe she is too?

    1. Thanks your words of encouragement. Yes she has had friends come into her life and go out of her life. She is more excepting of it now and has grown strong in the fact that if she doesn’t connect with certain people etc she is quite content to do stuff on her own. But I’ve realized too that some of the people she could of made friends with turned out to be a blessing that she’s not friends with them. I thank God for her younger sister who is a good sister and friend when she doesn’t have others around to connect with. They are only a year and a month apart. And she is a 1/2 . They have there moments but for the most part they get along great with each other. It’s been a learning curve for me. But I’m glad she is doing much better these days with handling school and relationships.

  13. I am a 3/1, definitely, and understanding that has changed my life. Thank you, ladies. Something I would love to see is a video on how to listen compassionately as a 3/1. It’s my biggest challenge. As a “fix it” Type 3, with a secondary type 1 (Type Fun!), I either jump into trying to fix my friends’ problems, or trying to cheer them up. Both come off as disrespectful or shut people down. I want to learn not to do that! Please help.

  14. I gasped at Erin’s type 3 style and colors. Wish I could dress like that. Guess I am to pale a warm skinned person to rock those colors. But I know a milder version of the …. is it mustard? … suits me very well.

  15. My mom is T3/1. I am T4/2. I have asked her to read It’s Just My Nature several times. We need healing. Currently I am not able to have contact with her due to the pain. Any ideas??

  16. My favorite video of all time. It was the turning point for me to except my 3/1 beauty. It not only justified me and how I am but helped me see how to see others and tone down as needed. I just love this one and the 3 makeover video.

  17. After watching this video, I think I’ve probably typed my secondary incorrectly. I’m nothing like this 3/1, who’s a little over the top for me. Plus, I’m not a bling/sparkly person. What’s confusing is understanding how secondaries play into primaries. If I’m not a 3/1, choices are Secondary Type 2 or 4. There’s a softer side to me, which leads me to believe that Type 2 could be my secondary, but I’ve never been a whiner who spins her wheels in making decisions, I don’t get slowed down by details. Having said that, my projects usually have a pretty good amount of detail that goes into them. Do you have any pointers to sort this out?

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