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Affirmations for the Type 3 Person (MP3 Audio Track)

Your big, dynamic Type 3 Energy offers so much to the world!

To support you in experiencing more joy for who you are, I’m giving you affirmations, true to your Energy Type. These statements will train your brain to recognize your natural strengths and really appreciate your true self.

How to use affirmations effectively

Affirmations are declarations of intent.

They are statements written in the present tense that focus your energy on what you want to experience, as if it already exists. What we focus on expands and manifests in our reality.

I recommend you listen to this 7-minute affirmation audio 4-5 times a week until these affirmations become part of you.

Affirmations to support the dynamic, substantial energy of a Type 3 person


Personal Affirmations

  • I am grateful to be me.
  • I am exuberant.
  • I am active and motivated.
  • I am free to be me.
  • It is safe being me.
  • I am ambitious and letting go of what holds me down.
  • I am confident living my truth.
  • I am noticing what is stifling in my life so I can make the necessary changes to open the space to achieve what I want.
  • I am using my determination in ways that add value to my life.
  • I am centered and clear.
  • I achieve what is correct for me, I know when something is not correct and I let it go.
  • I am awakening and living true to my nature.
  • I am passionate about being me.
  • I am safe and secure.
  • My inner child is safe and secure.
  • I am free of shameful references of my true self.
  • I move swiftly and easily through my day, accomplishing a lot.
  • I am confident.
  • I am using my confidence in ways that bless my life and others.
  • I am knowing when to stop.
  • I am knowing when to say no.
  • I am true to my rich, dynamic self.

Health Affirmations

  • My body is healthy and well.
  • I take good care of my body.
  • I give myself the proper rest I need.
  • I know when to stop and take it easy.
  • I only do enough that supports me staying healthy and balanced.
  • I get outdoors on a regular basis and this renews me.
  • I have a great relationship with my body.
  • I make healthy food choices.
  • I only give my body the amount of food that helps it sustain my proper weight.
  • I love the results I get with exercising.
  • I wake up renewed and determined to embark on the adventure of a new day.
  • I look in the mirror and like what I see.
  • I compliment and thank my body.
  • I am grateful for my good health.
  • I am led to what will support healing and health.
  • I am finding the resources that are best for me.
  • I feel confident in my body.
  • I love the way I look.
  • I look and feel hot and attractive in my clothes.
  • My hairstyle is easy and I look great.
  • I know how to put an outfit together that truly is me.
  • I willingly take the time to learn how to care for my body and appearance to get the results I want.

Relationship Affirmations

  • Others enjoy being around me.
  • I am heard and understood in my relationships.
  • I enjoy the people in my life.
  • My significant other understands me.
  • Relationships no longer stifle me, I know how to be me and support others being themselves.
  • People love the action and adventure I bring to our relationship.
  • I am a good listener.
  • I express my feelings in healthy ways.
  • I express my anger and frustration in healthy ways.
  • I am honored by others in being me.
  • Relationships are satisfying for me; they are worth my time and investment.
  • I am letting go of any relationships that are not supportive of my freedom of self.
  • I have just enough friends that add value to my life and pleasure

Home Affirmations

  • I am grateful for my beautiful home.
  • I love being home. It is a space I accomplish a lot and rest when needed.
  • I love how easily I can move through my home, tidying it up.
  • I get rid of “stuff” that is no longer useful or brings me joy; this allows our home to more easily stay orderly and organized.
  • My home is orderly and organized in a way that supports me.
  • I love all the enjoyable activities that take place in our home.
  • I am free to be my true self at home.
  • Everyone who lives in our home contributes to the care of the home willingly and eagerly. We all get a lot done true to our nature.

Job Affirmations

  • I love my work.
  • I have a job that allows me to use my natural gifts and talents.
  • I am respected at my work.
  • I am appreciated for the contribution I make at work.
  • I am making a difference for the good, just by being me.
  • I am successful in my work as I live my truth.
  • I am having a good time at work.
  • My rich, dynamic energy is a gift to those I work with.
  • I am safe expressing my true self at work.
  • Others appreciate me and compliment me for being me.

Money Affirmations

  • I am grateful for my financial abundance.
  • I am responsible and having a grand adventure with money.
  • Money is a resource that I attract easily.
  • Money helps support me in creating a rich, dynamic life.
  • I am grateful that there is enough money and more for all that I need and want.
  • I am letting myself want more.
  • As I express my wants, money find its way to me.
  • I am now making money a spiritual resource that supports my well-being and adventure in life.

Creative Fulfillment Affirmations

  • I am creative.
  • I am using my natural gifts and ideas and all the possibilities in making my life wonderful.
  • I am talented.
  • I love my ability to get results with the new pursuits that I go after.
  • I am fulfilled.
  • I am making choices that support my creative energy.
  • I am doing what is correct for me.
  • I love expressing my creative talents.
  • Life is full of creative experiences that are renewing to me.
  • I am hands-on, and in my hands-on approach to life, I create wonderful outcomes with the projects I pursue.
  • I love being me and the adventure of my life each day.

Enjoy the adventure of being you today!

Listen to these affirmations in the morning, or while you’re on the go. Write down your favorites and put them where you’ll see them often.

As you hear or read these affirmations regularly, they will become part of you and replace negative judgments you might still carry about your Type 3 Energy. Let yourself experience the gift of being you!

What would you add? Share your own Type 3 affirmation in a comment.

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.


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  1. Thank you so much for this Carol! My face and hands say that I’m a Type 3, but I think that I have operated from my secondary and and tertiary for most of my life. (I’m also scowling in most of my baby and toddler pictures! ) I believe these affirmations, the Type 3 tapping video and dressing my truth will all help me to step into my Type 3 energy. Plus – I’m having a great time with it all! Blessings to you!

  2. Uh oh…my audio says there is nothing there. I really wanted to listen to these affirmations. Am I missing something?

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