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Type 3 Anti-Aging Skincare Tips: Age Without Worrying About Wrinkles

How to age with vitality and confidence!

As a Type 3 woman, you have a naturally dynamic and exotic complexion.

Your Type 3 skin has more active texture. You’ll notice deeper facial lines and creases in this skin, no matter your age. But they’re not wrinkles! Your skin simply expresses more movement.

Type 3 women of all ages tend to have deeper and even multiple smile lines that give them a dynamic look. I have Type 3 skin, and I love it is an expression of the woman I am. Our skin feels soft to the touch, but it has an appearance of texture and more activity. Our pores are medium to medium-large.

Anna K showing her Type 3 skin
Type 3 Anna K
Carol showing her Type 3 skin
Type 3 Carol

With these strengths also come challenges.

Tendencies to manage:

  • Deeper lines that can become exaggerated
  • Hyper-pigmentation
  • Cystic acne

When you work with your Type of skin, rather than against it, you have healthier, vibrant skin.

How to work with your Type 3 skin and age with confidence:

  • 1. Use products that enhance your Type 3 qualities.
  • You want to honor your active/reactive skin, so I recommend all of the Dressing Your Truth Anti-aging Skincare products because they will be gentle – yet very effective – on your skin.

    In fact, the Wrinkle Recovery Serum will be your #1 go-to. It contains retinol, which will significantly help with fine lines and texture.

    I also love our Instant Action Wrinkle Smoother from the DYT Online Store. This cream visibly lifts, tightens, and smooths your skin. Just dab a small amount onto areas of concern, gently tap into the skin without rubbing completely in, and allow a minute or two to dry.

  • 2. Pamper yourself with a facial or face massage.
  • Once a month, I get a facial from an expert esthetician. I consider this a necessary step in my skincare routine that helps my skin remain healthy and vibrant.

    You can even give yourself a face massage at home in between your facials. Massaging your face stimulates cell regeneration and blood flow. Do this every night for just a few minutes. It feels wonderful and you’ll notice a difference right away.

  • 3. Add collagen to your daily supplement regimen.
  • Your body doesn’t naturally produce as much collagen as you age. As collagen diminishes, we lose volume in our skin and we begin to see a hollow, shallow appearance to our skin. This can contribute to that leathery appearance.

    Collagen is necessary to retain the soft yet firm qualities of your skin. While there are fillers and injections for this, you don’t need them. I take these Collagen Peptides Powder every day and have noticed considerable difference in my skin health. Add one scoop to your coffee or morning smoothie and you won’t even taste it!

  • 4. Drink lots of water.
  • Most women do not drink enough water, and it shows in their skin through dehydration!

    Drinking plenty of water every day keeps your skin hydrated from the inside out. Fill a water bottle up in the morning and sip it throughout the day while you’re on the go. Plain water could get boring after a while, so consider adding a fresh slice of fruit like cucumbers, berries, or apples.

  • 5. Wear your sunscreen.
  • You’re active, you’re busy, you’re outdoors a lot. Make a commitment to yourself to protect your skin with sunscreen—no matter what season it is!

    Our foundations in the DYT Online Store also come in a variety of SPF coverage. Shop our Type 3 foundations here.

  • 6. Watch your behavior tendencies.
  • Your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle choices as well.

    Type 3 women prematurely age themselves by overdoing it. The organ that takes the biggest hit is your adrenal glands. The adrenal glands produce hormones that help the body control blood sugar, burn protein and fat, react to stressors like a major illness or injury, and regulate blood pressure.

    Blowing out your adrenal glands is like blowing the main power switch to your home. All the other circuits are out of balance. You do not have a store of energy, you have poor sleep, you gain weight, and have a hard time losing weight as the body hangs onto the extra weight thinking that it’s fuel.

    This personally happened to me when I was younger. I didn’t know when enough was enough. By the time I had blown my adrenal glands, I was a mess. My functional medicine doctor told me it was like I was now burning the furniture in the house as there was no more fuel.

    With his help, I started to notice that when I was tired, I had to honor that and slow down. If I didn’t, a second energy source would kick in and that was equivalent to burning the furniture. It was a habit that took time to break.

    As Type 3 women, we believe we can do it all. But our health suffers. While it’s true that we can get a lot done, let’s not burn ourselves out because of it.

    Here’s what to do when you’ve overdone it:

    I recommend The Triple 3 Restoration Plan:

    1. Take 3 things off your to-do list.
    2. Say “no” to at least 3 things this week.
    3. Take 3 short breaks a day.

    Share in a comment how you’re going to honor your Type 3 nature and support yourself in aging with confidence and vitality.

    Carol signature

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