Are You a Type 3 (Who Doesn’t Want to Be a Type 3)? Ginger’s Before & After

I’m often asked which assessment tool in my Energy Profiling system is the most accurate.

Of the 5 tools, I teach that face profiling and body language are the most accurate way to determine your dominant Energy Type.

I created the CYT videos to help you see what I see.

I use face profiling and body language to help women determine their correct Energy Type when they’ve mistyped themselves. I know if everyone could understand the movement I see in someone’s natural facial expressions and body language, everyone would assess themselves correctly.

Ginger came to me thinking she was a Type 2, yet her facial features and body language don’t express a Type 2 energy. Watch and learn what Type Ginger’s facial features, hands, and body language express.

And, make sure to watch to the end when Ginger returns a few weeks later fully dressing her truth. You’ll be amazed at her transformation.

To learn more about the mechanics of Face Profiling, make sure to watch Face Profiling 101. It’s amazingly accurate!

Start you Free Dressing Your Truth Beginner’s Guide!

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  1. This is what I love about DYT. Connecting us to who we were created to be and learning to love and support one another. What a beautiful gift to receive!

  2. This is so amazing to see! I hope you do a type 4 video like this, I’m still struggling with accepting the boldness of the type 4 but my sister has been helping me and I’m actually starting to enjoy the type 4 colors. Thank you so much for sharing all you know about the types it’s helped me so much!

  3. Thank you, Ginger, for being brave enough to follow your 6th sense to find your true type. You look great!!
    Best of luck with your continuing journey home to yourself.

  4. Similar to my story – I didn’t bother reading or listening much to T3 – it seemed way too hard. It is great now feeling comfortable in my own skin.

  5. This was so amazing! Seriously! I so appreciate her. My three was also compartmentalized and I believe I used the three to compensate because it was tolerable. So this was powerful to me. I had to read The child whisperer to confirm myself and learned so much more about my mom and why we did what we did. It helped heal me, my relationship (from my side) with m mother, and now helping me be a better mom. Thank you for your leadership courage Ginger and for sharing your knowledge Carol!

  6. So awesome, Ginger!!! I love this about DYT as well. What a beautiful gift to all women, Carol. Thank you again and again.

  7. Gosh I love you Ginger…my DYT journey has been similar as a 3/2. My parents were dairy farmers and stressed out from my first day on earth until I left home. My mom always has told me I was such an easy going, obedient baby/toddler but I’m thinking it’s possible I did just adapt to stressed out parents early on, and my parents lost my little brother as a preemie when I was like 18 months old. Life just went better for everyone when I didn’t cause a stir. In my teen years I started to push and it was NOT well received. Thankfully now, at 35, I’ve found DYT and am able to discover and enjoy (and EXPLAIN) SOOOO much more of who I am. My teens and early 20’s were one giant identity crisis because I was afraid to express ANY of what I now know was my T3 bubbling and brewing and wanting to bust out. So I just stayed VERY confused and decided I felt unattractive and insecure because I was overweight and it was just impossible for me to feel stylish and attractive…let alone HOT! But now that I’m D MY T, I feel all of the above. Enjoy the ride Ginger! Carol and the DYT team, THANK YOU for helping us scared, tame little peacocks to spread our fancy plumage and make a little noise on this planet! <3

    1. Oh, my goodness, does this story ever sound like me, Leah. I have Dairy farmer parents as well, and when my husband started talking about getting into dairy after 15 years of marriage I felt terrible about it! No! don’t do that! He didn’t, and I’m still relieved, but I see now what I was feeling. You describe it so well by saying your T3 was bubbling and brewing, wanting to bust out. I loved the group Petra as a teen, and my mom couldn’t stand the noise of it. I remember loving it when my parents went on their week vacation and my sister and I had to milk the cows. We got up later, and I played loud music all day. We still got the chores done, but minus the stress. I don’t think badly of my parents, and we actually love eachother today, but I love being able to know what caused the stress back then.

  8. You look great in your new style, Ginger!
    I find it particularly beautiful when you push your hair behing your ear so that your ear shows with your nice earring hanging from it:-)

  9. This was so neat to see Ginger’s transformation. She looks great, I love how Carol told her how attractive she is, because she is beautiful. I would love to see a follow up on Ginger to see her journey 1 year in to DYT and how it has changed her life.

  10. I loved this! Everything in this video is pretty much my life until I found DYT! Like, exactly! Thank you for freeing me(all of us!) Carol!

  11. I love her hair! and she looks so much younger and her voice is beginning to get louder now…lol….she’ll get there! 😉

  12. Totally related! I mistyped myself as a 4 at first. Studying 3s, I was like, “Oh, yea! That’s this awesome person, this person I admire, and that amazing lady.” The people I admired most were 3s, but there was some self-hate I didn’t know I had that was keeping me from thinking I could do this or be that. After a year of accepting myself as a 3, I still wondered why I don’t “get things done.” Hearing Carol say you have trained myself to hold back was a bit of a lightbulb. I did some EFT tapping the other day and immediately thereafter really rocked some projects. It’s such a process of learning to love and free yourself from judgment. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

    1. Hey Marie! What did you do for your EFT tapping? I relate to this where I feel like I have been trained to hold myself back and really want to unlock that! Please do tell!!

  13. Great transformation…I love Carol’s outfit! so far type three outfits have really appealed to me. still working on figuring out my type.

  14. I am confused about the physical connection/movement thing with type 3’s. I’m very hands on, physical, athletic, outdoors-y, kinesthetic learner, pretty fiesty & impatient etc….but I don’t think I am a Type 3. I think I am a 1. Is is possible that other types can exhibit these characteristics?? I’m so confused!!!

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