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Time Management: Get More Results

You rock at multitasking; it’s your gift! Join Anna K as she passionately shares her wake-up call regarding her priorities, along with tips for managing your tendency to get burned out.



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  1. Wow, this is so me!!!!! I do get burned out for sure. I think I gave myself adrenal fatigue from working and working out so much.

  2. Thanks ladies! As a t3, it is hard to let myself be vulnerable. I have found that it’s important to slow down just a little I order to let other’s energy in. I thrive on being busy and getting stuff done, but as you said, there has to be some balance. You are so awesome, love you both!

  3. This helps me understand my secondary T3 tendency to rush and my T3 teenage son’s problem with focusing on homework and time management. Thanks.

  4. This video really struck me hard. I related to everything in it.

    When Anna K. mentioned her kids… the emotion flooded me. My oldest son & I were standing outside church the other day, he was in kindergarten when we started and is a senior now….where did the time go? Like Anna K. said “I missed it”.
    In my baby book, my mother wrote when I was 3; Dannielle’s Favorite Phrase “I can’t, I’m busy!”.

    My “nickname” at work was OCD. I would take on so many projects & “do it all”….and good, might I add! (wink, wink). Forever the work-aholic. I did burn my candle at both ends, the super employee, the super wife, the super mom, the super athlete, etc. Unlike, classic T3 time management, I put so much pressure on myself to be on time. It had been hammered into me by my father (T4), I always felt a ton of anxiety about being late (late was 15 minutes early). My candle burnt out November 17, 2013 and left me bed ridden. My body physically stopped supporting me. This was before I found Living Your Truth in February 2014. By May 2014, I was able to start functioning. I am still in Adrenal Fatigue Stage III, but am making progress!!! 🙂
    Initially I typed myself as a T2 (not sure how that happened). I am a T3 energy! I am learning to balance this strong energy, including how to use my voice instead of burying it inside me. Thank you so much!

  5. My story mirrors yours nearly identically! 2009 was the year my health failed from burning the candle far too long from both ends, as super wife, super mom, super Trauma ICU nurse, etc. I became so sick, I had to quit my job entirely and could barely function. It took me until last year to regain control of my health, after much work with multiple doctors and natural health practitioners. What did I do this last year, now that I am feeling better finally? Did it again! :-/ Had another baby, went back to work, started nurse practitioner school, etc, etc… Laying here on the sofa tonight, sick, sick, sick, with the old, familiar pain and struggles yet again. The last few days, my husband and I have been discussing the fact that we are heading backwards towards square one due to my inability to remain balanced, instead of letting my go-getter, over achiever personality take over and run wild. What Anna K was saying about her children, literally brought me to tears because I’ve been feeling that very way the last couple weeks. I do t want to miss out on my husband OR my kids anymore. It really is not worth it. NOTHING is worth missing out on the sweet family I’ve been blessed with. What a timely video for me to watch! I just happened upon it tonight, as I was scrolling through. Thank you for blessing me with this message, ladies!

  6. I definitely understand the burn out part of being 3 as I have experienced it multiple times and I’m only 27. The question remains, though, how do I prevent it? Just go slower? Try to do less? Because my energy itself demands that I keep moving so I don’t do well holding myself back. I constantly keep my life over-packed but when it’s not I feel unfulfilled and bored. So what’s the solution?

  7. I related so much to this! Thank you Anna Kay for conveying the t3 emotion. I have felt this so often. I will be watching this again.

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