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Type 4 Anti-Aging Skincare Tips: Maintain Your Smooth, Sleek Skin

How to age with poise and serenity

As a Type 4 woman, you naturally have a still and refined complexion.

Your Type 4 skin has more of a porcelain quality to it. It tends to be even in its coloring and tone. Your pores are small, barely visible when looking at arms’ length.

Small pores are not the same as non-existent ones! Everyone has pores, and most models we see in skincare advertisements are Type 4 women whose faces have been Photoshopped. Out of all the Types, your skin has the most porcelain qualities—whether you’re young or elderly, your skin is stunning!

With these strengths also come challenges. Type 4 women can experience dehydration because of their small pores. Their skin may actually become oily because their skin is overworking from the dryness. If you have skin imbalances, they will show up in all-or-nothing extremes, true to Type 4 movement.

Deborah showing her Type 4 skin
Type 4 Deborah
Kalista showing her Type 4 skin
Type 4 Kalista

Tendencies to manage:

  • Dryness
  • Oily skin
  • All-or-nothing imbalances

When you work with your Type of skin, rather than against it, you have healthier, more stunning skin.

How to maintain your skin’s smooth, sleek nature

  • 1. Use products that enhance your Type 4 qualities.

You want to honor your all-or-nothing skin, so I recommend all of the Dressing Your Truth Anti-aging Skincare products because they will be gentle – yet very effective – on your skin.

In fact, the Skin Brightening Serum will be your #1 go-to. It contains Vitamin C, which will hydrate your skin and combat your dry tendencies. This will visibly improve the firmness and plumpness of your complexion.

  • 2. Drink lots of water.

Most women do not drink enough water, and it shows in their skin through dehydration!

Drinking plenty of water every day keeps your skin hydrated from the inside out. Fill a water bottle up in the morning and sip it throughout the day.

  • 3. Pamper yourself with a facial or face massage.

Once a month, I get a facial from an expert esthetician. I consider this a necessary step in my skincare routine that helps my skin remain healthy and vibrant.

You can even give yourself a face massage at home in between your facials. Massaging your face stimulates cell regeneration and blood flow. Do this every night for just a few minutes. It feels wonderful and you’ll notice a difference right away.

  • 4. Add collagen to your daily supplement regimen.

Your body doesn’t naturally produce as much collagen as you age. As collagen diminishes, we lose volume in our skin and we begin to see a hollow, shallow appearance to our skin.

Collagen is necessary to retain the soft yet firm qualities of your skin. While there are fillers and injections for this, you don’t need them. I take these Collagen Peptides Powder every day and have noticed considerable difference in my skin health. Add one scoop to your coffee or morning smoothie and you won’t even taste it!

  • 5. Wear your sunscreen.

Make a commitment to yourself to protect your skin with sunscreen—no matter what season it is!

Our foundations in the DYT Online Store also come in a variety of SPF coverage. Shop our Type 4 foundations here.

  • 6. Watch your behavior tendencies.

Type 4’s age themselves by either becoming overly critical and cynical, or overly reclusive. The mind is a gift, yet it can also be your worst enemy if you do not train it to serve you.

As a Type 4, you need to watch your tendency to be overly critical and cynical in a world where you could be at every turn. This habit creates very negative energy in your body that interferes with its natural rejuvenation abilities. It will interfere with getting the best sleep, and your REM sleep is the process that keeps us mentally balanced.

DYT Type 4 Expert, Kalista, shares this story about how she found this to be true for her:

“As women, we live in cycles or seasons; emotional, hormonal, sleep, relationships, career, parenting… And all these ups and downs affect the way our skin looks and how we feel about it.

“As a Type 4 woman, I am keenly aware that I wear my emotions and health on my face. When I’m tired my eyes are dark and downcast. When I’m angry I get deep lines between my brows and around my lips. If I neglect exercise my skin starts looking dull. Breakouts and acne flareup when my hormones are out of balance, (I have polycyctic ovarian syndrome, so this is a biggy for me). There is more to the old adage “Beauty is skin deep” than we think. The quality and health of my skin has a direct correspondence to the beauty that I am creating in my life. And the beauty that I am blessing others with.

“My life can get very busy very quickly if I’m not mindful and careful. There have been times when I’ve put my self-care at the bottom of the ‘to-do list.’ But everything and everyone else in my life suffers. I find myself getting more critical and judgmental and easily slipping into a glass-half-empty mood. Caring for myself (exercise/sleep, and hormone balance. The “I Am Purpose” healing oil is the perfect “cocktail” for this), serving others (gifts and unexpected kindnesses) and expressing gratitude (verbally and in writing) are the quickest ways to get me back on track.

“Creating beauty and youthfulness is a proactive process. It’s up to you, it’s up to me.”

Here’s what to do when you’ve gotten out of balance:

  1. Stop any self-criticism. It won’t help you get back on track.
  2. In a Type 4 way, connect with people you care deeply about.
  3. Train your mind with different Healing Center tools, like this one: Affirmations to Create an Affirmative Mind & Affluent Language
  4. Begin a meditation practice you can commit to every day. Even just 5 minutes of mindful breathing can ground you back into a peaceful place.

Share in a comment how you’re going to honor your Type 4 nature and your Type 4 skin!

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