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How to Know if You Were Raised True to Your Type as a Child – All Four Types

Think back, what did people say about you as a child?

Were You Raised True to Your Nature as a Child? Here’s How to Know.

At a very young age, we pick up on which behaviors are supported and which ones aren’t. If you were reprimanded for being random and bouncy, timid and whiney, loud and bossy, or picky and know-it-all, what does that wounding look like now as an adult?

Watch the video for your Type and I’ll help you see how were or weren’t supported in living your truth as a child. I teach in my book The Child Whisperer, that each of the four Types has a unique expression and connection to the world:

  • The Type 1 child is exuberant, light, spontaneous, outgoing, and has a social connection to the world.
  • The Type 2 child is sensitive, thoughtful, gentle, and has an emotional connection to the world.
  • The Type 3 child is determined, hands-on, and has a physical connection to the world.
  • The Type 4 child is more serious, has a keen ability to focus, and has an intellectual connection with the world.

Were these qualities supported or discouraged when you were a young child? Depending on whether or not you were raised true to your nature, you formed habits that you may still have as an adult today! Over the years, have you learned to honor your true nature, or override it?

It’s time to re-parent yourself now that you have the healing tools to do that:

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