Tips to Determine If You’re a Type 2 or Type 4: Megan’s Before & After

Megan is a bold and striking Type 4 woman who mis-profiled herself.

Listen as she shares during this CYT session her reasons for concluding she was a Type 2.

Carol points out both in Megan’s process of figuring out her Type along with her facial features, how Megan’s Type 4 nature was present the whole time.

Also, catch Carol’s insights about how we learn as young children to re-shape ourselves in order to fit in with those around us and how that negatively affects our dominant Type of energy.


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  1. This transformation evidences the true need for Dressing Your Truth. I’m so glad for Megan that she has found support in finding herself again. Thank you for sharing your transformation. Wishing you all the best.

  2. Megan, thank you for sharing your journey in finding your way back to your true nature. You look comfortable in who you are. I love you in the bold colors and comfortable style!

  3. Very good analysis Megan. I am certain my sister is T4, but she is a scoffer when I talk about this system. She is definitely her own authority. My T2 wishes she would do this program so I’d have someone to discuss it with. You look great, and I admire your poise.

    1. Here too. I have tried to get my daughters (both t4s) interested in reading about this or even just watching the videos, but they just won’t have it! I do understand them better because I am a t4 also, but would still love to be able to talk to them about this.

  4. OMG! Amazing transformation! I cried when you talked about being allowed to dress how you wanted for school and how no one made fun of you probably because you WERE being true to yourself! 🙂

  5. Wow! How comfortable she looks just sitting there! See, now she
    projects without doing anything ! How type 4!

  6. Megan, Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I had also mistyped myself as a type 2, and have been experiencing many of the same things you have. Thank you for allowing me to finally settle, and know I am a type 4. You look absolutely stunning and cannot wait to create my own transformation.

  7. I love watching T4s; their inner stillness is such a mystery to me! And I’m really enjoying the bright yellows that are popping up in many of the DYT T4 outfits.

  8. Thank you so much for this video! I also mistyped myself as a type 2 because I wanted to be more calming, but I am actually a type 4. I remember my sister and mom questioning me and that really upset me, and I was like I can’t be a type 4 because I don’t like those colors, etc…and now I am so thankful I am a type 4. And I am working on redoing my closet into type 4. So thank you so much!

    1. When I mistyped myself as T2, my mom and other adults seemed skeptical, and it hurt my feelings too. They turned out to have a better sense of who I am than I did. It’s weird because most people in DYT experience the opposite of what you and I did; the people around them don’t understand them and think they are/should be the wrong type. Our moms and sisters, though, saw more clearly than we did!

  9. I think I’ve decided I’m a 4/1 or possible 1/4, I dismissed 4 right away. I am thinking I like the colors but worry there’s not enough variety, I like change and variety. I will figure it out 🙂

      1. Thank you so much, even though I have figured out I’m a 4/1, I still watched and went through this exercise 🙂

  10. Even I who sees people as walking mosaic’s of energy, saw her dominate T4 right away. I am so glad she can settle into herself. Girl, you Rock that Yellow!

  11. I also mistyped myself as a type 2 before thinking I am type 4, however I am still not totally sure, so it was interesting to watch this video, and hear Carol explain the big picture/detail difference in the types. I’m still working on mine. But I will take Megan’s advice and look back to my childhood and see if the clues are there.

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