Are You a Type 2? (Who’s Actually Not a Type 2.) Sam’s Before & After

What's going on when you confuse energy movements.

The True Power of Your Beauty Sixth Sense

Sam wasn’t feeling 100% confident in her assessment of herself, which is why she came in for this Confirm Your Type session (#TruthBomb). Within 3 ½ minutes, I confirm her Type of beauty with 100% accuracy using the tools and processes that I teach in my book It’s Just My Nature. Watch for Sam’s reaction (3:24) and see how her Beauty Sixth Sense was strongly guiding her. You’ll love her after at 15:15. Her stunning beauty really comes forward.

Sam had mis-Typed herself by making a mistake that women of her Type sometimes make. She began Dressing Your Truth as a Type 2, but she was interpreting her personal style through the movement of her truth Type, giving her clues.

I know you’ll enjoy watching this live and in-person #TruthBomb complete with a Before & After!

Here are the highlights:

  • (3:24) See Sam be blown away by her #TruthBomb.
  • (4:37) Why Type 4s with this secondary sometimes mis-Type themselves as Type 2.
  • (6:17) How I used Face Profiling to help her see her truth.
  • (13:15) How the Type 4 tendency to over-analyze could get you off track
  • (15:15) See her stunning “After” reveal!
  • (21:13) How to allow the processes of the “perfect” hairstyle.
  • (24:50) Why my book Remembering Wholeness may be the book you need to start with.

Did you mis-Type yourself? What helped you see your truth?

Start Dressing Your Truth so that you can feel beautiful and amazing, living the truth of who you really are! Start with my free Beginner’s Guide.

Enjoy more Before & After makeovers:

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  1. Wow. I actually said “Oh my gosh” when Sam appeared on the screen dressed as a Type 4 (started tearing up.) What an incredible, honoring transformation. Sam is stunningly gorgeous! Sam’s transformation reaffirmed that I’m a 1/4 rather than a 4/1, so grateful. Thank you! <3

  2. Stunning, Sam! You look so confident and strong in your T4 style. Love the hair, very sophisticated. The depth of your self-understanding is audible in your voice. Thank you!

  3. Beautiful. I feel confused about my own decision that I am a type 2 though, because I love the clean lines and clear colors of the type 4 style and am frustrated with the blandness of the muted tones of the type 2 wardrobe. I am ca bit confused at this point and will read my book again.

  4. She looks amazing! How wonderful to be true to yourself and find harmony! 🙂

  5. Awesome video!! I love them – and learn so much each time I watch! And I love Sam – who looks SO gorgeous btw – great makeover – I love how Sam shared that the fashion piece of DYT is a bonus – that knowing and living the truth of who you are is the biggest piece. Fabulous. Thank you.

  6. Watching this reminds me of myself a bit, but I do not like the modern-ness of the type 4 décor. I am a very pensive person, and I value depth in relationships, but I also love to be free and have fun. I do like to accessorize more than she does, but I cannot stand flowers in my hair, or over accessorizing. This is so difficult to figure out.

  7. I really appreciated hearing again how the process by which you approach discovering your type is a clue– a huge clue! Some people don’t sweat it and are willing or able to just say, “yep, I’m totally a T(whatever),”… but I’m noticing that T4s (esp. T4/1s… that’s me :-D) struggle with saying yes. Carol, thank you so much for showing extra love and patience with the T4s who love extra study materials so much and avoid so strenuously relying on the gut check. I’ve reflected, and studied, and pondered, and noticed all the black clothes and shoes in my wardrobe that I bought because they’re more practical and economical (lol big clue: efficiency drove my wardrobe colors!)… and even though I could see very early that I’m a T4, my point of resistance has been feeling like I fall way short of that description of symmetry and elegance you use. Perhaps other T4s resist accepting the T4 label for the same reason, ironically! Perfection? Ha! That’s not me, and I have an outline here with 20 subheadings to describe how imperfect I am… Carol, thank you and God/dess bless you for the beautiful work you do. I appreciate you and it so much! <3

    1. Btw, what a gorgeous result in the makeover! She’s a knock out in that royal blue and the great new haircut!

  8. Wow, beautiful. I just had a “light bulb” moment. I love taking baths…uninterrupted. My husband always wants to talk with me when I’m lounging. I know that is a compliment, so I’ve adjusted to his intrusion, but this explains my natural preference.

  9. I’m wondering if I am 1/4 or 4/1. Watching this transformation makes me think more 4/1! She looks beautiful. The type 4 transformations are so stunning, I wonder if I don’t just have type 4 envy…. 😉

  10. I too thought I was a Type 2 when I first began this journey. What a stunning Type 4 Sam is!

  11. my jaw literally hung open when I saw her new look!!!!! Her real beauty really came forth in a huge way! Amazing!

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