How to Interpret Energy Profiling Information Correctly. Tiffany’s Before & After

My intention is that you’ll be able to see your Energy Type the same way I can.

So I do these Confirm Your Type videos to show you my process and how I reach my conclusions.

Meet Tiffany. She had her Energy Type narrowed down to two options.

But she’s not either of those Types!

I’m excited to educate you in this CYT session about what I see in Tiffany and how I knew she was a Type 4 woman.

Plus, pay attention to her stunning “after” at 7:41 and notice how much more at ease she is with herself. When we honor our true nature, it continues to show up to support us.

Are you still determining your Energy Type? Check out my new and improved (and free!) Energy Profiling course.

How did you receive confirmation about your Energy Type? Share it in the comments!


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  1. Tiffany, I appreciate your confidence and the reflective, bold expression in your speech and style. I feel the alignment you have found in embracing your true nature. Stunning!

  2. Definitely T4 Tiffany. You exude stillness and reflection. Your speech is very clear and precise. Your T4 colors are beautiful on you without the need for busy jewelry. Best wishes on your journey.

  3. This is simply amazing… What a difference in her self-esteem and the way she communicates her thoughts. I can only imagine the feelings of gratitude she feels and that Carol experienced as well watching this woman transformed through her inspired work.

  4. What a delightful transformation to watch. I love the growth in self-awareness and confidence! And ‘stunningly cute’ is perfect!! Love. Thank you, Tiffany for sharing! Thank you, Carol for sharing your life-changing work.

  5. Beautiful transformation! A fantastic example of a woman coming into her own power! And Carol you look amazing too! Love DYT!

  6. This video transformation really resonated w/me… i watched it the first time – and last night was the second time and when i saw her transformation and her self confidence it was really beautiful. was i was younger i was able to speak up my mind and express my opinion and had my way of thinking about things but i lost it through the years. i dont why i couldnt sleep last night – felt like i don’t have the authority or right to be me. A lot of things she said was and is the same for me. anyways – i trust i will allow myself to be who i am because it doesnt feel right not to be able to express my truth. loved this video!

  7. Magnificent. Tiffany truly comes alive. Tiffany’s face looks so familiar to me. Did she appear in a previous video on the previous website?

  8. Fascinating! She’s so clearly T4 at the beginning that it’s surprising she didn’t consider it, but she’s so gorgeous once she owns it! Beautiful and yes, sexy!

  9. I’m a T4 and I can understand Tiffany! She is so cute and truly lively and stabilized now. She has grace and it shows!

  10. I understand what Tiffany is saying; all my life I was told that I was too critical. You’re too much of a perfectionist, you’re too picky, why are you so negative? You’d argue with a fence post if you thought you could be right. Also, like Tiffany, I believe I am a T4/T1 Energy as I have always been told that I do not look my age. When I was in High School, I actually had other students approach me and ask me if I was “one of those really smart kids who got to skip 7th & 8th grade”!! For the longest time I thought they were teasing me because I was only 4 ft 7 ins tall. But as I got older people didn’t believe my age, I was in my late 30’s before I stopped getting carded and people thought my own kids were my sister and brother! Much to my son’s angst, when he was in his 20’s & 30’s and we were out in public together people actually thought he was my husband!

  11. She is lovely and I wish her the best on her journey forward with her new self. I’m still struggling to pin down my energy type, but I am learning and know it will come.

  12. It seems so obvious when looking at someone else. Not to sound like a know it all, but I could tell from the very beginning that she is a 4 by her facial features and posture. It is much more difficult with ourselves, because we know too much about ourselves. 🙂

    1. I have suggested that in the past that it could be helpful to have someone take a video of you going about something you are doing in your day. Observe your movement in the video, what does it say about you?

      1. Oh, I love that idea!! I have just discovered (through your video about going back to our “child self”) that I am a type 1 (always thought I was a type 2…what I was taught I should be as a child). But I am somehow terrified to embrace it. I continue to question and can’t fully see it in myself even though my heart 100% confirms it to me. Thank you Carol!

  13. Wow! She looks STUNNING!! So confident and happy. Funnily enough I see her secondary Type 1 energy come through a lot more once she had settled into her dominant Type 4 than when she thought she was a Type1.

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