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How to Get a Type 4 Summer Makeup Look

Kalista's look highlights the boldness in a Type 4 woman—but won't look quite right on someone else.

Ever wish there was a more neutral makeup option for you?

Well, there is!

And Kalista, Dressing Your Truth Type 4 Expert, is here to demonstrate how to do it.

So whether you’re new to DYT and nervous about taking the plunge with bold makeup, or you’re a veteran and simply want a more casual look, she’s got you covered.

What are some ways you achieve a more neutral, but still Type 4, makeup look? Share in the comments!

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  1. Just perfect and so beautiful! With air eyeshadow out of stock what would be the next best shadow for the no makeup look?

    1. Air is coming I promise! Until then good alternatives to use for type 4’s are “Crazy in Love” and “Vapor” – both will give you that clean summer look. “Crazy in Love” will have more color to it, but if you use “White” or “Blizzard” as a wash it will lighten it up perfectly. “White” and/or “Blizzard” are a must have anyway. So get Crazy in Love in a Blizzard for summer!

      1. (*scream* it’s Anna K!) Thanks for the alternatives, you will have to show “wash” technique sometime. I love learning from you and Kalista. With Crazy in Love in a Blizzard sounds like something Olaf would sing. I am really excite to master the no make up look, perfect for any day of the year!

  2. She looks really nice, but she still looks like she’s wearing makeup. I’m I the only one who thinks so? I just discovered I’m a type 4, and I spent most of my life wearing absolutely no make up. Honest question, am I failing to live my truth if I don’t wear that much makeup? I guess I’m just afraid of hiding my true self behind a mask of makeup, even if it does make me look “prettier”.

    1. Hello Wyndham, thank you for your question. You are not failing to live your truth if living your truth includes not wearing make-up. Wearing make-up is a personal choice and for those that do wish to wear make-up, we are here to support them with how-to techniques for their Type of beauty.

  3. I LOVED this video as this is pretty much my only preference for doing my makeup…love the no makeup look with its purpose being to bring your face “more to life” and exantuate my natural colouring as opposed to changing what nature gave me:)

  4. As a blond going for the no makeup look, should I still wear black mascara, or should I wear a lighter one?

  5. @LYT_Support:disqus @annakfindlay:disqus I know this is an older post, but I’d love to try this look. Any chance you could update the list of products in the post to include substitutions that are currently available? Thanks!

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