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Time Management: It’s All or Nothing

Sheryl shares her insights about communicating with others who might not be as gifted with managing their time as you are. Find out how to stay on track while honoring others’ Energy Types.



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  1. Wow I loves this Carol and Sheryl! I am a type 4/1 and I just laughed when Sheryl brought up how her secondary 1 can sometimes get her distracted, mine does the same! I love your insight Sheryl into people that are continuously late and how you choose to allow them to be themselves and to bring a book so you have something to do, or arrive late yourself. This will help me out so much!!!

  2. I loved this discussion on time management! Sheryl I can relate so well with you!
    I am so happy I live close enough to be able to attend Club Nights. I want you to know Sheryl you are even more striking in person!
    In this segment I noticed Sheryl, your beautiful necklace! Where can I find one like yours? It is just perfect for Type 4 energy! I love the reflective quality it has! It’s just perfect!
    Thank you Carol for all you do for women and bringing wholeness to women everywhere!

  3. I love this! My T1 husband greatly underestimates the time it takes to accomplish tasks, and I used to be annoyed by this. Now, however, I realize that he is not late on purpose or because he doesn’t want to be with me. I now know to expect him one hour later than what he states. It has improved our relationship. I don’t nag or blame anymore, and he doesn’t feel attacked.

  4. I’m either a 3/4 or a 4/3 (not exactly sure yet) but I totally agree with Sheryl. I HATE when people are late. It is completely disrespectful. And if you are going to be late, at least call. You had a whole room of people who were considerate enough to be on time and you were supposed to put a hold on this for the one woman who couldn’t get there in time? Please!! If I was going to be late I would definitely call and I wouldn’t be insulted if they had to start without me. I’d let that women roll her eyes all she wanted.

  5. Sheryl’s outfit is so pretty! As a type 4, I love wearing hot pink/fushia myself. Thanks for letting us know where you bought that gorgeous necklace, Sheryl. I can so identify with your comments about being on time and not having expectations for others in that regard. Or perhaps a better way to phrase it would be, to not let other people’s less timely schedule ruin your own! It’s important to know we always have a choice. 🙂

  6. Sorry, types 1-3. Time management is important! If you’re consistently late, you are wasting other people’s time, and it is disrespectful whether you intend it to be or not. Just as we type 4’s can’t use our types as an excuse to constantly critique everything out loud (because it would hurt people’s feelings), others cannot use their types as an excuse to be consistently late.

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