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How to Stop Suffering and Live a Reality You Love:
Type Talk With Carol

What do I do now?

That question that can come up when you’re faced with a troubling issue or frustrating situation. Good news: the solution may be simpler (though less obvious) than you think!

In this event, Carol helps you reframe challenging situations, including…

  • chronic fatigue
  • burnout in a fast-paced world
  • a family member who doesn’t understand you
  • even a hairstyle that’s not working!

At the end of the event, Carol will walk you through a healing exercise to release your unconscious belief that you need to suffer, so you can create a reality that supports you. Enjoy the recording:

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

Links to resources Carol mentions in this Type Talk:

Announcements for August 2016

As of the date this live event was recording (August 3, 2016), several fun things are coming up!

  • New Lifestyle feature: Hair Talk with Nicole. Send your questions about hair color, cut, and style to
  • The first DYT Fashion Show is coming next week. We’ll feature items from the DYT Store so you can get a better look!
  • This month’s Lifestyle code gets you 20% off one full purchase during the month of August. Use code: DYTLife.

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  1. Carol, THANK YOU!!!! I had some powerful aha moments during this type talk! I have been trying to align old beliefs with what I have been learning here. I appreciate your spiritual insight that helps me release old beliefs and incorporate more positive beliefs that match up with my soul!

  2. I would love if you profiled C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien–two of my favorite authors! I have an idea of what their types are, but would love your input 😀

  3. Thank you so much for the discussion and YouTube link on Type 3 versus Type 1/4! Both of these really helped me, as I have been waffling between the two. I have never taken so many selfies in my life!!! For now, I’m going with the 1/4! I do have a lot of scowly baby photos though. Do Type 1/4 babies exhibit that scowl as well? I wonder. I’m having trouble recognizing cuteness and brightness in my eyes, and am noticing a lot of asymmetry and angles in my face. Although, I often hear myself say that I need to get back on track! I trust this will all come together for me. I have much gratitude for your work! Thank you!

  4. I really needed to hear today about suffering, as stress at work has me down. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and remember that suffering is optional. I have found that tapping helps when I follow you, but I really don’t know what to say if I tap on my own. I need a script to follow!

  5. I’d love it if you could profile some of our (well, your – USofA) leaders/potential/past leaders. I believe you have already profiled President Obama, Michelle Obama and Trump (although I am not sure where). It would be great to profile Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Bush’s unless you have done so elsewhere. Also, I’m involved with singing and acting (as I’m sure some other members are too), so profiling some of the great singers (actual opera singers) of the past and present would be really interesting (ie Dame Joan Sutherland, etc).

  6. Carol Tuttle: how do i find the soul print healing course? I would like to move on and heal from illness and physical pain…will this course help?

    1. HI Gina, that course is no longer being published. Have you read my book Remembering Wholeness? You can find it by going to my online store.

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