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How to Detox Struggle From Your Life: Type Talk With Carol

“Struggle.” Just seeing that word makes you cringe.

Then let’s change that. In this Type Talk With Carol, you’re invited to join Carol (along with hundreds of other women) and remove that word from your vocabulary—for good.

How can you do that? It’s all inside this recording! But first, Carol starts off by profiling two public figures:

The Lifestyle community sent in so many great questions for this show. Here’s just a few of them:

      • Are Energy Types inherited? Are there genetic influences that determine your Type?
      • I’m a Type 1/4 and when I’m around two family members, things feel too intense and heavy. How do I honor them—and myself?
      • How is it possible to feel like I know my Type, but I question it because a family/friend is the same Type—yet we’re SO different?
      • I’m having issues with my hair; I can’t get it to look my Type! Does that mean I’ve mis-Typed myself?
      • I know that Type 3’s are direct, and Type 4’s are bold—what’s the difference?
      • How do I know if not liking my Type is fear-based or if I just got my Type wrong?
      • As a Type 2, I was shut down a lot when I used to ask questions to gather more details; how can I heal that now?

You’ll also discover how to develop your Beauty Sixth Sense, what a Type 3 can do when she’s worried about being too overwhelming, how a mom can teach her children to heal even though she was part of their wounding, and how to keep your secondary from taking over.

Leave a comment and share your favorite part of this show. You’re sure to inspire others with your “aha” moment!

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.


Healing sessions and resources mentioned in this broadcast:

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  1. So many great questions and answers! One part that was really validating was the part about Katie the videographer applying her editing and perfecting to video but not necessarily written word. When reading “It’s Just My Nature” the part about Carol’s mom putting milk in the pitcher tripped me up a bit because I would never, ever do that. But in my work, I do pay attention to detail. Knowing that our movement won’t be applied the same way in every aspect of our lives helps quell some of my T2 doubts (which don’t happen as often after I watched all the healing videos but still pop up now and then).

    The other part I loved was the advice to the T1 woman who liked the T3 clothes. I’m thinking now that I am T2/S1, but when I first went through the video profiling class I typed myself as 4 or 3. I think that is because I’ve been trying to cultivate T3 and T4 qualities for many years and to give the outward appearance of being athletic, outdoorsy, logical, and strong. When coming to accept my T2 and S1, I didn’t really want to give up that image, and I’ve eventually realized that I don’t completely need to because my athleticism is quite T2 (slow, steady, and can just keep going) and I get comfort and joy from being out in nature. In both work (as an environmental science professor) and play I can be powerful in my own “big river” way! (I just realized that rhymed :)). I can let my colleagues do it in their way and be happy for their different gifts instead of thinking that I need to keep up with them or be like them. What a great gift–thanks Carol and team!

  2. I knew Meghan Markle was type 3! And I’m thinking she is secondary 1 she is pretty cute too. 🙂

  3. I loved this type talk. You brought a lot of type three things up to me and it was very enlightening to me. 🙂

  4. Regarding Carol’s reference to the 4 types in nature – maybe when we all express our movement true to our nature there will be more peace and harmony in our world too 🙂 Great video.

        1. I am a bit slow off the blocks with this video, but in the comments Doka asks where to find the New Arrival videos. Anne’s link took me straight to the store. Anyone know how I can see the videos?


          1. Hi Gaye, I think the videos come with new items shown in the store – so I guess the videos from the links aren’t any longer online. Did you subscribe to the newsletter? There you’ll be informed about new arrivals and get the link to the newest videos.
            I’m not sure if I got it right – but I saw that nobody answered yet. So please correct me if I’m wrong.

  5. As a type 2/4, I have rarely used the word struggle, but I do feel stuck at times. I wonder if type 2s and 4s use ‘stuck’ more than ‘struggle’ as being stuck seems lower energy and struggling seems higher energy? Either is something we should stop saying in order to attract what we really want in life.

  6. Thank you so much Carol for answering my question about my 1/4 energy feeling overwhelmed by my 2/3 and 3/2 family members. I’m so happy to get some great feedback on that!! It’s something that’s been going on for a long time but I couldn’t recognize it for what it was until I learned about energy types. I really love the “that is theirs, this is mine” exercise and the idea of viewing them as if watching a TV show. That really clicks with me and I’m excited to have some concrete tools to use. It is empowering to know that I am in control of my own experience and freeing to know that it’s not my job to fix anything for them and I don’t have to get into their energy flow. You mentioned how we are sometimes like a sponge soaking up other people’s energy. I visualized a heavy, sopping wet sponge and then I visualized wringing out all the water until it is light and airy again. I don’t have to clean up other people’s messes anymore!! 🙂 In a few months, one of those family members will be moving from across the country to literally right next door. I have had some serious concerns about living so closely but I now feel more hopeful than ever that it can be a positive experience. I genuinely want to have a healthy relationship with them and you have helped me see how it is possible. I will let you know how it goes! So many other great resources in this type talk as well–this one was a doozy for me! Thanks so much for blessing our lives so we can bless others.

  7. This was very profound Carol. Thank you so much! ME! ME! ME! I’M IN!!! No more struggle. No more running old patterns. No more shame, guilt or fear. That is theirs. This is mine. I am choosing to heal my inner-child and all negative beliefs this year. I am choosing to have an amazing Dressing Your Truth experience, take my style to the next level. look good, feel good and DO good in this world. Bless you.

  8. This has been so helpful. I have a 1, 2, and a 4. My fourth child. I have gone back an forth for a 1,3, or 4. I compare her to my type 1, I compare her to my type 4, and a little to my t3. So this has been an interesting session so far. True I have a push. I don’t feel a push from my daughter. It’s more of “mom I asked you to do this, I said I wanted a drink.” Aha moment, going to go back and read The child whisperer! It’s my child bible. LOL!
    Yep, I love that about my t3, I’m done with that. Had enough of that.
    So glad I found this I didn’t realize I missed this in January!

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