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Does healing look different across Types? Type Talk With Carol

Your questions answered—exclusively for Lifestyle members.

Does our Type change over time, can birth order affect Type? Could a person be 50/50 with 2 Types? And does emotional healing look different across Types?

You’ll learn more about these topics in this broadcast of Type Talk, but first, I profile the cast of the popular HBO show, Big Little Lies (9:20), and as a bonus, I also profile the music legend, Elton John (7:37)Before looking below to see the answers, remember my one tip: look at the whole face—what list of expressive movements do you see first?

Here’s a list of all the questions asked during this event—they’re timestamped so you can easily find them when you rewatch this video in the future!

  • (23:00) How can you live more true to your Type 1 nature in the midst of a life full of responsibilities?
  • (23:36) Do you feel like there is a certain type that gets offended more easily or is this more of a life experience or personality trait that anyone can possess? (Healing work allows you to see other’s stuff as their own issue and not something that you have to internalize)
  • (26:28) Does every [Facebook] comment from Carol either confirm or deny someone’s type? I didn’t super-analyze what she said to me when I posted in the T4 group last year… and I wonder if she was cluebombing me!!
  • (28:09) I’m T3 but have a friend in my life who truly seems like a T2/T3 50/50 split! Are there some people out there who are truly equal in their energy types? Even her face has one side looking more T3 and one side looking more T2.
  • (29:38) How would different types handle MAJOR life changes such as divorce? (Anger and Grief)
  • (31:42) I am wondering how to help determine a secondary when the features of the hands, voice, style preference and the primary face profile all appear to be different types from each other?
  • (33:16) Can your childhood be T2 and then be a T1/s2 as an adult?? I didn’t have any shaming in childhood either.
  • (35:48) What are ways that each of the types can experience more joy in their lives?
  • (37:36)Do you have advice to help T4‘s to focus our creative energy? I can be all or nothing in things that stimulate my intellect and creativity. I research like blazes then have my fill and drop it. (Stuck Quiz)
  • (38:51Does birth order affect Type? I’m the oldest and only girl, and I believe and a Type 2.
  • (40:30) Can you be “too deep” in your Primary? I feel like I should be happier. I am at the most joy when acting in my secondary.
  • (41:17) I have a genetic condition that flared ten years ago and keeps me from living more energetically. (1/4) I try not to live in frustration and am grateful for what I can do, but any advice for anything more I can do given genetic limitations? (Creat physical affluence with Mastering Affluence)
  • (43:48) Are 2/4’s & 4/2’s generally going to be quiet people or can they be outgoing? How might being outgoing look for them?
  • (45:21) I think I am a type 2 but I feel blah in the colors. How can I be sure I am a type 2? My second guess would be a 3. (Facial Profiling: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4)

Want more? Join me on Instagram! @caroltuttle

Here are the confirmed Energy Types of the Big Little Lies cast:

Energy Profiling Bonus:

Quick links to other resources mentioned in this broadcast:

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