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Healthy Sexy, and Feeling Confident in Your Secondary – Type Talk With Carol

Your questions answered—exclusively for Lifestyle members.

How can you feel more grounded true to your Type? Does your Type ever change? Does hair color matter in determining your Type?

You’ll learn more about these topics in this broadcast of Type Talk, but first, I profile the American rapper Lil Nas X (10:48), and the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Toni Morrison (12:12), who has recently passed away. Plus, I state once and for all what Type Angelina Jolie is (13:48), with tips that I use to confidently Type celebrities.  Before looking below to see the answers, remember my one tip: look at the whole face—what list of expressive movements do you see first?

Here are some of the questions asked during this event—they’re timestamped so you can easily find them when you rewatch this video in the future!

  • (22:12) I am a Type 1 and want to know, could my secondary also be Type 1? I have tried to figure out my secondary and sometimes I think that not knowing does not really matter since my dominate Type is so domineering. I knew my Type within the first 15 minutes of the course, but I can’t figure out my secondary. How much does it matter?
  • (24:58) I am wondering about grounding colors for other energy types. I have heard for T4 it is black. Do the other types have a grounding color or colors and what are they?
  • (31:06) How can a Type 4 get out of their inward mind quicker & recognize & process how to speak up IN THE MOMENT. I tend to think of what to say or do AFTER the fact when people & situations have happened & moved on. Or sometimes I’ll be thinking things in the moment & later realize I should have said/asked it out loud.
  • (35:45) I’m surrounded by people who make a goal and then keep at it until they accomplish it. For myself, I set a goal and am hyper-focused on it until the newness wears off and then I am done. Is there something I can do to help me reach my goals? (Diane in Denmark on YouTube)
  • (43:25) Should you match your undergarments to your type? Even though no one sees it?
  • (44:26) Can a Type 1 or 2 dress sexy? I’ve seen many outfits I would consider sexy/alluring in T3 and T4 but not so much in T1 or T2. I think loving and dressing true to my nature is going to be the most appealing and sexy thing I can do. Confidence is sexy. But it would be nice to hear your thoughts on how this translates into wardrobe choices. #healthysexy
  • (48:52) Crossover colors are hard. I usually put gold or silver on the item if I can’t tell by the style guides. If the item suits both gold and silver is that a sign it’s a true crossover and we should dress it according to our type?
  • (51:30) I’ve watched all the yin yang videos. I’m Type 3/2 can you please talk more about how to layer correctly using the yin yang principles. So, if I’m Yang Yang Yin Yin, what is the best placement of these elements on my body… for example should I make sure I have 2 yang and 2 yin pieces on, are we looking for a balance?

Want more? Join me on Instagram! @caroltuttle

Here are the confirmed Energy Types of today’s celebrity profiling:

Quick links to other resources mentioned in this broadcast:

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