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The Healing Power of Self-Acceptance: Type Talk with Carol

It is such a profound decision to love and accept who you really are.

That’s one of the reasons why thousands of women have found healing through my work. It’s my honor to provide tools and resources, like this Type Talk, to support you on your journey.

In this event recording, I cover several topics about self-acceptance, such as:.

  • Physical conditions that can come from not living true to your Type
  • What to do when family members say you’ve mis-Typed yourself
  • The reason you may “detox” when you begin to Dress Your Truth
  • Why mothers have to be careful of this common tendency
  • What to do if living true to your Type is stressful

We also go in-depth to tackle other questions from the Lifestyle community, including:

  • Sugar addiction in the Type 3 world
  • The importance of investing in yourself
  • The question of comfort’s importance to Type 4s
  • Type 4 organization vs. Type 3 compartmentalization
  • Muscle testing or a quiz’s place in determining your Type

I close with a reminder of gratitude and its importance in our lives. Leave a comment below to share what you’re grateful for!


I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

Healing sessions and resources mentioned in this Type Talk:

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    1. Most questions are asked Live during the event. If you will not be making the event Live, please post your question here. Thank you!

  1. Oh, I have a question I’ve been DYING to ask!!! 🙂 What type can wear iridescent or holographic silver clothing? It reflects the entire type 1 rainbow with a lot of movement, but then it’s metallic silver underneath, so is it for 1s or 4s? Or both or neither??

  2. I have SO enjoyed discovering my 3/1 energy and am LOVING being a part of Lifestyle! Thank you Carol! Here’s my question: I know that I need to be more physically active, but I feel stuck. I walk and do yoga, but not regularly. I used to enjoy dance, but I can’t seem to get motivated to get in action. It makes me feel so sad that I am this high energy combo and yet I am not honouring it. Any tips? Sorry I can’t be there live!

  3. I can’t be there life, but I have a question: do you think families express one dominant energy type in the way they interact and do activities, even though the family members have different energy types?

  4. I just recognized My secondary type 2 has taken over since I injured my knee and ankle. I spend a great deal of time sitting on the couch upside down instead of dancing and walking. Could this mean it’s not actually a secondary?

  5. Thank you for the gratitude meditation. When I said the prayer of gratitude and threw my seeds into the air, I wept for joy. God has been so good to me!

  6. I am grateful for the apples picked from our very own tree. I’m grateful for the fall colours and how deeply they feed my soul. I’m grateful for my children and the joy they give me each and everyday! I am grateful for the new Type 3 clothes that are slowly making their way into my wardrobe! Woot! Woot! I’m grateful for you Carol, for the wisdom you share, the community that you create and the seeds of love and acceptance that you spread out into the world! It’s a beautiful thing… xoxo

  7. im gratfull to know my gratfull to be a lifestyle gratfull for all the resorses i have to help me heal my childhood trumas. im gratfall my body is gratfull for my friends:)

  8. Really interesting about the Montessori system. My daughter went to a Montessori nursery til age 4 as they don’t go further than that age in England. She loved it! She is type 4/1 and loved being her own authority. But we had to move her to a state school after that as there was no alternative. She struggled a bit to fit in but slowly did so and her latest report said she is ‘an asset to every classroom.’ <3

  9. Also, please look up the story of ‘Beethoven’s Hair’. His student asked to cut a lock of his hair when he was on his death bed. The hair was preserved in a case and has been handed down from generation to generation, even getting involved with the Nazis in WW2, and it is still around (I’m not sure where exactly now, a museum perhaps?) They made a documentary about it recently. They tested the hair to look for clues about why Beethoven died so horribly and I think they found out he had lead poisoning, which of course nobody knew about at the time he died.

  10. When you said you enjoyed swimming I thought I should invite you to check out a small town in southern Idaho called Almo. My husband and I own a hot springs called Durfee Hot Springs which has a beautiful swimming pool. If you love hiking, biking, rock climbing, this is an amazing place to come. We live next to The City of Rocks which is a popular rock climbing area. I enjoy your work and am learning a lot from you. Thanks

      1. Yes, there is a beautiful inn called Almo Inn and a really nice bed and breakfast. Let me know if you want information and phone #s and I’ll get it to you. Thanks!

  11. Oh this Type Talk has me laughing at myself. Watching it, listening to Carol talking about the money in the wallet in order, Katie off camera saying that they all face the same way too, I do that!! So maybe I really am a Type4 after all…. Except when I started with DYT over a year ago I started with Type4 and 3 months into it it was clear I mistyped myself and had spent the bulk of my life doing Type4 things, but not naturally. So I typed myself as a Type3. I spent a year doing Type3, but as I settled in it just felt off. It felt almost, but not right. I could’t get why there was a nagging that maybe I am a Type1 and that’s why picking and sticking with one choice was so difficult! But I knew Type3 wasn’t truly me. Just a few months ago I finally admitted that I am a Type1. However, I still will hear something or see something in a video that has me think “well maybe I am a Type__ after all?!?” Then low-and-behold Carol comments on THAT too! HA HA, evidence that no, I am a Type1! I can see the possibilities of the other types in me. Even some Type2, which was the only one that I knew was not me (never been subtle or subdued or blended)! It took so long to admit and see because “I’m afraid to feel…other people judging me as stupid, immature, incapable, and ditzy”. Wow! That’s why I jumped into my secondary 4 and stayed there. She was accepted. Even now that I know I’m a Type1, I can feel my bubbly bouncy light energy wanting to burst out, but I can feel and even visualize my S4 holding it back if I think I’ll look silly. Ouch. It actually hurts in my heart to recognize how un-true to the way God made me that I’m living.

    1. Wow! This is me! I feel I lived my secondary Type 4 since very early… even before I can remember and I can remember a fair way back. I have been dressing the best I can as a Type 1 and then heard the money comment today and thought, Oh, I’m a Type 4 as I do that. So, I dressed as Type 4 as best I can. Miss 10 said, “Why are you dressing as Type 4?” She’s a Type 1 so I thought she just liked me dressing as T1 because that’s what she likes. So I asked her what she liked about me dressing as T1… She said, “Your face!” And what did you look at today? She said, “The stuff you were wearing and how sad you looked.” I did feel ‘snappy’ in my head even though I tried telling myself that the ‘black is grounding me’, but it didn’t quite work. Looking forward to going back to my T1 energy and getting a T1 haircut in two weeks time. Picking some photos & ideas to take along with my ‘words’ 😉 Thank you for sharing, Kate… Helped me immensely.

  12. Carol, I’d love to hear more about what you were talking about yin and yang in food. It sounds super interesting! Thanks, I loved this talk 🙂

  13. I’m adding the 5 things I’m grateful for in the comment here, as was requested:

    I am grateful that I have a pretty voice and am even more grateful that I finally realized yesterday that my voice sounds best when I sing more middle range bluesy type songs.

    I am grateful for my parents that they let me move back in after my injury and haven’t kicked me out yet. They are also super helpful in many other ways.

    I am grateful that after countless years of trying, I have finally been able to give up alcohol (4 years this month) sugar (2.5 years-other than natural sugars in dairy and fruit, very occasional honey, and natural my 88% cocoa chocolate), and gluten filled foods (2 months but I know this time it will be forever).

    I’m grateful for dressing your truth and all the healing exercises and know by using them, I will be able to 100% discover my true type and begin living it.

    I’m grateful that I learned that all the numerous symptoms I’ve been feeling the last 15 years tie into having an autoimmune disease and that the recommended diet for it is super close to the one I’ve been led to over the years (I do feel a bit better now). I am also grateful that I only have a few more things to do to tweak it to being perfect.

  14. I love your outfit, Carol and so much of what you talked about here is helpful. I will have to watch this again a few times. It is so clear how many things that have happened in my life which I then thought were the worst of the worst has had a place in helping me to understand people, situations and made it easier to feel grateful.

  15. Loved the seeding! It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for YOU, Carol, you are bringing such blessings to this world. I love and admire you! <3 😀

  16. Thanks for all this useful information. I find your profiling of famous people very interesting too, specially when there are no photos. Perhaps you could also profile Frida Khalo, as she was such a strong and unique Woman. Thanks again.

  17. I am grateful to have friends and family who helped me move house and clean

    I am grateful to and for the house I was recently living in as i loved it and felt so at home and in peace there and I am going to miss it

    I am grateful to have work and lovely work friends and customers who love me

    I am grateful to have my 2 very special cat furbabies who help make my day and life complete

    I am gratefu lto have my best girlfriend who i love very much

  18. Speaking of gratitude I am very grateful for this wonderful website that has been created by you and all the many family and friends involved.

    The variety of inspiration, guidance, healing, and positive uplifting videos is amazing for everyone to enjoy on a daily basis. Your website is my “go to” site every day as there is always something to check out and learn about.

    I have often say to my family and friends that the Carol Tuttle website is better than any other form of entertainment out there on the internet or T.V. But, the best part about your website is that although it is very entertaining and enjoyable there is a tremendous amount of resources to assist in all levels of personal development.

    I am so glad that I found out about you and your website and all the gifts you have to offer our world at this time. Also all the gifts and knowledge of the entire crew that work so well in creating such a accessible and inviting internet experience. Thank you for doing what you do!

  19. I’m a 3/1 and I order the bills….cuz it makes dealing with it at the register much swifter…lol

  20. This was amazing, thank you for this type talk!
    I have been feeling I am a type four, but have been insecure, due to my childhood traumas with dominate parent who never allowed me to be my own authority, and more… Now that you mentioned the filing of money in the purse. I always to this. I love the feeling of that order and I remember other small ways of filing I did as a child now. I am looking forward to apply this to a bigger degree in my home in future.

    I will also start doing the energy clearing for the type 4 more often.
    Thank you very much!

  21. Loved, loved, loved that you mentioned that the Montessori method is in harmony with Energy profiling! It is! I work at a Montessorischool in Sweden and I really want the staff to learn about Energy profiling, I’ve read the childwhisperer and loved it. Maybe, if I can get the curage to talk about it when we have one of our staffmeetings.
    Thank you for all the support you give! To see children especially with the Energy profiling lens will sertenly make the world a better place.

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