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An Energy Technique That Brings Harmony To Your Life: Type Talk With Carol

This broadcast of Type Talk With Carol is a recording you’re sure to re-watch again and again.

It covered face profiling, why doodling is so important when you’re determining your Energy Type, and even whether or not your Type plays out in your sex life.

But first, Carol started off the show by profiling these four, well-known people:

The questions started pouring in from our live viewers. Here’s a quick look into a few of them:

  • “I don’t like confrontation at all—it makes me uncomfortable and snarky. How do I respond in a caring way in the moment?”
  • “Do all Type 2’s look bad with their hair parted down the middle?”
  • “Why can a Type 3 let go of hurtful comments more easily than a Type 1?”
  • “Does Face Profiling still work when you’re overweight?”
  • “People describe me as ‘cute’ —but I’m a Type 3. Does that mean I’m not a Type 3?”
  • “What are some hobbies I can do to support my true nature?”
  • And many more!

Carol closes the session with an energy technique that creates and restores harmony in your home, your relationships, and within yourself. You’re invited to join her so you can open your heart and mind to more joy.

How did this event support you? Leave a comment below! We’d love to read your story.

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

Healing sessions and resources mentioned in this broadcast:

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  1. Loved this video-thank you! Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies. Another is You’ve Got Mail as I love the characters and story played by Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. What type of movie is it?

  2. Lots of fun questions in this one! The doodling still kind of trips me up. When I initially did the profiling video series, I put a lot of weight on the doodling because it seemed less subjective than all the personality traits. On the rare occasions that I doodle, it’s very clearly T3. Based on the rare part and the fact that I’m definitely an introvert, I figured I must be a T4 with a S3, but I wasn’t sure so I read “It’s Just My Nature,” starting with T1 and skipping T2 because they sounded way nicer than me in the video. When none of those seemed right, I finally read the T2 chapter and thought, “Yep–that fits…mostly.” But the doodling still bothered me. After taking Carol’s suggestion to pray about it, I had a memory of my childhood doodling–I used to do figure eights and curly-scrolly things around the edges of my 3-ring notebook paper. I think I did vines and flowers, too. So the doodling did tell me my Type after all!

    So I assumed that I must be a S3 because of the doodling and the fact that I’m active and like being outside (and because I have multiple smile lines and eye crinkling). And that was fine with me because it fits my job and the place I live–active, outdoorsy-ness is kind of the norm, or at least the thing you aspire to. I didn’t doubt this secondary until Anne T-B talked about using your style preferences as a clue. I realized that every time she did a video with the secondaries I would see the S3 outfit or makeup and think, “I’ll just concentrate on primary 2 for now…” because I didn’t like the S3 version. To shorten this already-long story, I’m now thinking I’m S1.

    But then I hear Carol talking about the doodling on this video and I’m back to wondering why my doodling is so clearly S3 when I do it…So I’m thinking about my T3 traits (including the doodling), and I think they all (except for having a bit of a quick temper) arose during college and graduate school. I kind of refashioned myself during these years and took on a T3 image, which works well for full time mom / part time environmental science professor in Northern California. I think I started the T3 doodling because it seemed more acceptable than scrolls, vines, or cute things. True to my dominant 2, I will probably be waffling about my secondary (and my primary) for a long time, but in the meantime I’m curious if anyone else has noticed themselves building up characteristics of another type later in life (as opposed to during childhood)?

  3. I’ve been hoping Carol would profile these two actors! LOVE them and The Sound of Music! I’m curious to know Christopher Plummer’s secondary type….

  4. I have to comment on the doodling thing – I never used to doodle. Never crossed my mind. One day, during a faculty meeting, I noticed many people around me doodling and I thought, “Maybe I should learn how to doodle. It looks like something they like doing. Maybe it will make this meeting less boring.” (LOL) So I tried, in my stilted T4 way, to doodle. I felt such pressure to doodle, like everyone else! My t1 friend had such fun doodles – creatures, silly faces. I tried to imitate her doodling myself! Another friend doodled triangles – rows and rows of triangles, almost like Zendoodles. I tried that. Flowery vines with leaves, – did that, too. When I realized that T4 don’t doodle, I was so relieved! I didn’t have to doodle. There was nothing wrong with me if I just wrote notes, or jotted ideas on the page instead of doodling! Hurray!!!

  5. I’m not sure how relevant one particular trait–such as the way we doodle–is in determining our type. It would be the overall pattern that would count. Since we have all four types in us in varying degrees, having one or two traits from a tertiary or quaternary, I would think, would not be unexpected. Behavior is largely learned.

  6. I have a brother who is so strongly t4, I honestly cannot figure out his secondary. When I showed him the info on types, he did identify with t4, but it’s hard to see any other secondary influence, or conversely, I could see a case for any of the other types as a secondary, none stand out. He is textbook t4–like when you read or watch the profiling info, he is all of that perfectly. I suppose he just has a really good sense of himself and has grown to be very strong in his personal expression.

  7. The question about whether you can successfully use facial profiling when someone is over weight made me wonder if it can work with someone who has had facial reconstruction surgery due to an accident. I would really love an answer for that. I would guess it would depend on the degree of the damage and reconstruction done. This is regarding someone I know and want to honor their type, but I’m not sure since their face and their movements don’t always coincide. Thank you!

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