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Type 4: What I Wish I Knew When I Started Dressing Your Truth

There is a learning curve to Dressing Your Truth! The learning curve is not in understanding the basic program of the 5 elements of Dressing Your Truth; the curve is learning “your way” within DYT. How to listen to your beauty sixth sense and bring your style together in a way that truly expresses you, true to your Type.

To help you move through that learning curve with more grace and ease, I asked each of the Dressing Your Truth Experts to share “what they wish they knew when they started Dressing Your Truth.” Share in a comment what you wish you had known and what you loved learning from your Type 4 Experts. -Carol

1. When you started Dressing Your Truth, what aspect of dressing true to your nature was most challenging? Looking back, what kind of advice would you give to someone in the same situation?

  • Kalista: Hair was my biggest challenge and learning curve. At that time, my hair was very long, several inches below my waist. I always got a lot of attention and compliments from it. To begin styling my hair in sleek styles, or pulling it all back into what felt like “severe” looks was uncomfortable and made me feel exposed. I didn’t really get the right cut for a couple of years. If I could go back, I would encourage myself to see that beauty was so much more than just hair; beauty was the me beneath my long locks.
  • Sheryl: It wasn’t challenging for me. It was a breath of fresh air, and I instantly felt at home with Dressing Your Truth. I realize it’s not that way for everyone, so I suggest choosing your most Type 4 outfit and go as close to 100% as possible including hair, makeup, and accessories – and then wear it in a safe environment. See how it feels and then add one outfit/environment at a time.
  • Deborah: The most difficult aspect of dressing true to my nature was building my new Type 4 wardrobe. I had a tight budget to work with, but of course I wanted everything to be perfect right from the beginning. I just didn’t feel right wearing items I knew weren’t Type 4. It took 1-2 years for me to get a good, working Type 4 wardrobe. If you’re able to completely replace your wardrobe right off, great! But most of us need to be patient and build at a practical pace. My advice would be to start with the basics, buy from the Dressing Your Truth Type 4 store, and use the StyleInspire.

2. What aspect of dressing true to your nature was most exciting or came most naturally?

  • Kalista: I love the bold colors! I jumped in head first with gusto. It was so much fun to search out vividly colored patterns and prints. I have never looked back or “missed my brown.”
  • Sheryl: Wearing clean lines. Ahhhhh. . .
  • Deborah: It was so exciting for me to wear an item or a color that I had never worn before. There were times I actually gasped looking at myself in the mirror because I was surprised at how good I looked. It just confirmed that I was a Type 4 and how amazing Dressing Your Truth is!

3. What advice would you give to a Type 4 woman who is just getting started in her Dressing Your Truth journey?

  • Kalista: Give yourself time to let it sink in and digest—but not too much time. Don’t overthink it. Trust the process. You too look amazing, just like the ladies that you see in the Transformations. Go for it, head to toe.
  • Sheryl: Be open-minded to all aspects of the program. In other words, throw out all you thought you knew before such as, “I can’t wear green.” Breathe and give yourself a chance to explore the wonderful possibilities!
  • Deborah: Enjoy and be patient with your journey! Take the course a couple of times to really grasp all the information. Expand your knowledge and get inspiration by joining Lifestyle and the Type 4 Facebook group.

4. What advice would you give to a woman who has been dressing her truth for a while now, 2+ years? How can she continue to develop and expand her style? What has helped you continue to develop your style over the years?

  • Kalista: The personalization comes with getting in tune with your “Beauty Sixth Sense,” and also letting your Secondary Type flavor your style. Try new things; you never know until you try it!
  • Sheryl: I like to watch the latest fashions, see what’s new, and then add Type 4 clothing or shoes to my collection. One example at the moment is chunky block heels. I love them! I like to change my accessories: handbags, shoes, jewelry, and scarves. To get out of a rut, I shop with others who give me suggestions of clothing within my Type that I wouldn’t normally try.
  • Deborah: Learning how to appropriately bring in your Secondary helps you to fine tune your own look. Don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment. But remember: always wear the colors and metals for your primary Type. And continue with Lifestyle. After over seven years of Dressing Your Truth, I still learn from our Lifestyle content!

Extra resources to support your Dressing Your Truth journey:

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