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How to Hold Your Own: Type Talk with Carol

How can a Type 2 stay calm when she’s around a Type 3’s intense reactions?

What about a Type 3 who falls back on her secondary Type 2 energy when she’s nervous or insecure?

How do you know when to listen to the advice of others or when to follow your heart?

In other words: how can you hold your own?

In this Type Talk with Carol, we dive into the deep meanings behind our behavior, fears, and struggles. But first we have a Celebrity Facial Profiling Lesson of two famous singers!

Watch the full recording to hear which vocalist was originally Typed as a 4 and why this correction has been made.

Our community sent in wonderful questions for Carol. Here are just a few that were answered during the hour:

  • I’m a Type 1, and ever since I was little, I’ve had a lot of anger, especially toward my parents. How do I release this?
  • As a Type 3, I’m emotionally connected to the world, not physically. Did I get it mixed up?
  • I’m a Type 2 and my family members are Types 1 and 3. How can I honor my need for a calm environment?
  • Can you be a Type 4 without clear skin? I have a lot of age spots.
  • What’s going on when a Type 2 is feisty, independent, and passionate?
  • What can a Type 1 do about struggling with structure?
  • What if you’re a Type 4 who doesn’t like structure either?
  • And even more!

We close with a intentional exercise about how to have the best summer of your life. Think of this as a creation exercise to help you determine what you want these warm months to become. What are the words that represent what you want to create? Share with us in the comments below.

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

Additional healing sessions and resources:

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  1. I got teary when Carol and Anne talked so openly about resolving their own times of dissonance when T3 intensity and T2 sensitivity clash. So honest and loving! Amazing teachings in their unique history of life before LYT and with LYT. Great encouragement to us all communicating better and taking responsibility for our part in shifting harmful patterns.

  2. Thank you for these! I thought I had been losing it because I always thought Selene was a 3. YEAH! I was right on the Andrea as well. LOVE my mermaid eyeliner!

  3. Thank you so much for answering my question, Carol! I’m the type 2 with the high energy T1 & T3 family. I never even realized I was asking how they could change to accommodate me until you pointed it out. Thank you for reminding me that I am responsible for taking care of my own needs and it is ok to excuse myself to go to a space that is more calming to decompress.

  4. Carol thank you for mentioning the zodiac and how your husband’s type and sign add a dimension to the overall picture!

  5. Celine Dion! I know she was profiled as a T4 before, and I thought huh, she seemed to have a lot of energy for a T4. I remember seeing a photo of her in black clothes in the funerals she attended and I thought that the black was aging her, that as a T4 its not supposed to be doing that. Now, I googled images of Celine Dion, and yes, the black clothes show up on her the same way black clothes are on T3s, harsh. And the gold dresses with her hair make her look alive and vibrant. I thought she looked very like the lady who works at DYT (Jen, I believe is her name). That would be the same energy combination too, T3/2. 🙂 Celebrities can be misleading sometimes I find, for me, mostly because they have this professional persona of how they want people to see them in public. This was a wonderful Type Talk, Thankyou.

    1. Haha- when I told Anne I was updating Celine Dion’s Type, I also said she looks like Jen!

      1. Thank you for retyping Celine Dion! I had requested this through e-mail when Celine’s husband died and haven’t seen this update until now (just rejoined lifestyle for my birthday). Always thought she looked better in gold and her movements when performing are so type 3. 🙂

  6. Thank you for the conversation about type 3 outbursts, especially in mother-daughter dynamics. My mother is a type 3 who grew up in a large family with an abusive father, which taught her to be similarly explosive. As the youngest and only girl in my family, I felt anxious all the time. Then in my early teens my oldest brother was killed in a car accident and it changed my mom. She was understandably withdrawn for a while, and I didn’t have much structure through those years. Later she became my go to person as I started my family, I leaned on her for so much! I learned that I had to forgive both her and myself in order to move forward, she did the best she knew how and it was on me to change my own patterns. I struggled with which type I am but finally settled on T2. I misjudged some of my learned behaviors and responses as type 3 but ultimately I think those experiences show me more clearly how I type 2 I am! I could write a book here but let me just wrap up with a heart felt thank you for sharing your information!

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience Lauren. You nailed it – forgiveness and accountability are so important when healing wounded relationships. Thank you for your example! And welcome to Type 2 land! 🙂

  7. Catching up on these videos. Carol, I do love the curlier look of your glad you shared. You look fabulous and I love the green shades on you. Very earthy. Learned so much. Appreciate you and Anne being so sincere with your mother/daughter info. My mom is a T3 and has been brutally naughty lately. This has caused me to be off kilter, but I signed up again with Live Your Truth. You are a wise woman. Thank you isn’t even enough.

  8. I just want to say thank you so much for answering my question (it was the very first one). This is exactly what I need to do, and I recognized immediately that what you were saying was true. I am now choosing to stand up for what is right for me, while still honoring my parents completely in their role. Thanks for reminding me that I am the creator of my world- I have the power and can choose to experience whatever I want. I’m now choosing harmony in my relationships. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  9. Couldn’t choose a type for quite a while. Daughter said I was a 1. I watched the video where face mapping was done on Jaleah, Anne, Sarah and Kalista…..then AGAIN began watching the Free Before and After Course. Of all things…when I saw the pictures of Amelia Earhart, it was close to looking in a mirror. We had the same look. I just had to laugh. We aren’t a total exact match, but after that I was able to map my face correctly and HURRAY! I am a Type 3 without any more doubts. Am so happy and “flying” 2 feet off the ground. Thank you, Carol!

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