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3 Questions About Frizzy Hair, Answered

“What do I do about my frizzy hair?”

Frizz is a universal concern! Even women with straighter hair struggle with it.

Regardless of whether your hair is straight or curly, there are solutions.

If your frizz is getting the best of you, don’t stress!

A strand of hair is made of several layers. Imagine the outermost layer–it looks like shingles on a roof.

When those shingles are laying flat, the hair is shiny and smooth. However, when the shingles are raised, this is frizz. The hair is wild and somewhat unmanageable when the shingles are raised.

3 frizz questions and answers:

1. What causes frizz?

Simply put, frizz.

Overworking or touching your hair too much also causes it.

This means moving anything through your hair too much will cause frizz.

Some solutions: after getting out of the shower, don’t towel dry your hair. Instead, blot it dry with a t-shirt or a soft towel. Be careful to not be too rough handling your hair.

Brushing your hair when it’s dry will also cause frizz. So brush or comb your hair in the shower with a wide-tooth comb.

2. How do I tame my frizz?

Just like our skin needs constant moisture, so does our hair.

Frizz often comes hand in hand with curly hair.

This is because curly hair needs extra moisturizing. I would suggest you condition your curly hair every time you wash it. If that doesn’t work, use a deep conditioner at least once a week.

Frizz usually manifests as static when it shows up in straight hair. Your prescription for this is a conditioner! There are some styling products that will help tame frizz, but to fix the problem, start with conditioning your hair.

Another way to keep moisture in your hair is to use a cleansing conditioner rather than a shampoo.

Shampoo usually includes sulfates among its ingredients. Sulfates cleanse your hair, but they also strip out natural oils produced by your skin. Those natural oils are incredibly important and keep your hair naturally moisturized.

It’s ideal to cleanse your hair and also leave your natural oils. This is possible with a cleansing conditioner, as it’s more gentle on your hair.

Other culprits of frizz are over-processing your hair with chemical relaxers or perms. Alcohol-based gels and sprays also add dryness to your hair, which invites frizz.

3. If moisture helps prevent frizz, why does humidity make my hair more frizzy?

Because your hair strands are more dry than the air so the moisture in the air goes into your hair immediately and your hair doesn’t match the water density in the air.

The outermost layer of the hair, the shingles, open up because the hair swells from the additional water. This creates frizz.

Your prescription again is to condition and moisturize your hair! This will help your hair in humid and dry climates.

You are going to be able to manage your hair so easily now!

Try using these products to manage frizzy hair:
Cleansing Conditioner
Hair Repair
Any Deep Conditioner


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