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What Would You’ve Done Differently When Starting DYT? Lifestyle Coaching Call

Expert Q&A with Liz & Jenny

What do you need help with? Want insights on how to live more true to your Energy Type?

Imagine sitting down with two of the Dressing Your Truth Experts and asking them your most pressing Dressing Your Truth/Energy Profiling questions. That’s what we did! In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, our DYT Experts, Liz and Jenny were here to answer your live questions and give insight from their 8+ years of experience with Dressing Your Truth and Energy Profiling.

Have you ever wondered how Liz and Jenny learned about Carol and DYT? Hear the stories of how they came to be your DYT Type Experts (00:33). And what they would go back and do differently when they began Dressing Your Truth (9:33).

They also share their favorite DYT lip products (5:30) and why these are perfect for their Yin-Yang Energy Combo.

The Live Q&A begins at 15:53. Some of the questions we answered are:

  • (15:53) Tips for time management for Type 2/1?
  • (22:07) Do you have any recommendations for eyeshadow colors for green eyes?
  • (24:47) What is one way you support your Yin, since you are both triple Yin’s?
  • (27:58) How do you each bring your secondary into your looks – which elements do you typically go to your secondary on?
  • (30:53) What is one tip you would give each Type on getting exercise/fitness into each day or week?
  • (36:53) What would you recommend for someone who is still determining their Type?

What question helped you the most? Share in a comment below.

Quick links from the topics in the broadcast:

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