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Which of The 12 Type Variations Are You?

How Your Secondary Influences Your Type's Energy

Let’s look closer at the commonalities and differences between each of the dominant/secondary Type combos.

Now that you know your dominant energy Type you recognize the qualities that make you your Type. Yet, as you have learned in The Yin/Yang Line-Up of All 12 Energy Type Combos, some variables are created in your natural movement when you combine your dominant Type energy with your secondary energy. Not all Type 1, 2, 3, and 4s are the same. The influence of your secondary energy creates your variation of Type!

I invited my three Dressing Your Truth Experts in each Type to join me for a chat on the couch to see how they are the same and what makes them different, according to their secondary energy. Watch the video for your Type to see how your compare.

I know you will find our conversation insightful as we chat about the following topics and more:

Type 1

In The Child Whisperer, I refer to the Type 1 child as the “fun-loving child” who connects to the world socially. How does your secondary nature influence this social quality?

  • (4:58) There is a myth that Type 1s are the “life of the party”, let’s bust that myth and what Type 1 extrovert movement really looks like.
  • (5:56) Type 1/4. To “people” or “not to people”. And why you might be more “JOMO” than “FOMO. (Do you know what this means? I didn’t!)
  • (6:38) Type 1/3. How this highest energy movement loves to pack her schedule, but still needs to retreat to rejuvenate.
  • (7:47) Type 1/2. Why taking time to think and plan could save you from feeling “pushed” too hard.
  • (8:50) Your tone of voice and hand shape show your secondary too!
  • (12:30) How your Style Keywords can also be Life Keywords as they express both your style and personality. Jaleah shares how her S4 grounds her. Jeny says that her S3 drives her desire to learn and produce. While Stephanie’s S2 allows her to flow gracefully to new and exciting experiences!

Type 2

In The Child Whisperer, I refer to the Type 2 child as the “sensitive child” who connects to the world emotionally. (3:29) Confirm why your feelings are your most powerful tool for knowing what is correct for you.

  • (3:52) Type 2/1. Knowing how to keep it light, and when to disconnect can help you flow more smoothly.
  • (3:52) Type 2/3. You go deeper with your planning and can move through those plans quicker, but knowing when it’s getting too heavy, or when there are too many details will keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
  • (5:56) Type 2/4. It’s all about the big picture, but if you also plan in open space you can flow more easily and help those around you feel more at ease too.
  • (16:42) Your tone of voice, hand shape, and skin show your subtle secondary differences too.
  • (17:44) How your Style Keywords can also be Life Keywords as they express both your style and personality. Jenny’s S1 adds movement and animation to light flow. Anne’s S3 helps her experience adventure and action. Shayna’s S4 allows her to express herself with boldness.

Type 3

In The Child Whisperer, I refer to the Type 3 child as the “determined” who connects to the world physically. How does your secondary nature influence this determined physical quality?

  • (1:02) What does that look like for Anna K’s work, Sarah’s family activities, and my daily routines?
  • (7:00) How your Style Keywords can also be Life Keywords as they express both your style and personality. How does my S4 structure my dynamic energy? Find out why Sarah’s S2 helps her create connections with her big-hearted tenderness. Do you keep it light and fun as Anna K does with her S1 friendliness?
  • (14:48) What’s the biggest misunderstanding in the social quality of our extrovert movement, and what does it really look like?

Type 4

In The Child Whisperer, I refer to the Type 4 child as the “more serious” who connects to the world intellectually. How does your secondary nature influence this thoughtful analytical quality?

  • (:34) What does that look like for Kalista in thinking before feeling? Liz shares that she does this when reflecting on the bigger picture first. You may use it to gain clarity before moving forward like Deborah.
  • (4:02) Don’t take yourself out with this possible tendency. Use it to influence vs. control.
  • (7:51) How your Style Keywords can also be Life Keywords as they express both your style and personality. (My 2+1 formula will help you identify your own style keywords.) Does your S1 help you to be more flexible and light as it does for Kalista? Liz’s S2 allows her to flow with change, and create comfort for herself and others. Do you feel that way too? Deborah shares that her S3 enables her to think out of the box and see things from new angles. Have you found this to be true for yourself also?
  • (17:15) Your tone of voice and hand shape show your secondary too.

Remember, you will always lead with your dominant Type’s energy. Knowing your secondary energy adds variety to your expression of your Type.

What secondary do you relate to? Share in a comment an aha you had while watching.

More support for confidently knowing your secondary Type:

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